

BORN: 28/9 1120 FA in Golny

RACE: Jomzaar

REALM: Cyan Mentalism

AURA: Blue

HEIGHT: 183 cm




Island of Piecao Governor



1120 born

1132 Revin razed


“Such a journey from commoner to highly praised, very few have taken; even fewer spiced it with downfall and another rise.”

Skjald Vinotis



Fourth Age

Lionel was born in the year 1120 in Golny, by a family living in Revin, a small town at the Bay of Golny northern shore. His father is a Jomzaar. Dyer and his mother, a N'Aldaan Weaver. With nine older siblings, they were considered one of the larger families in town. Family life—meals, tasks, and play—was always a crowded thing. And on the rare occasions where all the other siblings were working or away, there were neighbour kids to play with. All in all, life in Revin was joyful, and it was very rare that town officials walked the streets or the country’s armed forces passed by. People knew people, and law enforcement was strong and punishment harsh.

Skjald Valgrif


Lionel told me that in 1132, on the very day he was to become a man, the town ceremony was interrupted by the wounded town lawman riding into the square, bleeding from multiple wounds, with several arrows sticking out here and there. Only holding the reins with one remaining arm, he screamed, “N'Aldaan are attacking, run you fools—flee,” and then he turned back towards the gate. Every citizen began to panic; some grabbed their kids and ran for the jungle. Others ran into the sea, jumped boats and ships, and paddled away. Some stood frozen, stepping right, then left. He said he saw his father look at him, and as their eyes met, he saw an arrow hit his father as he pointed at the boats and then out at the island in the bay Maskurm. Lionel took this advice, ran swiftly to a boat, and swung himself aboard. Grabbing an oar, the man onboard was just about to throw him out, but instead yelled, “Okay, then row, row as never before, lad.”.

As they rowed, they could see flames erupt in the now distant Revin, and it was there that it dawned on Lionel. Laws meant nothing; anyone strong enough could merely take what they wanted and not care for the consequences.

Skjald Ulrich


He told me that after a few days passed… he persuaded two other kids to row back to Revin… back in town they saw the carnage a town razing brought along… everything was destroyed and everyone was killed or gone…

Oh, the horror of our ancestral piracy tendencies… they spent the day filling their boat… with the valuables they could scavenge from the ruins…

And as the armed forces of Golny approached to secure Revin, they sailed back to the Maskurm.

Skjald Kazumix


Lionel and his new friends used the valuables to buy one of the larger boats from an old, wounded captain. With it, they began sailing from Maskurm back to the peninsula in Golny, where Revin lay, then to Agion and back to Bay of Ishmirr on the south side of Maskurm. At first, it gave them food on the table. But in a few years, their steady route had attracted so many customers that their boat became too small, and they bought a ship. Lionel took charge of the new one and decided to sail in the opposite direction, meeting his friends whenever they arrived at their self-created harbour at the feet of Mt. Ishmirr. The business grew and grew, and they soon bought two more ships, making each of the trio full-blown captains on their own vessel and having special rings designed for the trio. They also altered the route so all was clockwise, but with departures each week. The boat was then used solely to sail special hasty trips for goods and customers.

In 1170, just as Lionel’s ship was about to anchor, their boat came up aside from it, and the captain told of a gargantuan ship that had anchored west of the island. As they had hailed it, they had seen really odd-looking sailors who spoke in some strange language and used a dialect they hadn’t heard before. And no, it was not N’Aldaan pirates. Lionel quickly commanded all passengers ashore at Ishmirr with promises that cargo would come back soon and any loss would be greatly redeemed. Then he ordered the boat to aid the passengers and yelled to his crew to set sail. He wanted to meet these odd ones.

Skjald Ulrich


I tell you, I cursed that day when he met those darn snouted hunchbacks and felt a good deal brewing. Of course he couldn’t know the scope of their vile plan, but show me a foreign race coming with a smile to your docks, telling stories of trade and prosperity. And I’ll show you my blade… Anyways. I’ve been told that his ship “The Falcon” reached the strangers just as they began to anchor out. So he encouraged his crew to sail close and throw ropes to tie them to the gargantuan vessel. The strangers grabbed the ropes, and as knots were tied, he jumped aboard and, with open arms, beamed, “I am Lionel, son of Jesoti, and I bid you welcome to… Island of Piecao!”.

It was a bold move, both entering that Kinoblin and Junk, but also naming the island as if he were some sort of official. But I got to give the man; he’s always been as bold as few. And that day it was his luck that his ship was full of Dalip, West Fjella, and even Midgard specialties. Because the Kinoblin had brought along furs, skins, pearls, gems, ambers, tusks, feathers, herbs, porcelain, and much more from afar. He managed to buy extreme amounts for cheap compared to the value it would later bring, and it’s said that his ship ran waters as deep as it did when the ropes were loosened and they set off for the nearby shore. That was but the beginning of continued trade with the exotic Kinoblin.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Paying dues to customers for the cargo he traded almost broke the trio’s ties, but Lionel insisted on keeping the Kinoblin goods despite immediate demands and paying customer losses in gold and silver. I’ve never learned his name, but one of the trio was so unhappy with the decision that he sold his part to the other two and left for Midgard. The other one, though, stayed and borrowed Lionel enough so that all damages were paid and kept the business routes going. They promoted an officer to captain of the now vacant vessel. Lionel took his ship and sailed eastward, the outbought friend travelling along. The goal was to establish awareness and demand for these rare goods throughout the Isles.

8 months later, he returned with rare goods from West Fjella East Fjella and Midgard Markeoy. and Darin. And such a profit on top that they had never seen before. They agreed to try a bold move and started negotiations with the king of Golny about buying some land on the west side of Maskurm. The king, always in need of cash and easily touched by great gifts, allowed Lionel to buy the whole island for the prize of one Maskurm Falcon each year and by swearing fealty towards him. As negotiations went on, the fealty demand got erased from the treaty in exchange for a rather large chest of gems.

Thus, with the deed of the island, now named Piecao in the annals of Golny, They started to build a fort and a harbour at the westernmost shore, and within 3 months it was functional, and hopes were high. As they had timed it to a full year, they had all their boats and ships anchoring up outside their new stronghold. And their move proved to be a wise one, as on the very day of one year since their last meeting, a gargantuan Kinoblin Junk again anchored up. And trade began anew.

Skjald Sejrik


In but a few years, the rumours of exquisite goods had spread throughout the Isles, and Lionel made sure to deal with the strongest of the warlords, wealthiest families, and most influential emissaries. Always telling of a continued supply and the need for strong bonds between seller and customer. And ensuring everyone understood what would happen if Piecao was sacked or killed. Thus, he formed a sheltering net of extremely powerful allies to secure his trader heaven. And none was ever allowed to be in such a debt that it would give reason to ‘dark thoughts’.

So, as the year 1199 turned into 1200, his friend and he celebrated the new year at the finished mansion atop the hillcrest, allowing a view down into a thriving Piecao and Lake Miraf below the towering Mt. Ishmirr to the east. A great harbour, city, fort, mansion, fleet, trade empire, and their own special guard corpse are the work of two Jomzaar lowborns.

Skjald El Mary


In 1201, as demand for the Kinoblin goods kept growing and their yearly Junk was filled to bursting point, it was quickly emptied upon arrival and sold out. Thus, the Kinoblin asked for permission to establish their own warehouses in the harbour, and in return, they would ensure ships would come each quarter. Had he known the reason behind this, my guess is he would have taken a fight that day. But Lionel agreed and spent the next 35 years consolidating his growing empire. The 4th warehouse had just been completed the year before and was being filled with goods from a junkyard, so there was much traffic at the piers. Then, in 1204, a small boat with some Naldar sailed into the port, and some battle- and travel-worn people asked for permission to stay and start some tailors and other shops. Lionel eyed the handful of adults and the 7- or so-year-old lad and nodded his approval. One of them, Jocky Chan, became a much-appreciated supplier for Lionel’s personal wardrobe and the city guard uniforms.

In 1236, he was approached by emissaries from the Holy Star Order, who had been told by the King of Golny to ask Lionels permission to the question whether they could set up a monastery at the old mountainside village out east. The decline to let any religious order settle in his free trader heaven was prompt but polite. It was to be a place free and with no ties to Hordes, kings or orders, and it had to stay.

15 years would pass before the Holy Star Order again disembarked and stood at his boardwalk, glancing out at the three Junks anchored up in the now way larger harbour and countless Kinoblin transporting goods to and from huge warehouses. Piecao had somehow transformed and looked no longer like a heaven in pact with nature. Everything natural was worked into straight alleys, rolling slides, boardwalks, warehouses, and loading cranes. The harbour and city itself were now working machines, but when they passed through the gate from the inner city to the mansion section, they were struck by the beautifully cultivated landscapes and how exotic plants and elaborate constructions melted together. They also noticed how the guards had new uniforms and donned other colours than back then. Anyway, they would find out what they needed for sure, as they planned to stay for some weeks.

Skjald Valgrif


I would have loved to see their faces, as they were most certainly surprised by the splendour and exquisite things in his art collection. Despite them being wealthy as well, Lionel’s wealth was rumoured to be close to all the Triad Traders, and certainly greater than the new High Kings. Lionel did tell me that he thought they did gloat, but they hid the awe pretty well; after all, they were there to do business. Serious business that could tear some of the bonds recently tied, but as a holy order, they had to try to expand and enlighten people. Kalmo told me that Lionel told them to be patient and enjoy a few days, as he had worked as requested in their Ravens-note and his solution should be arriving any day soon.

A fortnight later, a small boat with three passengers docked, and they hasted to his mansion. Aragon told me it was a ranger from Tusla called Bergon who had access to a valued secret, Gizmo carrying a bag of Tiger-eyes, a rare Kinoblin gemstone, and Lionel’s old friend now residing in the shadows of the High Kings court.

The following day they discussed a bold move, which would either allow the Holy Star Order foothold at East Fjella or cause a load of trouble with the new High King and the Council of Colours. But as they felt balance amongst the Isles, they had to be bold—or perish. So as the year 1251 was fading, they all sailed out on the greatest quest of theirs ever.

I was indeed surprised about the outcome and that Meanbone 2 years later would support Gizmo in becoming the first High Kings Captain.

Skjald Ulrich


24 years later, Gizmo once again sat in the mansion of Lionel, at very late hours, enjoying a pleasant talk about old days and adventures. And two issues were brought to his attention by Brucester, the commander of the Opalizers in Ivory Vale. Regarding a large portion of Tiger-eyes, which had recently surfaced at The Gem Fair. In sizes, amounts, and tints, they resembled some that the old gem cutters had told him were similar to ones they gave to Gizmo long ago.

And as he himself, without luck, had tried to find that stable boy, Waxo, from back then, He could think of only two other persons, holding them for this long—one he regarded highly and another had great concerns about.
And then, to the growing frowns of Lionel, there were rumours at High Kings Court about a fisherman who, in his net, coughtan old,  dissolved corpse, wearing a very special ring. One fitting description Gizmo had only seen twice before. At the hand of the High King Liason he once met in this very office, and there at the hand of Lionel, and he heard only three such existed. What could Lionel tell about where that old…

Suddenly, a scream erupted from a guard on duty, accompanying the first morning sunray: “Alarm, we are under attack, Kinoblin traito…”.

They both jumped up, tension broken, and looked out, seeing the streets filled with dagger-wielding Kinoblin. Slicing the throats of the defenceless citizens and workers and releasing lightning bolts and other foul magic towards the armed guards. As Gizmo said, “See the lamps some have; notice they glow before each Magic Paths release…”, the roof window splintered, and several Kinoblin jumped down and landed combat-ready in front of them. None never managed to tap their lamps or unleash their energies; such a masterly melee did the duo deliver when it came down to steel, speed, stamina, and Magic that it ended with the death of all attacking Kinoblin. Victorious, they each grabbed a lamp from the dead and hastily studied them, curious about the foggy light inside. But with no time for studies, they belted them and ran out to fight the revolt.

Skjald Sejrik


Gizmo told me that as the day passed, it became clear that many Kinoblin had been hiding in the huge warehouses, and as hours passed, Junks with reinforcements anchored up and their deadly cargo flooded Piecao. “Well, my friend, there’s a time to fight and a time to regroup. We better do the  latter, Gizmo told me. With these words, Lionel turned and jogged back into his mansion. In the basement, Lionel pulled a lever that sealed his personal vault and opened a secret tunnel. It closed as they entered, and after some miles in dim torchlight, they stood in a seaside cave with an ancient Astral Site/Gate. “I’ve never travelled the Astral myself, but let’s see where we nd,”  was the last word Lionel said before inserting a Magic Shard. Then a vortex of colour engulfed them, and he found himself at some foothills, looking down over some middle-sized town. It turned out to be near Pulvas in Esly. Of Gizmo, he could see nothing, and his Kinoblin Lamp was gone.

Skjald El Mary


Appearing at an unknown site, Lionel quickly jumped up one of the pillars and tried to figure out the direction to the nearest inhabited location. Much to his surprise, he recognised the shores below to the north and the Isles out in the straits. He merely had to run down towards the sea, and he would reach the old Emperors Stretch road running all the way through the country. So he jumped down and ran the best he could, and a few hours later he was in a haistly bought saddle. Forcing the mare as hard as possible, it took a few more hours until he reached the unmanned west gate of Pulvas, where the steed collapsed. So he ran inside, looking for city guards, militia, or army colours.

As he saw a group of OG guards, he screamed warnings to get their attention, and people stopped. He then looked upwards as wingbeating and squeaking sounds accompanied a horde of odd-looking birdpeople. Knowing that an unknown Race appearing at the same time as Kinoblin treatchery could only mean one thing: a coordinated invasion. He yelled a warning to the guards and stopped briefly as a female at a cafe sprang up and unleashed magic paths towards the incoming flyers. Within an hour, they stood alongside another female amidst piles of dead, dying, and maimed foes, later to be named Aquerian, and as the day turned into night, the city seemingly fended off the initial vawe of The Great Invasion.

He then introduced himself to the heroic females and learned they were Sessy and El Mary. In the coming days and weeks, they managed to fend off any further attacks and raised quite a force that participated in the Cleansing Crusade.



He controls a half-secret caravan guard force called the Five Fingers.

Skjald Sigurd


Last Updated on 2024-03-04 by IoM-Christian