

“Once fertile highland Wheat fields and lush Apple and Wine farms. Then tsunamis decimated it much.”

Skjald Valgrif



Its history as such rose above the ordinary after Ljostari sank and various T'Aurs groups, gangs, lots, and individuals began to arrive in large numbers. They all had a greater call to gather or simply send messengers to spread the word about a ‘new Ljostari’.

It never reached the height of Ljostari nor the influx of N-Erectus, but it became an untouchable stronghold of T’Aurs rule. With several coastal villages, towns, and cities even open and welcoming Human visitors and trade somewhat inland, But there is also much secrecy about what goes on further inland.

Skjald Sejrik


They do a lot of trading with all the surrounding races and as often buy raw material, resource, item, and object as they ship to the rest of the world. After all, they also know how to Mine and often offer things of high Purity.

Skjald Valgrif



Generally, we only know the various Cities, Towns, Settlements and Hamlets at Mumuarkis Shores. T’Aurs, Kobold and Faun locations are not on the coasts. So we don’t know where they are, but they are there, and members of their races can be met in the coastal locations of the other races on Mumuarki.

The only Drakk Alfar location visible from the coast is the North-east. small town of Utrakkúr Dol carved into the small stumped mountain Knoll Dol. It is reachable directly from a small stone harbour carved into the rocks at the shore and a 1.5-kilometre-long stone road.

The only Moss'Ari location is the south-west forest edge and bog town of de Fjeldara. accessible both from the coast, where several steep paths lead up, and from the nearby city and hamlets.

At Mumuarkis southern shores lies the Arisen. Hamlet of Phar Altharza is the only known Arisen location at Mumuarki. This can be reached from the sea as well as the roads of the Isle.

The rest of the locations are a mixture of Markian, Common, and Half-Human majorities as well as previously mentioned minorities.

Skjald Sejrik



They have reformed most of their old Clan structure, and the few that are as good as extinct have taken on the roles of Scholary, Magic, or Monster Hunters.

Thus, both strong and almost wiped-out clans and various Guilds have seats in their inner council. In which they elect a leader every 7th year, at a rather spectacular gathering I’ve been so lucky as to witness alongside Skjald Ulrich 5 years ago.

They have a strong militia capable of fending off and killing most invaders and can muster a large, exceptionally well-equipped army in just a few days in case they want to settle some scores or come to aid their friends.

Skjald El Mary



Don’t just travel there without purpose and hope for the hospitality of The Realm‘s land.

Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-03-13 by IoM-Christian