




“Nicknamed ‘The Eastern Shore’, due to the vast ocean towards Outlands. One can here find the most daring Sailors and perceptive City Guards.”

Skjald Sigurd



Hundreds of lesser Markian tribes have through time inhabited the lands alongside many settlements and wandering flocks from N-Erectus. Slowly, these tribes either became Hordes, were soaked up by them, or became isolated tribes, resisting every attempt at trade and takeover. This led Markeoy to be one of the rare Isles where old pre Age of Hordes tribes exist side by side with modern-minded tribes.

This means that if one derails from paths or roads between settlements, towns, or cities and travels through the wilderness, One might suddenly face some rather unpleasant or upset individuals, angry over something a traveller could not know. Yet there are still some who do it, as they might be lucky and stumble over an individual, family, or tribe with rare, odd trade goods or Resource. Or themselves find a treasure spot to be harvested or inhabited. Thus, the roughlands and foothills of Obrand do see a lone strider or adventurous lot now and then.

Skjald Ulrich


It was not until 351 SA before the first of the Wanderers came to current-day Obran. But when they came, it was with ships down on the east side of the Star Peninsula. They anchored up in Lisil's Bay and founded the now abandoned Fort Lisil. Abandoned by living, that is, because when Ljostari sank and The Deep Blue tsunami swept their burial chambers, their dead became Arisen. They swept their former homes and claimed residence, so all living fled out and up to the three East Ocean harbour towns of Taillin, Tavluaan and Tirebool. The Bay refugees were welcomed by their brethren, and the towns swelled greatly. Actually, that and the Arisen protection were the reasons behind the strong defences, which ensured the citizens managed to fend off forces from The Great Invasion.

These Arisen are some of those that have stayed at their original place of rebirth instead of moving to Draugarien.

Skjald Valgrif


Up through time, Obran has produced agricultural wares in excess and exported those. They also have a large amount of wildlife, so meat, skin, fur, bone, and antlers come in plenty. Orwoll's Heights also adds to Obran’s overall income due to its rare Minerals.

Skjald Sejrik





As such, all tribes accepted the High King concept, as long as protection stood far above taxes in The Realm. But now it’s total chaos, as many of the former Hordes and tribes no longer exist. So almost every settlement tries to rule itself and exist in peace. But many a Nobility also tries to enhance their former glory.

Skjald Vinotis



You can get Combat Herbs everywhere.

Skjald El Mary

Last Updated on 2024-03-29 by IoM-Christian