


From slender to muscular.

Height: (cm)

Females: 170-190

Males: 175-195

Weight: (kg)

Females: 60-80

Males: 65-90

Lifespan: (year)

Females: 140-185

Males: 150-175


Pale yellowish.


Brownish to Black, few white.


Any shade.



  • Coastal
  • Desert
  • Grassland
  • Highlander
  • Mariner
  • Nobility
  • Urban
  • Walder




“The Boriac disliked how secluded their first offspring were. Thus, they breeded with Archaic; Cromi, and their 2nd offspring, the Borji, now walks.”

Skjald Ulrich


The Borji—a people whose urban soul dances amidst the busy marketplaces, intellectual halls, and Cities—remain”as testaments to their creativity. Their lives are inextricably linked to the rhythms of trade, the quest for knowledge, and the echoes of a once-mighty empire. Within their domain, the Borji represent urban sophistication, knowledge, and a heritage that has left an unmistakable imprint.

The Borji’s presence is felt inside the bounds of settlements, towns, and cities as they weave their lives into the fabric of civilization. Farmlands spread outward, matching their potential to create an agricultural oasis in busy metropolitan settings. Livestock thrives among the urban expansion; their existence is a reminder of the Borji’s peace with the soil. The marketplaces, booths, and docks are buzzing with activity, with each transaction a tribute to the clever bargaining that is woven into their entire culture.

The Borji thrive as Scholars in their pursuit of knowledge, their desire for understanding building routes across time. Their intellectual zeal distinguishes them; their quest for knowledge is comparable to a river that runs through centuries. Their intellectual character bridges the present and the past, and their quest for academic achievement echoes through the years, serving as a beacon of light in World's history.

The Borji, who originated in what is now the South-western stretch of Midgard, carry the heritage of an empire that stood as a testimony to their power. However, they were put to the test by vampires, Tatongol, Wanderers, and fierce battles to establish dynasties within their own Bands, Clans, Tribes, and Hordes. The shifting tides of power finally skewed the balance, and their dominion crumbled. Their once-thriving farmlands were converted into grazing areas for the Tatongol cattle. A transformation that has resulted in a shift in their existence, demonstrating their ability to adapt and evolve in the face of change. The Borji’s presence is felt across a spectrum of urban life, having organised themselves in Hamlets, villages, and cities. As people choose to weave their lives into the fabric of a community or to pursue knowledge in isolation, their unity and variety create a tapestry of life.

Their abilities go beyond academics, expressing themselves in their vocations as Farmers, Workers, and Warriors. When assembled in large numbers, the Borji’s proficiency as warriors is unrivalled, reflecting their commitment to preserving their way of life. Their interest in Languages indicates their desire to comprehend the larger world, as some people of their culture take the time to acquire Nimzaxian, High-Arlinean, and Vularian, languages that represent their links and interactions with worlds beyond their own.

In a world where echoes of the past resonate with the present, where bustling cities and scholarly halls create an intricate melody, the Borji stride forth—a symphony of urban sophistication, scholarship, and resilience. With every step they take, the very streets seem to vibrate, a testament to their ability to balance the pursuit of knowledge with the rhythms of everyday life, for they are the embodiment of commerce, academia, and a legacy that continues to shape the world.

Skjald El Mary



They are the 9th oldest Indigenous group, descended from the Boriac and Archaic Cromi. This second Boriac progeny, while having a significantly shorter lifetime, is encouraged to explore and invent more than its half-race relatives.

It only took a few generations for their half-race cousins to drift away from the myths and ceremonies of their ancestral races. But, unlike others, they were proud people who rarely married or bred with individuals of other races. To be termed pure Borji, one must have both ancestral lines to their forefathers. They have inherited the Boriac’s thirst for knowledge and learning, as well as an advantage in terms of invention and exploration. It was just a few generations until people had gone from living in nature, through tiny villages and towns built on agriculture, to cities with trade, craftsmanship, and inventive research as their foundation.

According to their chronicles, they started in what is now known as Scia and proliferated within a thousand years to control the majority of Scia. With a solid foundation, they quickly extended north-west into Etain and north-east into Ladris. They rolled through these territories, and a few millennia later, they had pressed up through Trov and out into Fril. At their apex, they ruled over all of south-west and south-central Midgard. They no longer have sole control of the lands, although their presence is felt in various locations.

Skjald Sigurd


Dark Ages – The first Band

They grew up proud and curious in one of the ‘Gardens at The Void, raised by Archaic. Always eager to investigate what they came across when hunting or migrating, they eventually left their archaic birthplace and sought out new things to explore. They were called the ‘People of the Flames’ because they were always carrying embers or torches. They spent decades travelling without ever naming any camp their home, but that was about to change.

Skjald Valgrif


Winds of the Four Peaks

3200–2697 Mt. Taia, Mt. Huanga, Mt. Huaa, and Mt. Henga the Four Corner Peaks. The first Flame Lord documented, Yan Hangang, commanded the Void Camp as it settled at what would become Borji’s first home.

As their camp became so vast that they had to go off for other hunting regions throughout the Void, his sons and grandsons came to control different Void bands. Hangyu Yan, his eldest son, led a big band towards a faint radiance in 3126. As a result, the ‘Flame’ designation was dropped and the Red Wind Band was formed. His youngest, Myaga Yan, led a troop far to the east in 3111, where they discovered huge fields of Flora nurtured by Wickeryadi—and””so the Green Wind Band was born. In 2996, his middle child, a female called Yan Minghai, became the original camp leader, adopting her brothers’ idea and calling themselves the White Wind Band.

Yan Tinmei, Hangyu’s daughter, took over as commander of the Red Winds in 3019. Kanki Yan took over as head of the Green Winds in 3008. Yan Minghai’s three sons, Langa Yan, Maraga Yan, and Mizua Yan, took over as heads of the Blue (3001), Yellow (2997), and Violet (2994) Winds, respectively. In 2887, the White Winds leadershop was given to their younger sister, Yan Gamai.

In 2796, Yan Tinmei’s eldest son, Juang Yan, became the leader of the Red Winds, and his little brother, Kiaxi Yan, led the new Orange Winds out of their camp. The following year, in 2795, the three sons of Kanki Yan, Xipian Yan, Ghanka Yan, and Kalan Yan broke up and led the Blue, Cyan, and Pink Winds from their Green Winds Camp. So in 2750, at least nine great Borji Winds, praising various Gods, a relatively new group of Divine Races that had begun wandering among the Races, were sweeping across the Voids Gardens, and their numbers kept growing.

After almost 3 millennia, more than 20 generations of Borji and other Humans, as well as a growing number of N-Erectus, had grown to innumerable camps and bands spread throughout The Void. The Gods joined the older Divines plan for a tremendous adjustment, and they formed our World.

Skjald Vinotis


First Age – The growing Mankind

The Borji were pushed onto what is now Midgard as the Divine Races remade their ‘Gardens into our world. The Borji recovered soon and resumed their explorations and colonies under the light of the Sun and Moon. Perhaps it was the crisscrossing that caused the Divine Races to transform the Void Gardens into our world, unexpectedly thrusting camps and bands onto the world’s carpet. Regardless, the Borji, like other races, had expanded to such size and activity that this time became known as the ‘Age of Camps,’ or the ‘Age of Bands,’ as they continued the practice of breaking up and journeying forth. Interfering with Tatongōl and N-Erectus at times, producing tension or violent conflicts.

But since they were many, strong-willed, and continuously worshipping the gods, they gained ground wherever they went. ‘ The winds blew fiercely, and the gods delighted.

1–478 The Eight Great Winds, as well as many lesser ones, relocated to Southeastern Midgard and formed a network of commerce with N-Erectus. But as commerce expanded and riches concentrated in the hands of a few clan leaders, conflicts rose, ultimately overshadowing all else among the Borji.

478 Tensions that had built over time to venomous jealousy and downright hatred spilled into conflict. Some believe it was fed by gods and foes of the Borji, but regardless, a war between the Wind Clans erupted, splitting the land apart and eradicating countless clans and villages.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


The Four Kings

836 Because the fight had lasted several hundred years, many clans had been lost and forgotten. People began to cluster behind great leaders in the hopes of finding a single one capable of uniting all clans. Thus, Ying ya Shushin, the renowned warrior-chieftain, became the first of the Four Kings, unifying all Eastern bands, clans, and tribes.

In 839, Ghangu Khi, a terrifying warlord of the North, strengthened his attempts to unify his neighbours under his crown after learning of the triumph of Ying ya Shushin and became the second of the Four Kings.

842 Knowing what was to come, Iara Mixha of the Western Clans persuaded his neighbours to band together under one banner and thus became the third of the Four Kings.

846 Yi Himin Yan, one of the Southern Clan chiefs and a direct grandson of Yan Hangang, convinced and compelled neighbouring Clans to join under his authority as the fourth of the Four Kings.

888 The War of the Four Kings erupted after a period of fortifying their fortifications and attempting to negotiate diplomatic agreements concerning frontiers, trading routes, and taxation. Ghangu Khi was the first to lose allies and suffer defeat and public beheading. The next to capitulate was Ying ya Shushin, who was banished. Then, in a fight, Yi Himin Yan miscalculated his strength and position and died during the following rout. Iara Mixha therefore became the first leader of the people of ‘Four Winds.

925 Ginha Iara, Iara Mixha’s daughter, became the Four Winds People’s second leader and married Yin Yan, Yi Himin Yan’s son. The Borji experienced a time of calm under their leadership. They established connections with the N'Aldaans. and sent envoys to their court.

Skjald Sejrik


The Three Borji Shores

1249: The Emperor decided to strengthen their Naldar presence, which was discussed with Borji envoys and diplomats already there. As a result, they began to send craftsmen, labourers, and young, daring couples to establish a permanent colony.

1281 Because the attempt to get a foothold on Naldar had been successful, their attention was drawn to the Camp of Exiled Borji at West Fjella. Shushin Yaming, the eldest daughter of Ying Ya Shushin, received a posthumous pardon for her father and clan, as well as an oral communication about the Borji scheme. Accepting it, she saw a massive amount of Resource heading her way, and she visioned vengeance.

1416 Xi Yipin He, the son of Yan and Ginha, was the first emperor of a Borji empire that covered three islands. Both he and his sons continued to maintain their colonies, making them valuable trading centres and cultural exchange ports while also attempting to increase their size and local importance.

1673 In order to seize self-control, the Naldar Borji urged detaching from their Midgard cradle. Eager to see Borji power dwindle, the N’Aldaan backed them up with a promise of naval help, and links to the Borji Empire were severed. The rebels even approached Shushin Ninhao, Shushin Yaming’s daughter, in West Fjella. But, as a result of their own conspiracy, she had no intention of joining the Naldar Borji and remained loyal to the mainland Borji, notifying them of the coming revolt.

The Emperor pondered using force to retake control of the Borji colony at Naldar, but the Empire had just experienced floods and draughts. As a result, domestic stability was compromised, and he decided it was imprudent to risk conflict with the N’Aldaan. As a result, the colony was allowed to detach, but a considerable number of spies, agents, and loyalists were dispatched in the years that followed.

In 2094, the Borji Empire was ravaged by a horrific plague that killed more than half of the Borji people. Towns and cities deteriorated into ghostly centres, and their economies and military strength declined.

2407 The Borji communities on West Fjella were assaulted, and those attempting to flee were pursued and slaughtered by West Fjella Indigenous and Naldar troops. Only a few fortresses managed to endure the heinous bloodshed, and despairing pledges were conveyed to their Emperor.

2418 saw a massive army sail to West Fjella, then sweep inland and destroy anything that wasn’t Borji. Then it attacked big cities deep within the borders, telling the few leaders who remained alive that this was only the tip of the Empire’s fist. As a result of the people’s reluctance to endure another blow of Borji winds, West Fjella saw the revival of its Borji colony.

As they sailed away from West Fjella, they tried to use the great army’s presence to reunite with the lost Naldar colony. However, when they approached Naldar’s shores, a massive storm raged, and the majority of the fleet perished. The remainder dispersed back to Midgard’s harbours.

Skjald Sigurd


The Ughuz Feud and the Tatongol Hunt

2941 Since the attacks on West Fjella and Naldar, the Empire’s grip over the rural people in the Eastern regions has been slightly weakened. Borji had widely intermarried with Tatongōl, resulting in the Ughuz breed. After half a millennium, the Ughuz, with the Borji mind for academics and the Tatongol temper and thirst for freedom, rose against the Borji beliefs. The Ughuz Feud erupted as a result of this, and the greatest Borji force ever deployed was sent to exterminate the half-Borji rebels. Despite stronger Ughuz artillery, firearms, and explosives, their march and murder were unstoppable. Forced eastward, the Ughuz built up a Tatongol refugee wave in front of them, eventually forcing them to detour northeast as they approached Midgard’s eastern shores. There they eventually migrated through the mountains into Staria, losing their pursuers in the process. As the Borji cleared the fields of Ughuz, many farmlands grew overgrown, and Tatongol utilised several communities, towns, and cities as temporary camps.

3385: Borji’s attempts to repopulate ancient Ughuz camps with their expanding excess failed because the Tatongol had gotten used to utilising them as camps. The Emperor resolved to act harshly in order to re-establish Borji in their old centres. As a result, the Tatongol Hunt began, resulting in decades of bloodshed, sorrow, and terror as they rounded up and butchered Tatongols, who reacted with equal brutality. During these turbulent years, a few Ughuz were able to manoeuvre themselves across time, as they were able to sweeten the ears and soften the hands of those who stood at their gates or doors. But Ughuz never again regained control of central Midgard.

Skjald Valgrif


The Demise of the White Winds

3948 After a long time, the Borji Camp Bands had grown into strong clans and Tribes in large cities. And as such, they dominated the land until, all of a sudden, not only Tatongol and Ogryl smashed doors and gates in quick raids, but Divine Races, N-Erectus, and Humans from far distances arrived inquiring, fighting, and dying. They were on the lookout for a new sort of entity: vampires.

An entity resembling Ljost Alfar came to the White Winds Camp in the fall. Incredible skill, incredible strength, and divine beauty. Due to White Wind conventions, their leader was Yan Pirilla, a stunning girl who fell in love with the stranger. Her clan, a committed and loyal one, followed her into the deep, murky embrace of her vampire lover—and out of history’s light.

Skjald Ulrich


The 1st Cataclysm

Then, far away, the sky darkened beyond all recognition, colours blazed on the horizon, and the ground trembled. The earth fractured, fields soared to mountain heights, and hills fell, forming lakes and rivers. Some were terrified, almost to madness, and most sacrificed to the gods. Even the Sun and Moon blinked and swayed.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Second age

1-12 The world began to recover from the devastating disaster. New mountains gradually stopped collapsing, meadows and agricultural fields stopped sinking, and the Borji began to acclimatise to the new Sun and Moon paths. In addition to the changed climate and energy fluxes, The only thing that generated increasing concern was the finding of blood-drained bodies.

22 people finally had enough of ‘Fangs of the White Wind’ and started ‘The Vampire Purge. They scoured communities and nature alike, going door to door, gate to gate, and grave to tomb. And there are legends of vampires being discovered and epic confrontations, very few of which resulted in vampires being bested and slain, but the majority of which resulted in vampire hunters or entire clans being massacred by a single vampire—such was their might. However, it did result in a decrease in corpse discoveries, to the point that vampires are now assumed to be extinct by the general public.

Skjald Sigurd


The Dwarves, of two realms

33 During one of these purging expeditions to Mt. Marlü's roughlands, foothills, and deep black mountainside fissures, the Borji came face to face with a race they had never seen before in their Void or World travels. Shorter but wider, with more muscular legs, arms, and bodies than Archaic Neander. Long, wild hair, beards and moustaches, bushy brows, and deep, rumbling voices. Large muscular hands with thick, powerful fingers gripping rudimentary axes, hammers, and clubs. They had come upon several Dwarves from the 8th House. Both parties, intrigued about the other, exchanged fundamental peace, friendliness, and inquiry gestures. The Borji gang soon arrived in the Dwäru Plateau, where they encountered Brimbôer Bartōmūk, the first monarch of the 8th Dwarven House. The three Clan members that met Dwarves for the first time became great friends of the 8th House throughout time. One of them, the Hingza Clan, was likewise successful in befriending the Northern Dwarves they encountered, but three years later

36 groups from two different clans pursued what they thought were White Winds clan members into the northern frontiers. Way up, where no Borji had ever lived, on routes no Borji had ever travelled. Trackers discovered Moss'Ari markings, then Fautyr markings, and then some they had never seen before. As a result, they summoned the others, and when members of the Hingza Clan noticed the tracks, they began to argue internally. They then asserted that the footprints were most likely Dwarves tracks since they matched descriptions from Hingza Clansmen in the south. They described what Dwarves were and how valuable it may be to make contact. As a result, they all diverted from their prey to follow the Dwarven footprints.

The paths led them to Mt. Pitor, which is now located on the borders of Fogwald, Sarova, and Uhmzel. They came across a tiny Dwarven fortress and went up to the gate. They knocked loudly, and the Hingza chieftain murmured something bizarre with a peculiar heavy accent. A few seconds later, the gate opened, and Pitorël Manzüwix, a scholarly-looking Dwarves , looked slackingly at the humans who had spoken in the Dwarves language.

It didn’t take long for the Borji group to be chewing bread, gulping ale, and conversing with their hosts, who happened to be the Dwarwen House Herolds 1st Master, while studying any texts they had come across during their scouting and foraging excursions into the countryside. As a result, the Hingza Clan was able to connect two Dwarven holdings and contribute to the establishment of the first Dwarves Holdings link.

213 The Borji Empire was rebuilt by Shushin Minyao, a descendant of Ying ya Shushin, from the now severely strained colony at Naldar. Rode into the imperial capital on a windhorse stallion. Her reign as Empress was followed by a purge of descendants of those who had bested and outed her forefather, garnering her the moniker “The Red Empress.” She also improved the Empirial Palace by putting in a Mana Manipulator academy. Soon after, one for ‘Hand Weaving‘ and then one for ‘Void Weaving‘ were built.

638: The last of the Shushin Dynasty died childless, and the Ung’s, an old aristocratic clan, seized power. Their rule was primarily concerned with eliminating all remnants of Shushin and her clan’s supporters. As a result, they didn’t detect the Miyang’s daring machinations until it was too late, and the Ung’s ended with their body parts hanging across the capital walls. This time of bloated court intrigues progressively disintegrated the empire from within, without the people enduring the consequences of war.

1493 saw the end of the bloated period when Marogi Yan secured the title of Emperor by marrying a distant relative, Kinha Taiymin, thereby uniting two clans with historic royal ancestry.

In 1497, Marogi and Taiymin had twins, a boy named Fuxi Yan and a girl named Yan Mindao. They were extraordinarily gifted and well-known mana manipulators from a young age. In 1545, Fuxi married his sister Mindao, and they undertook a series of victories to join all the recalcitrant Borji camps, clans, and tribes. They delved into Void Weaving and Arcane Weaving to construct animated ‘clay children’ since they believed their marriage would not produce children. A large army of clay warriors that, while being produced from open-air sacrifices to the Gods, were completely faithful to their masters. Their state expanded fast as a result of this core force, magic talents, and excellent administration utilising Quipu.

In 1600, 55 years into their reign as the Yellow Emperor and Empress, a miracle they would soon curse occurred when they had their own son, Zhuanxu Yan. Zhuanxu, a nearly divine infant, learned to loathe magic, despite mastering it, because it was the only thing that could harm him. So, in 1625, he uruped his parents owing to their ‘witchcraft’, which he named Mana Manipulating.

He forbade all others from practicing it and destroyed every Magic Path description, Truename Tome, and Mana Manipulator discovered it as soon as he had learned its secrets. As a result, the Yellow Emperor rose to become a legendary human figure who mastered all 8 Magic Realms. After 20 years, the Yellow Emperor had become a folk hero among his subjects. Within the Yellow Emperor’s Cult, he was envisioned as a man with no legs but a snake’s body and the head of a dragon (tortoise) horse.

1645 Once again, all Borji Winds were centralised, and the only threats to the Borji were ‘The Five Barbarians: N’aldaan to the West, Tatongol to the East, Ogryl to the South, the Neander and Moss’Ari living within their Empire, and N-Erectus like the Fautyr, with whom they had an increasing number of skirmishes.

1806: Zhuanxu Yan’s health weakened in the spring of 1806, and the 205-year-old Emperor died, leaving the crown to his sons (1660–1790), sons (1709–1801), and son, Emperor Dia Kua (1754–1872).

1872: Zhi Kinkin (1848–1844), Dia Kua’s uncle’s son, became Emperor but was mentally ill, and his terror rule ended when he was poisoned.

1876 When Zhi Kinkin died, his son, Yao Kinkin, was just eight years old, and the court spent two years studying him and debating whether he should be Emperor. However, because he displayed neither lunacy nor geniality, he was finally anointed, relieving mounting tensions between groups.

1887 Emperor Yao married an older cousin this year and had two daughters. Despite his warm heart, he was a pretty weak Emperor who relied on The Four Mountains, four counsellors. Internally, these were continuously strifed. Yao Kinkin’s daughter, Kinkin Nimia, was born in 1892. Yao Kinkin’s daughter, Kinkin Dangiy, was born in 1894.

In 1906, Yao Kinkin was on his own when a massive flood struck, leaving rotting crops and dejected people. As a result, he turned to Stioff Shuni, an engineer of Ughuz origin who cleverly created dams and canals, diverted supplies and assistance, and avoided another plague. When the Emperor named Stioff as Minister of State, Head of the Treasury, and Yellow General of the Army, he was overjoyed.

In 1908, Stioff Shuni replaced The Four Mountains with The Four Peaks, controlled the majority of the court through bribery, and had the army generals under his control two years later. As a result, he had Yao Kinkin imprisoned due to claims of insanity and forced-married Yao Kinkin’s daughters, Kinkin Nimia (18) and Kinkin Dangiy (16).

1911 Yu Kinkin was born to Kinkin Dangiy, outshining everyone and recalling the “Yellow Emperor.” When he was old enough to handle weapons, he started training and quickly excelled—a natural talent that his professors applauded. He excelled not just in martial skills but also in cerebral arts, mana manipulation, and boldness.

1926 His mother and aunt were by the Emperor’s side during a big feast attended by hundreds of guests. Yu was asked to do a well-known performance glorifying his father’s genius during the floods, but he refused, instead arguing that he should instead perform one comparing his father to Zhuanxu Yan, the Yellow Emperor. Even Stioff Shuni smiled, but his smile froze as Yu suddenly leaped forward, drove his helbard, ‘Green Jade Dragon, deep through the Emperor’s armoured chest, and said, “Now die, you thieving Ughuz scum, and may you and yours forever be gone.” Then he twisted the helbard and heaved up, splitting Stioff’s skull in half. “Now obey my orders or you’ll be swept like straw,” he shouted at the royal guard.

The Royal Guard dispatched the Four Peaks and other Borji spies, agents, and traitors rapidly. This bold act earned him the nickname ‘Yu the Great,’ as it returned Borji to Borji. But his Ughuz blood troubled him, and he vanished in 1932.

Kinkin Nimia married a Borji prince in 1933, and Xia Kinkin was born. With him came a 553-year-old dynasty that bore the title of Emperor.

Skjald El Mary


The Monster Hunts

In 2043, 111 years had gone since ‘Yu the Great’ vanished, and great turmoil swept through the land of Borji. The event became known as “The Monster Purge.” The Borji Empire had fallen into disarray following the mysterious disappearance of the emperor and his legendary weapon, the “Green Jade Dragon.”

Rampant monsters of all kinds began to plague the empire’s territories, spreading fear and chaos among its people. From the mountains to the forests, these creatures terrorised villages, destroyed crops, and disrupted trade routes. The once-prosperous Borji realm was on the brink of collapse. Desperate to restore order, the Borji leaders and warriors assembled to embark on a series of monster hunts. They were led by Tun Szhou, a renowned general known for his unmatched combat skills and unwavering loyalty to the empire. Tun Szhou had risen from humble beginnings, earning his place in the annals of history as one of Borji’s greatest heroes. The hunts were perilous and gruelling, as the Borji forces faced a variety of monstrous adversaries. Fierce fire-breathing elementars, cunning shape-shifting spirits, and colossal wild beasts tested the mettle of the Borji warriors. Yet, the people rallied behind Szhou’s leadership, fighting not only for their survival but for the honour of their empire.

Amidst the chaos, whispers spread that the monsters’ uprising was somehow connected to the vanished Emperor Yu and his Green Jade Dragon. Legend had it that the emperor possessed a weapon of immense power, capable of controlling and subduing even the mightiest of creatures. Some believed that the disappearance of the emperor had unleashed the monsters, as if they were seeking to reclaim the land for their own. In the final confrontation, Tun Szhou faced a fearsome Dragon, its scales glinting like emerald gems. With his people watching the combat, he wielded “The Yellow Jade Tongue,” his personal jade-hilted sword gifted to him by Emperor Xia Kinkin, as they set out for the hunts. It was a superb sword that had been passed down through the ancestors. The battle was fierce, and Szhou’s strength and determination were put to the ultimate test. As the battle raged on, Szhou managed to plunge the Yellow Jade Tongue into the heart of the dragon, piercing its tough hide and vanquishing the beast. The land trembled as the monster’s life force faded away. With the dragon’s defeat, the other monsters, sensing the loss of their leader, retreated into the shadows.

2045, the people of Borji rejoiced, and Tun Szhou emerged as a true hero. The Borji Empire began its slow process of recovery, rebuilding villages and restoring order to the land. While the mysteries surrounding Emperor Yu’s disappearance and the Green Jade Dragon remained unsolved, the story of the Monster Purge and Tun Szhou’s heroic feats lived on as a testament to the Borji people’s resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

2476 With the death of Empress Kinkin Imaxin in her childbed, hardly a month after her husband’s fatal hunting accident, Kinkin’s rule ended, and the title was skillfully held by Hanan Shiang of the Shiang Dynasty until 3120.

3120–3196 It was a turbulent time, with various factions fighting for the crown.

Skjald Sejrik


The resiliant Zhouz

3196 The year of the legendary commander Khanga Zhouz was marked by achievements and good fortune. He gently but steadily unified all of the Borji empire’s clans, tribes, and hordes.

3222 Khanga gathered people into a Second Vampire Purge; it was a brilliant move that made him stand out even more, despite the terrible cleansing cost. Hundreds of their finest died in the fierce fights that erupted. But they managed to slay the following vampires: the 2nd generation: Yan Pirilla; the 3rd generation: Yome Juxza; the 4th generation: Gingin Waqmeo; the 5th generation: Xipia Nanamei; the 7th generation: Kindao Meiling; the 8th generation: Wafiq Quatafa; the 9th generation: Laqxi Xiya.

3450 Around this time, the Zhouz Dynasty’s important families began to fracture, the empire began to fall, and ‘The 100 States’ arose from the ashes.

3471 As many western Zhouz clans fell or crumbled to nearly nothing, the Eastern Zhouz vowed to maintain their greatness. As a result, the Zhouz Dynasty clans of the empire’s southeastern region endured. As a result, the areas were unified against the western unrest until 3896, when eastern Zhouz ultimately disintegrated.

3761 As the empire crumbled and the Zhouz centralised fist lost its strength, the Six Great States emerged to dominance and strove to gain territory, money, and power in whatever way they could.

3839 As the eastern Zhouz began to fall, boundaries between the Six Great States and the East Zhouz became frontiers, and the Six Kings emerged as important forces, causing chaos throughout the regions.

3896 East Zhouz ultimately succumbed to blatant violence and joined the conflict, bringing the total to seven Great State Kings.

4034 The Qing Clan declared victory after multiple massive conflicts. With their Qing Dynasty, they reestablished the empire.

4040 The mighty but easily duped Qing managed to name their leader Emperor for just six years. Then the Hana Dynasty seized power in a well-planned coup and ruled it until 4233.

4233 A heavy drought destroyed crops, sparking a revolution. The Borji empire was thrown into such upheaval that The Crossing went ignored.

Skjald Sigurd


Third Age – Wanderers

25 Surprisingly, it was The Crossing and its Wanderers who helped the Hana Dynasty revive and regain power for a while. Because it was the Wanderers’ commitments for land or excursions that brought the Borji back together.

358 When the Miuan Dynasty rose to power, Tatongol-style clothes and headwear dominated the socially low military soldier class. However, Miuan started to promote archery and horseback riding, and many Tatongol were drafted into Miuan military duty. They also established the Embroidered Gloves, a covert police force. However, in 987, they were deposed by an embroidered general of the Shunz Clan, Licheng Shunz.

1001 The Shunz Dynasty was far too brutal. They finally had enough, and the Borji revolved. As Licheng Schunz’s Empire crumbled, he ordered the slaughter of the whole Miuan Clan before setting fire to the Holy Palace, burning innumerable state files. When he attempted to escape, he was apprehended, beaten, loaded upon a catapult, and catapulted into the blazing castle.

Skjald Yell’A’Beard


The Three Kingdoms Within

In 1002, the Empire was split into three great kingdoms: Weborji, Sourji, and Easti… which remained divided for thousands of years.

4286 When people raised their heads to look at the sky in the Southeast and heard a distant rumbling, ancient stories sprang to mind… the sky darkened in the distance, followed by a rainbow of colours flashing…. the earth started to quake, bend, buckle, and split. Buildings and trees toppled, mountainsides shattered, and rivers erupted… the Deep Blue Tsunami struck the southern coastlines the next day, flushing things with its polluted waves after a night of dread, tears, and dreams.

Skjald Kazumix


Fourth Age

1 If the Borji were dissatisfied with the Wanderers, they were horrified by the tsunami’s aftermath. Their very own ancestors were suddenly walking among them again as it gave birth to the Arisen. However, their appearance sparked some efforts to rejoin the Borji kingdom.

Skjald El Mary


1st Borji Arisen Tomb King

3 The land of Borji was still reeling from the aftermath of the Deep Blue Tsunami that had ravaged its shores. Among the affected regions was a once-magnificent palace that had served as the seat of power for generations of Borji emperors. The palace had crumbled, its grand halls reduced to ruins, and its chambers submerged beneath the salty waters. Within the depths of these submerged chambers lay an ancient Borji ruler entombed, its body preserved by the sea’s cold embrace. This ruler, Yi Himin Yan, born in the 808 First Age, had been a powerful and ambitious king during his mortal life of but 80 years; his name is now forgotten but preserved in the annals of history. As the waters receded, an eerie aura surrounded his remains, and a faint pulse of unnatural energy stirred within. In the dead of night, a pale glow emanated from the ruins of the palace. The earth quivered, and the sound of footsteps echoed through the stillness. Slowly, like a wraith emerging from the darkness, the once-mighty emperor arose from his watery tomb. His eyes, now vacant and glinting with an otherworldly light, surveyed the world anew.

Yi Himin Yan’s name had long been forgotten; after all, it had been 11790 years since his death, but the power he held in life had not faded. His presence drew the attention of former servants, and the Arisen King’s presence spread like wildfire. It was said that he possessed an aura of command and that his voice could bend the will of those who heard it. Thus, many followers began to gather around him, and he reclaimed his kingdom from the ruins, using his presence to awe and fear the people of Borji. Some saw him as a divine figure returning to guide them, while others whispered of arcane magic and the Void. The truth lay somewhere in between, as the once-proud ruler grappled with the strange new existence he now inhabited.

Under the Arisen King’s leadership, they began to rebuild. The ruins of the palace were transformed into a seat of power once more, albeit different from its former glory. The King’s followers were Arisen themselves, and his will was their command. His decrees were spoken with an air of authority that brooked no dissent. However, as time passed, rumours spread of rituals performed in the hidden chambers of the palace and of shadowy figures who served him on the nights of no oon. The truth behind these tales was shrouded in mystery, and many were torn between admiration and suspicion. Regardless of the doubts that lingered, the king’s reign continued and entered an era unlike any other. The legacy of this enigmatic ruler would cast a long shadow over the land, shaping its future in ways that even the most foresighted could not predict. The tale of the first Arisen King of Borji, a descendant of ancient emperors, was one of power, intrigue, and the delicate balance between life and death.

Skjald Vinotis


The Palace War

46 Sourji and Easti had lost most of their coastal possessions, while the Tatongol population had grown inland. Nonetheless, some of their provinces seceded and joined the Jino Dynasty’s rebuilt empire. Jino leaders concentrated a great deal of power in the hands of their administration, and in order to counteract power accumulation and avoid heridity passings, they began to deploy enucs. This transfer of authority from local rulers to centralised bureaucrats generated tensions that the enucs exploited, resulting in the Jino Dynasty’s downfall in 420.

581 The Suiu Dynasty succeeded in gaining and relinquishing power to the Enucs in 583.

588 Dissatisfied with the way the administrative Enucs had seized control of everything, the Thangu mounted a brilliant, bloodless coup. which they acquired a lot of clan support at court and in the countryside in the coming struggles.

590: The Enuchs attempted to retake power with the help of Wanderers, Tatongol, and, bizarrely, Fautyr. And anarchy broke out among the Borjis.

605 With the Thangu triumphant, the Borji army demonstrated its true power once more. Quickly, the Empire was up and running smoothly, and power was divided amongst state and local officials. And many former high-ranking employees are mysteriously gone.

Skjald Valgrif


1st Borji Arisen Lich Priestking

606 The land of Borji bore witness to a sinister event that would forever alter the course of history. Deep within the heart of a forbidden forest, a powerful sorcerer known as Xian Long stood before a pool of tainted waters. The waters had been touched by the malevolent energies of the Deep Blue Tsunami, and their blended aura whispered promises of forbidden knowledge and unspeakable power. Xian Long was a man driven by a thirst for power that knew no bounds. He had spent his life delving into the arcane arts, mastering the intricacies of spells and incantations that few dared to explore. But his ambition was insatiable, and he hungered for more. The tales of the Arisen Kings had reached his ears, and he coveted their immortality and their ability to defy death itself.

With a heart consumed by hunger for power, Xian Long performed a ritual that combined hand weaving, void weaving, and the most forbidded of arcane magic. The incantations echoed through the forest, the very air crackling with an unnatural energy. As he chanted, the pool of tainted water began to ripple, its surface shimmering with malevolent power. With a final, thunderous incantation, Xian Long plunged himself into the pool of tainted water. The waters surged and swirled around him, wrapping him in their colourful embrace. His body contorted, wracked with pain, as the energies of the Deep Blue Tsunami seeped into his very being. The waters seemed to drain the life from him, replacing it with something older and far more powerful.

As Xian Long emerged from the pool, his eyes glowed with an eerie light, and his skin bore the pallor of death. He had achieved his goal: he had become an Arisen, a being of immortality and dark power. But the cost had been high. The life that once coursed through his veins had been replaced by a hunger for souls and a thirst for dominion. Using his newfound abilities, Xian Long began to raise the corpses that littered the forest around him. With a mere gesture, the lifeless forms stirred, their vacant eyes now filled with a twisted semblance of purpose. The Lich Priestking’s commands echoed through the air, and the Arisen obeyed, constructing a fortress of bone and decay that would serve as his domain. With his Arisen forces at his command, Xian Long’s influence spread like a shadow, encroaching upon the surrounding lands. Villages and settlements fell under his sway, their inhabitants becoming his unwitting subjects in his quest for power. His reign was marked by fear and despair as the living cowered beneath the might of the Arisen.

The tale of Xian Long, the mighty Lich Priestking who had traded his humanity for immortality, would be whispered in hushed tones across the lands of Borji. It served as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of wielding arcane magic.

748: The Jurichiin tribes declared their independence from their Borji and Tatongol forebears.

916: The Thangu suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of the Lihao Dynasty, which ruled until their eventual collapse in 1125.

1115: The Jinxi Dynasty launched their first raids against Lihao, who succumbed in 1125, letting Jinxi maintain control until 1234.

1169 As a result, emissaries of the 1st alliance contacted the Jinxi Clans first. However, countless other clans were approached in the years that followed, including Quingo, who also had plans of their own to unfold.

1234: The Quingo Clans rose to power among the Borji, and in their zeal to restore their empire, they saw the 1st Alliance, the Realm, and a Wanderer High King as only stepping stones. They publicly backed the Realm while also plotting “an Ughuz cure” for the High King and the other Wanderers.

1250: The Realm became a reality, and Grimsborg, the new capital of the Empire of Empires, was erected on top of the ancient Ughuz camp. Why is still unknown, but it was a slap in the face to some.

1277: The Great Invasion caused so much disruption that an Ughuz named Xinhia Hiao sparked what would become a Borji rebellion against their own clan hierarchy and social structure.

1278 The Jurichiin nomad tribes assembled to repel the Invaders and called themselves after the mighty Mangchiu. The Quingo Dynasty was defeated by invaders and, like most others, disintegrated.

1280 Xinhia Hiao had amassed such a large following that he dared to proclaim himself ‘Primus Minister of the restored Borji Empire.

1282 Many Borji Clans, though not all; some attribute it to Grimsborg’s positioning, while others attribute it to their assistance in overthrowing the Jinxi Dynasty, joined the Cleansing Crusade.

1283 In the final crusader assembly, when it was disbanded and the High King resigned, most refusers delivered lengthy handwriggling speeches. The most startling incident, however, was when former Emperor Yu Kinkin, now a Borji Arisen of 3022 years old, made his way past the gathering Arisen. He was allowed to pass all the way up to the High King and other leaders because of his previous status and grim appearance. After a deep bow to the High King, commanders, and other crusaders, he approached Xinhia Hiao. “I thought we made it clear that Borji’s throne is for Borji to fill, and our crown is for Borji to wear,” he snarled. Then he seized Xinhia Hiao’s head, ripped it off, and chest-kicked the trembling corpse down the cliff. He then turned around, and as he passed a far older Arisen, Yi Himin Yan, Yi slightly nodded his head in homeage. Yu returned the nod and, with a smile, walked away with the Ughuz head underarm.

Skjald Sejrik



They are spread throughout the following Isles. and countries

Midgard: Ascal, Etain, FlaumFridorFrilLadrisSciaSloviitTrov

Naldar: Jabos, Karoly

West Fjella: Oglan

Skjald Ulrich



They are an urbanised population that lives in villages, farmsteads, towns, and cities. In temples and academies, students study nature, spirits, and the flow of mana. Their small communities, which are frequently inhabited by many clans, are commanded by a single governor, to whom all officially submit. All governors are loyal to their Emperor if one is able to earn the title.

They focus on building their kingdom. Even when numerous dynasties rose and fell, their empire’s capital was looted, and their influence decreased, their pursuit was maintained. It runs in their veins.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Some claim that 77 high-ranking Borji officials of the High Kings Court were plotting the Realm’s demise. Their names are said to be on an encrypted list that can only be read with ‘The Jade Eyes, which were looted during the Great Invasion. Many parties are now interested in this artefact.

Skjald Sejrik


Last Updated on 2024-05-28 by IoM-Christian