“Its rulers have for thousands of years fended off foreign powers and have only submitted to the The Realm, meanwhile trying to control over the small self-governing island of Ea.”
Located as the most northern countries of the Isle, people could see the distant shores and mountain contours of Midgard. Stretching 3/5 the length of West Fjella in a long stripe north of the Red Mountains is a land heavily based on fishing, mining, quarries, and trade.
Originally inhabited by the Archaic and some other Races, the Ogryl became a dominant force for a while. Then came the Wanderers, and the Ogryl power faded, and the Common folks slowly gained the upper hand. The various Indigenous have though shouldered since The Crossing to fend off the Borji and others trying to make them ‘bend the knee’.
Oddly enough, they committed themselves to the High King, but since the collapse of The Realm, they are also involved in the re-emerged politics between the Pulvas Princes, all trying to position themselves as the next local ruler.
Its rulers are constantly trying to gain control over the small, self-governing island of Ea. Home to Academy of Ea, which up until The Great Invasion housed the finest and most skilled of Shapeshifter.
Skjald Sejrik
Wildlife specials are the skin of Silver Hare. Mineral Specials are Exquisite. Red Marble.
Skjald Kazumix
Esly is the only Country on West Fjella without a greater river. But what it lacks in river grandeur, it has in mountain plenitude, with its southern end littered with the peaks of the red mountains.
Towards Walizia lies Mt. Jeraq, Mt. Migze.
Towards Labigia lies Mt. Vrondarr. Mt. Goket, Lundstefas Pass, Mt. Rido, Rampil Pass, Mt. Colte, Mt. Dolga.
Towards Ulgary lies Mt. Klina, Mt. Phamo.
Towards Renoea lies Mt. Kalako, Mueta Opening, Mt. Mulogaj.
Internally theres a few more heights worth noting; Mt. Gilpe, Rido's Rim, Mt. Huerto, Nigau Knoll, Trogg-Tops.
Skjald El Mary
At the foothills of Mt. Rido and Rido’s Rim, stretching north, lies Rioe's Sink, Klabas Kettle, Plougtars Valley, Yarni Roughs, and Hera Valley, with Herams Cut to the west.
The shoreline is; Dulero Bay, Funga Fjord, Phamo Bay, Merns Peninsula, Dolga Bay, Caroli Lake, Binola Bay, Vidaloe, Gnags Holm, Azuly Bay.
Skjald Sigurd
Even though there’s a quick recovery of Nobility, town leaderships and general order within the surviving Nobility lines and landowners. So that the old system of rulers and subjects is coming back with full force. There are still areas where there’s quite a lot of insanity and struggle going on.
At the border between Esly and Oglan, there’s currently a growing production of granite and marble due to the needed rebuilding of The Realm. This has made the area a prosperous one, but also a melting pot of beggars, cut-purses, and throat-slitters. So it’s recommended that any visitor fare with care.
Skjald Ulrich
It’s a land of large wildlife predators and quite a large amount of monster.
Skjald Valgrif
Last Updated on 2024-12-31 by IoM-Christian