

  • Path of Analysis
  • Path of Animation
  • Path of Astral Wandering
  • Path of Beast-mastery
  • Path of Chaos Swilrs
  • Path of Cold
  • Path of Control
  • Path of Countering
  • Path of Creations
  • Path of Crafting
  • Path of Curses
  • Path of Darkness
  • Path of Detection
  • Path of Disease
  • Path of Dissolve
  • Path of Disguise
  • Path of Divinity
  • Path of Earth
  • Path of Enhancement
  • Path of Enlightenment
  • Path of Fire
  • Path of Hand Weaving
  • Path of Healing
  • Path of Herbs
  • Path of Illusions
  • Path of Intuition
  • Path of Water
  • Path of Weather
  • Path of Wind
  • Path of Light
  • Path of Magic Language
  • Path of Movement
  • Path of Muting
  • Path of Nature
  • Path of Origins
  • Path of Poison
  • Path of Protection
  • Path of Purification
  • Path of Repulsion
  • Path of Resistance
  • Path of Runes
  • Path of Shielding
  • Path of Shifting
  • Path of Spirits
  • Path of Summons
  • Path of Telekinesis
  • Path of Telepathy
  • Path of Tracking
  • Path of Weather


“In the shadows of enormous Trees, something with fading heartbeats, laid on the ground. Sensing its fading emissions she picked it up, and with sparkling glimpses multicolored strands wrapped up around her arm. She touched her temples, sobbed loudly, and changed.”

Skjald Sejrik



The substance of our world, its essence of shaped and named mana, is shared by all things, living and dead, organic and inanimate. It’s a floating sea with more or less continuous and volatile threads, with a sophisticated pattern that mortals normally cannot comprehend.

Despite this, some individuals of n-erectus, archaic, and human origin learn to become one with it. Realising that there are ways to influence the patterns of this shape-bound mana sea. This ephemeral strength allows them to reshape reality by using true names and hand-weaving certain patterns to set existence in motion.

As one becomes anchored in one of the magic wheel's aura colours, the opposing side becomes increasingly difficult to view, study, cope with, and learn. In fact, every magic school teaches that the magic wheel’s exact opposite should be left alone—sort of forbidden lore. Because it has the potential to taint one’s lessons.

Skjald Sigurd



Arguably the oldest of the magic realms, as unlinked mana without aim, purpose, or thought, leaked into the void and created things. When this began is unknown, but it was before the beginning of what the elder divines call the Dark Ages.

Skjald Vinotis



At times, the mana sea’s controlled energies appear to crystalize in the form of shards of solid matter tinged in its realm color. These shards, which do not have truenames, can be utilized as ingredients in modifying or constructing reality, as well as in alchemy to improve crafters objects, and items. There are six in the Realm of Essence:


Colour: Red

Gender: Male

Stat: Constitution

Gods: KaganthiWultarSejr


Colour: Pink

Gender: Female

Stat: Quickness

Gods: NertiluHalvioLamuro


Colour: Violet

Gender: Male

Stat: Strength

Gods: Zazkar, Relagin, Begur


Colour: Blue

Gender: Female

Stat: Dexterity

Gods: Bylgi, MurfBorrom


Colour: Cyan

Gender: Male

Stat: Presence

Gods: MumraAvandiiFlokil


Colour: Green

Gender: Female

Stat: Empathy

Gods: BabuslaOstrimRebun


Colour: Chaos (Rainbow) – Crystalized

Gender: Both

Stat: All

Gods: All


Colour: Chaos (Rainbow) – Living

Gender: Both

Stat: All

Gods: All

Skjald Ulrich



A mana manipulator grounded on essence cannot and should not meddle with the energies of yellow or orange gods.

Skjald El Mary

Last Updated on 2024-07-27 by IoM-Christian