Ze Muff
“Legend says he once had his head cut off, but simply put it right back on and bested his enemies.”
Born in Sloviit as the youngest son of a father who worked as a gravedigger and a mother who sowed for the other families in the town, Their family had not much to give their eight children but an early ticket to a working life. I first saw him, albeit only briefly, when he was a lad. A former Skald was to be buried in their home town, and his father had prepared the grave. I remember noticing the kid, who looked right back as if he could feel me scrutinising him, and then vanished in the crowd. Only later did I find out that I could have interviewed him had I known he was the gravers son.
Skjald Ulrich
I recall the lad standing for hours staring at the construction of Grimsborg. As if he tried to fathom the entire palace and figure out every hallway, staircase, and room. I remember asking him his whereabouts and interest, and he told me he came from a small town in eastern Sloviit where the construction of Grimsborg had been the topic of everyone prior to him leaving it. I thought back then that the lad was well versed despite his age, but the day after we talked, he was gone.
Skjald Sejrik
Once at a meeting in Efron with the lords of Fur Oracles and Triad Traders I noticed him in the crowd of scholars aiding with the negotiations of some trade concessions. I recall thinking that it was impressive how many details he could remember and that I should try prying into if he would become a Skjald. And as I focused on him, I noticed he looked up and stared right at me with a smile. Then he left the meeting, and I had not seen him for several years.
Skjald Valgrif
I remember the fury of Nefius when the Holy Star Order called upon the Council of Light and the High King in order to secure their peninsula for themselves. A move forever sowing animosity between the order and the horde. And how his outrage became double when Bulls Order used the meeting to step forth and claim ownership of Muldum, the capital of Skium. A petition was led by none other than Ze Muff, who had become the archpriest of the order.
Skjald Yell'a'beard
Is capable of the most powerful of all outbursts of all Human.
Skjald Yell'a'beard
Last Updated on 2024-02-11 by IoM-Christian