


BORN: 29/4 1174 FA in Amrad

RACE: Realmar

REALM: Cyan Mentalism

AURA: Blue

HEIGHT: 191 cm





“One of the few non N'Aldaan to have shamed one of their leaders in public—and lived.”

Skjald Sigurd



Fourth Age

Born in Burg Skadis the old capital at the northern side of Mt. Amradi, the only son of a Goldsmith and a Engraver. Doodman grew up with a hint of the old times, despite the fact that the court, administration, and ancient libraries had been moved to Burg Radi in Nara Bay. A necessary move due to the constant raids from Naldar.

Skjald Sejrik


The childhood was spent as any other kid, giving him a good understanding of when fists where to land or a girl to smile. Yet his interests in the old ways are far greater than those of becoming another boy of the street. So at an early age, he began to read and write. Setting him apart from most, the lad seemingly had a natural talent, maybe due to seeing his parents spend countless hours focused on a precious item. With exceptional memory and being very skilled at math, he soon landed a good job as an assistant at the mayor’s office. As the months passed, he grew in skills and advanced in ranks, and in 1190, on his 16th birthday, he became an official in the city court.

A seat he held until the spring of 1191, when an exceptional large amount of the Yatarii Clan from Naldar attacked their town and laid siege to the castle. 7 months later, with winter approaching, their siege was unsuccessful, and with the armed forces of Amrad pounding at their flanks, the enemy left.

The town was razed to the ground, and as good as all the townsfolk were slaughtered or taken as thralls, Burg Skadis was abandoned.

Skjald Vinotis


His talents and recommendations from superiors led him to the capital court, where he became a member of the royal hall staff. Overseeing things was present and in order; it was his game. Yet his superiors also noted that he seemingly could remember as well as every single person he met and, almost to the tiniest detail, what it was about. So he slowly grew in position, careful not to outmanoeuvre but merely out-skill those he advanced past. And in 1212, he became one of the Herolds announcing names, titles, and occasions of visitors to the court.

A function he carried with glory up until 1243, when he had to announce the king of the Yatarii Clan. Not wanting to risk his peace negotiations with the Naldar by killing the brutal ruler who had cost his parents their lives. He resigned.

Skjald El Mary


I suspect Black Oak, Lionel or other of the powers behind The Realm might have played their part in Doodman resigning as well. But it’s not verified. What is verified is that Doodman left Amrad and was seen with as much goodness as everyone in the 1st Alliance up until the coronation of the High King in 1250. He became 2nd ranked in The Three Herolds, a title he held until 1264, when Sahsnot was appointed ceremony master, making the 1st rank vacant.

Doodman stayed in service along with the 3 High Kings until The Great Invasion hit Grimsborg in 1277, where he stood shoulder to shoulder with Gizmo when the Anurai swarmed the gates.

Skjald Vinotis



He survived the onslaught and now hunts foes on all of the islands.

Skjald Ulrich



Extremy skilled Mentalist

Skjald Sigurd


Last Updated on 2024-02-05 by IoM-Christian