From slim to muscular
Females: 190-195
Males: 195-200
Females: 70-85
Males: 80-95
Females; 700
Males: 700
Reddish golden to beige
Brown, black, grey
Sacred Groves:
- Adamant Oak
- Beastscent
- Bloodleaf
- Brightbog
- Cyanamai
- Darkthorn
- Deepearthen
- Duskfog
- Dustsand
- Enlightened Birch
- Etherspring
- Ferti-Fronlily
- Fourstream
- Gewiland
- Hiddenrift
- Hoheipe
- Icecleft
- Jadeberry
- Kinzukaf
- Lossluri Fern
- Lustrous Light
- Marbleclover
- Moonblossom
- Moonroot
- Mossbark
- Nightshade
- Radiant Leak
- Sharpleaf
- Shimmersilver Cleft
- Slumbering Aspen
- Softswirl
- Sunlichen
- Thursi-Rime
- Tranquillian
- Uhumbral
- Warmwood
- Wickerbranch
- Wickerground
- Wonderwillow
- Zilberslope
“Youngest of the Races with whom the Archaic sired Human tribes. They are claimed to be half T'Aurs and Drakk Alfar.”
The Fautyr are semi-human beings, with the upper body and head of a human and goat-like legs and horns. males have tails similar to horsetails, and the females are similar to cowtails. Males generally tend to have goat-like horns, and females grow none. Males have erect pointy ears like their Drakk Alfar ancestors, yet females have cow-like ears. Males tend to gain early baldness but fond beards, whereas females tend to keep their hair through life while they grow no beards. Females also have broader hips than males, and generally only get one child at a time.
The Fautyr are skilled shape-shifters, able to take on different forms as needed for survival or disguise. They are known for their affinity with wildlife and their mastery of herbalism and potion-making.
Skjald El Mary
They were born after the Kobold, as their legend tells of their birth into the world of “Masters of Machinery, the thick-skinned Kobold siblings of…” It’s unknown who they refer to, but their dislike for Kobolds sprang early, since they mention them thus that early. And, speaking of early, back in the elden days, they sired the Utarik with the Archaic Heidel, and with the Archaic Neander they sired the Tatongol.
Multiplying, spreading, and merely enjoying the evolution mana leaks birthed, the Fautyr mostly spent time dancing in their moonlit groves and glades. At some point, a clan of Padurians joined their revels and shared tales of astravel journeys, while Fautyr flutes echoed in void clearings, inviting the Padurians to lose themselves in void dreams. The Padurians embraced the mood, and their openness made the Fautyr teach the Padurians how to read the rustling leaves—the language of Wickeryadi.
Time passed, and the Fautyr encountered another human race, the Clovincaz, at an Void Garden to which both were magically drawn. Enjoying each other’s company, the Clovincaz scholar Ghâtaxi Loqmâq began writing down all the lore he learnt from the Fautyr, Drakk Alfar, Wickeryadi, and more. A few tomes from Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s collection, the ‘Sea Songs of Wisdom’, reside at a Fautyr tribe in Skium, on Markeoy Isle. The Fautyr tribe treasures these tomes, with Truenames of aquatic species and Astral links, and they are crucial to Fautyr shamanistic practices.
Although some say it was to prevent destruction of all astral sites/gates, the reason is unclear to us. But they entered ‘The Astral Gate War’ against Clovincaz, splitting their age-old bonds.
Skjald Ulrich
However, due to their short stature, T’Aurs really did not think that much of them, but their magic insight. Also, the Drakk Alfars were uncomfortable with their’short’ lifespan, as losing children, regardless of birth circumstances, hurt them. Thus, many Fautyr left the parents and lived alone in the forests, playing sad melancolic tunes on their flutes. I must add that they also have the most exquisite wine. In fact, I have a bottle in my backpack; hold on, and I’ll pour a glass.
Skjald Yell’a’Beard
First Age
The World Reforming shocked most of the Fautyr, and they saw this as the Divine Races putting themselves above the Astral and the Void. Some did though state that as Gods originated from Mana manifested in the Void, it could be seen as their right. Regardless of their philosophical division, they agreed that mortal races should not be allowed to impact the new world in the same way. As they in no way could claim the same rights.
So, as many old settlements were destroyed or damaged, the plenitude of mortals began to explore and harvest under the new lights above. Settlements became villages, towns, and cities. Castles, rest stops, roads, bridges, and harbours were built. Hundreds of small farms toppled forests and tamed wildernes to plant crops, and livestock grassed everywhere. As the growth seemed to never stop, the Fautyr began their own quests to limit the expansion of mortal races.
In several places, now known as various countries the Fautyr lived somewhat peacefully alongside all other races. But the Ortagui was too expansive for Fautyr taste, and they destroyed quite a lot of the Ortagui settlements and caravans. The Ortagui soon developed tactics against Fautyr warfare, and the Ortagui light cavalry became quite good at outmanouvering Fautyr attacks.
It was not only humans like the Ortagui, but as Moss'Ari and N-Erectus like Kobold, during the early centuries in Uhmzel spread into rough, wooded, and wildlands. Conflicts also build against them. Also, as the Padurian numbers swelled and their settlements grew outward and filled lands previously empty, Fautyr cut ties with their old friends, with strong warnings about spreading too far. The Goreans also spread across world wildlands, but the Goreans quickly adapted to Fautyr warfare, but unlike the Ortagui, they mirrored Fautyr style with a strategy of withdrawing from their settlements, showering foes with a rain of arrows.
In the year 2942, the Ughuz came across the mountains in the south. Swarming down and spreading out in the sparsely populated wildlands, the Fautyr of Starias plains welcomed the intruders with their usual approach—just to find out about Ughuz ‘firepipes’. Cannons and flametrhowers punched holes and fried fur quicker than anything experienced before. Complaining to the other Fautyrs from down south about the lack of information, their fautyr kin merely shrugged—as they had plenty on their own plates and had not foreseen Ughuz migrating north. Centuries later, in 3672, as Ughuz kept cutting down enormous forests to build cities and as firewood to their forges. Fautyr, Kobold, and Moss’Ari acted in common against Ughuz.
The Fautyrs of Staria were not the only ones to raise voices of concern at their meetings. The otherwise influental Fautyr at Naldar also had raised their concerns about other N-Erectus and humans succumbing to the ‘Gold fever’. The reason was that in 3621, the year after a Naldar, Arruto Cako, had found gold in Lioni and managed to secure a gold mine close to their sacred lands. The Fautyr of Lioni saw their demand of shutting down, met by support for continued excavation by all the other races in the Naldarian council. Downvoted, the Fautyr had to let Arruto keep his mine at the very border of their realm.
In 3915, as the Fautyrs realised the Ughuz had begun planning something large, most likely against Fautyr and other N-Erectus. A powerful and strange enemy cut deep into their shared lands. After consulting with Kobolds, Ughuz, and others—even a lesser God. The local Fautyr sent a large contingent to aid in an attempt to stop that enemy—all but the god were killed.
Grudges against Ughuz rested deep, and suspision that those lost in 3915 were due to Ughuz and that God’s plot, the Staria Fautyrs, readied a campaign against all Ughuz. Just as they were about to launch, the 1st Cataclysm broke out.
Skjald Sejrik
Second Age
The Vampire Wars resulted in the 1st Cataclysm, in which the south end of Ljostari broke off and sank beneath the sea. Thus, the Fautyr heaven of Niabolta Tio was destroyed.
Even though the soil now known as Sarova has always been highland with thin air, it has also been rich in raw materials such as minerals, metals, and game. So there’s always been an influx of miners and hunters, disturbing the few Archaic, Tatongōl, Kobold, Drakk Alfar, and Fautyr living there. But with the further raise of land in the 1st Cataclysm, the following decline in forests saw a decrease of Fautyr as well.
In 348–351, the Tatongōl used their Fautyr heritage to raid some Fautyr ancestral T’Aur sites. This made the fautyr join the T’aurs in the Tatongol Raids. At the following meeting, all Fautyr agreed to publicly denounce their ties to Tatongōl.
In 610, in the mountains between Urakita and Staria, the Enchanted Grove, a holy Fautyr natural reserve, was venerated as a haven for old magic. Sharing borders with Stonehold, an Ughuz stronghold led by King Brynjar 'the Earthforged' Jipchaz. Despite Brynjar normally managing to calm situations, the Ughuz cutting into Fautyr soil led to a rather large fight. It was, though, despite the bloodshed, solved by quick diplomacy.
In 630, the Fautyrs of the north were sucked into the Ortagui Dunelords War, resulting in many a Fautyr losing grove and life.
The Ughuzzan Empire’s formation in 630 also brought fears about the concentration of power to the Fautyr, and they observed the formation of the empire with caution.
In 1372, as they were constantly annoyed by Ortagui skirmishes and raids, the Fautyr, Moss’Ari, and Clovincaz gathered an army and attacked the eastern boundaries of the Ortagui realm. Much to their surprise, it was exactly what the Ortagui masterminds had hoped, as all their tribes quickly rallied behind the banner of the “Celestial Winds.”
In 1645, the Fautyr within the Borji Winds began to see increasing intrusions on their sacred sites, and they retaliated back alongside Neander and Moss’Ari allies.
Skjald Valgrif
Third Age
Fautyr, well knowing the Ughuz hated them and well integrated into the Naldar power circles, spanned the entire hoziron of relations with others. Was on uneven hoofs when the Wanderers appeared, especially as they arrived and began to spread at Ljostari. Three of their groves became endangered: between Klahaudir’s Ford and the seashores, at the edge of Mirtap Woods and Happem Ridge. Overlooking the river that flowed through Brabal Cracks, Magnaund Grove saw Wanderers settle close and cut into the woods. Qirertio Quartik Ko Grove in Mrakenwood to the east also saw Wanderers settle close and begin to tap into their area. And Aekso Vux Grove, at the swampy Phenduur Hills in the southwest, saw Wanderers arrive, dig canals, and build fortifications. This occurred everywhere the Wanderers landed, so the Fautyr came to fight them often.
Things slowly escalated during the third age; Fautyr retracted and became more secluded. Hardly participating in any external conflict. But, when Vular spirits from the Thesuvian Ruins attacked the Moss’Ari guardians, Fautyr surged to aid their ancient Moss’Ari friends.
Skjald Vinotis
Fourth Age
When Ljostari sank, many of the crafting lords, overlords, and grand lords died, but the T’Aur Overlord, Hraat Ön Hümgyl, managed to escape with a vast amount of Mawmen magic glass and the knowledge to work it. He took on 3 apprentices of Fautyr origin, Vuk Konok, Mik Juzax, and Nos Rexek, and a few Moss’ari, Kobold, Ljost Alfar, and Drakk Alfar. The Ljost Alfar, Droinmil Ulrotina, mentioned that two other apprentices were also taken, but she didn’t recall from what mortal races they came.
In 590, the Fautyr displayed cunning minds as they managed to impact the Borji society. At first aiding the Borji Enuchs, who attempted to retake power, they soon withdrew their support, releasing chaos and anarchy among the Borji. Using this mild collapse, they cleared a lot of remote Borji settlements and restored nature—as they call it.
In 724, Erdiga Simök became an Ortagui Lich Priest-King. His realm, Kza'noobo Kiznoll, caused dread amongst the neighbouring Fautyr. As he was uncontrollable, most Fautyr moved away.
Around 1050, in Noriag, House Blackthorn, respected for its strong ties with the semi-human community, saw Lady Isabella Blackthorn have a love affair with the Utyr-Atak Ols Thalnor. Over the years, their descendants carried a unique heritage, combining the traits and abilities of both races, making them unique individuals welcomed at both races.
In 1221, a half-Pigryn human noble named Swine-Bro had entered deep into the Forgotten Vale, led by Sun E’Lis. Sun E’lis is believed to be the oldest Fautyr alive, and when Swine Bro saved two young Fautyrs, Sun E’Lis allowed Swine-Bro to reside there for a while. Eventually Swine-Bro was granted commanding leaves and led a contingent of Fautyr.
Lady Elara Blackthorn, a leader of House Blackthorn, a family deeply connected to the Fautyr, was an ambassador for understanding and cooperation between the Fautyr and the human nobility.
When the First Alliance began to poke around, they also contacted Fautyrs, and Job Job Maelis Stormrider, a charismatic Fautyr leader, was seeking to secure territories rich in natural resources. So he supported the 1st Alliance strongly, using its collective strength to ensure Fautyr prosperity. Mia Astrid Stormrider, another charismatic and ambitious Fautyr chieftain, was also a strong supporter of The Realm, who also saw the alliance as an opportunity to expand Fautyr territories and secure resources for her tribe. She leveraged her influence to negotiate favourable terms for Fautyr autonomy within The Realm.
Had BlackOak known, he might have built elsewhere, but such are the energies of Earthnodes—they consume what gets near. So when, as the new High King, he began building Grimsborg, it was built way too close to the earthnode, held sacred by Fautyr and others. Resulting in several skirmishes, and the Fautyr eventually ending up as safeguards of the construction—were they tricked and the site deliberatly chosen by BlackOak. We have asked but received no answer. Anyway, the Fautyr participated in the High King crowning.
Skjald Sigurd
The Great Invasion
In Fogwald, some Fautyr, like Berg Gunnisson 'Swiftnick', a gullible Fautyr chieftain, was misled by the power-hungry Kobold noble, Araboc ‘Amberhide’ Lhelloc, who believed Kobold were the rightful rulers of Fogwald. Berg managed to rally other Fautyr chieftains to their cause, creating quite a situation. Thravraem Otanyxban, a wise T’Aurs opposing Araboc’s violence, secretly informed Sahsnot through Jocelyn “the Truthful” Marksall about the Fogwald plots. Were a rival Fautyr chieftain was trying to meddle in through another Fautyr, Ryul Balwarin, but as Berg’s faction set out to bring in Ryul, invaders swarmed the lands.
Fautyr was committed to peaceful coexistence with the Countrywide Council of Noriag. Especially House Moonshadow, had deep connections to the Fautyr and represented the interests of the semi-human race during negotiations. House Moonshadow’s warriors and scouts provided invaluable intelligence during The Great Invasion.
Another Fautyr oddity is the House Nightshade of Noriag. Associated with ancient knowledge and Arcane magic and of mixed heritage, with ancestry tracing back to Fautyr. Their members often exhibit a blend of physical and magical traits inherited from their ancestors. They helped during the Cleansing Crusade.
Lyria Moonshadow, a wise and mysterious Fautyr druid, was supporting the efforts of the Cleansing Crusade but also worked to protect and preserve the natural world, sometimes taking actions that conflicted with the goals of the crusaders.
Skjald Ulrich
Their groves are all across the World… heres the most known settlements…
At Markeoy, in central Obran… lies Slumbering Aspen Grove in the northern part of Flevoland Hills. In south central Braburg… north of Mt. Kranak.. in the Kraako Roughs… Moonroots Grove overlooks Lorobur Plains. At the northern side of Mt. Kiprixi… with a splendid view of Exicotas southern valleys… lies Wonderwillows Grove… at the southern side of Lilyro Valley.
Amidst the lakes of Findon… at Mulhallan Heights in central Ugren… lies Adamant Oaks Grove. In Andalus… just as Manhover River swings into Barren Valley… Lossluri Fern's Grove stands on the southern banks.
Mealis has only one known… in Burfal at Faqraz Plateau, lies Thursi-Rimes Grove.
At Utari, high up in Polycō Valley… lies Brightbogs Grove with its threefold stairs… leading down into Tamasni… and across the rims into Omoas and Bilza.
Naldar is enriched at Mt. Wikazou in Karoly… with the Nightshade Grove. And in Seviels northwestern mountains… lies Softswirl Grove.
Dalip holds a trio… in Golnys central rough forests… lies Enlightened Birch Grove deep within. In central Amaltas range of collapsed mountains… Darkthorns Grove stands strong. And Ryperns central northern roughlands… has Hoheipes Grove embedded deeep.
In West Fjellas Ogland… at the southern end of Lewalloq.. lies Moonblossoms Grove. In southern Apal… far out on the Nismyl peninsula… Tranquillian Grove dominates. At Clauns eastern end… in the foothills… are Deepearthen Grove. At the eastern shores of Renoea… lay Hiddenrift Grove.
At East Fjellas Tusla Lake Bagdev lies Radiant Leak Grove. In Pokalus north central rough lands… lies Sunlichen Grove. Rikainuks central highlands… are where Warmwood Grove stands tall. In Usais marshlands… Beastscents Grove stands strong. And in Tornix north of Milpex River… Circle Grove can be found.
In Midgard lives so many… at Hofranas mountains… Wickergrounds Grove. In Vangbal… at the central roughs… lie Etherspring Grove. In Åsodala… at Lomabi River… lie Fourstreams Grove. In Snaws south eastern roughs… holds Bloodleaf Grove. At the border of Gaslug and Hardang… lies Marbleclover Grove. In Mumak… overlooking the route to Gustuje… lie Dustsand Grove. In Puchaxa… north of Gmaga Lake… lie Jadeberry Grove. In Ladris… south of Mt. Haggada… lie Lustrous Light Grove. In Marakats wildlands… lies Mossbark Grove. In Oshon… close to Julmul… lie Shimmersilver Cleft Grove. In Etains northern heights… lie Wickerbranch Grove. In Fril… at Virpas Cleft… lie Duskfog Grove. In Ascals north eastern… lie Ferti-Fronlily Grove. In Bebram… north eastern mountains… lie Gewiland Grove. In Sloviits southeastern foothills… lie Sharpleaf Grove. In Flaum… north western mountains… lie Cyanamai Grove. In Falbur… north western… lie Xiliat Khtû Grove. And the mighty Fogwald is the home of five… Hightop Grove in north western foothills… Icecleft Grove in north central… Uhumbrals Grove in north eastern at River Oplavur north side… Kinzukaf Grove in the south east… and Zilberslope Grove up the south mountainside.
Skjald Kazumix
Fautyr’s Haven, located in a remote region of the woodlands. Fautyr’s Haven is a place of celebration and revelry, with vibrant festivals and dance performances that go on throughout the night. The Fautyr here are skilled in potion-making and often share their concoctions with visitors.
Whispering Glen, nestled within a dense and enchanting woodland. The Fautyrs here are known for their incredible musical talents. The Glen is filled with soft whispers and haunting melodies that enchant anyone who enters. The Fautyr of Whispering Glen are very aggressive and fiercely protective of their natural surroundings. They have a deep connection with the wilderness and are dedicated to preserving the pristine beauty of their homeland. The Whispering Glen is a dense woodland filled with ancient trees and mystical flora, and the Fautyr view it as their sacred duty to defend it from any intruders or encroachments.
In Zapri, on the eastern side, where the mountains run deep into the mainland, Ihmalizia Grove lies to the south.
In Mumak there once was a plenitude of Fautyr; now most are retracted deep into the wildernes. Most known are the Shimmering Fautyr, as described in the Fable of the Shimmering Fautyr, who lives in the heart of the Moss’ari forests. With its shimmering silver fur, it’s said to grant boons to those in need. Appearing only to those with pure hearts and noble intentions, travellers claim to have received wisdom and protection from its magical presence.
The people of Crystalmoor held a deep reverence for nature, and Fautyr had a strong presence in Crystalmoor, playing a vital role in safeguarding the natural balance and mystical energies of the region.
Fautyr’s Glade lies hidden amidst the marshlands, and with its shimmering waters and mystical atmosphere, it makes a place of wonder and magic.
In Egral, at the isle of Dybvad, northeast of Rimhaven, lies Mistwood Grove. Only a few non-Fautyr, like Lyra Whisperwind, are welcomed, and they are said to hold a great secret.
Skjald Vinotis
They either live alone or in small groups, in rough lands or foothills with forests, as they have a special fondness for forests. These forests, often dense and hard-to-reach areas, also hold the Fautyrs groves, rather large settlements with at least one sacred relic. Most sacred are those in Fogwald. Each of these groves has their own Utyr-Atak, who acts as their daily leader.
Those not residing within the sacred groves but living alone or in small groups generally support the nearest Utyr-Atak. But it’s not uncommon that they keep their loyalty to their origin of favoured Utyr-Atak, regardless of where they end up. Thus, a Grove can in fact have several factions within its embrace, resulting in their meetings having messsy debates. But in the end, they all stand behind the local Utyr-Ataks decision.
The Utyr-Ataks of an island have a council governing all matters of theirs, and all participate in their annual Utyr-Atakûla, where they decide about anything regarding their race’s interactions with others.
Skjald Sigurd
Allow me to elaborate on the illusionary Fautyr organisation of solitude. They often form families with other Fautyr and, at times, even with T’Aurs or Drakk Alfar as partners. In fact, it seems like many of those who broke off were trying to find an unknown grove and form their own so they could become Utyr-Ataks. Some of these settlements can be rather large, at times numbering several hundred or more.
And, I would like to add, it’s obvious they are linked to T’Aurs, as they often flock en masse to T’Aur banners, totems, and the sounds of Carnyx warhorns. Using their bows and spears to rain destruction upon enemies, while T’Aurs smash brutally into and through ranks. If not backing T’Aurs, they swarm and clean by themselves, and the sheer amount of attacking Fautyr is one of the major factors used to keep wild nature clean and march against settlers.
Skjald Valgrif
The well-known to most travellers and adventurers, Herd of Forgotten Vale are led by Sun E’lis, the oldest Fautyr who ever lived, is the only Herd known to have let a non-Fautyr lead one of their renowed Forest Spears regiments. The brave deeds performed by Swine-Bro, when a band of rag-tag settlers attempted to raid a Fautyr camp, created a bond of trust that led to Swine-Bro being granted the ‘Shoulder Leaves’ of a regiment commander.
Skjald El Mary
They can play… their flutes so stunningly… that listeners become mesmerised.
Skjald Kazumix
Last Updated on 2024-11-03 by IoM-Christian