



From slim to muscular.


Females: 165-175

Males: 170-180


Females: 70-85

Males: 70-85


Females; 250

Males: 225


Pale with red- or blueish tint


Mostly golden







“When the Deep Blue Tsunami surged with its chaotic Astral energies, their kin lost their ability to reproduce in whirling swirls.”

Skjald Valgrif



With their packed muscular bodies, broad shoulders, slight webbed feet and hands, scaled knees, broad jaws and mouths, and large ears, Undines are easily spotted in a crowd, if not by their features, then by their blueish to cyan-tinted skin.

Due to their long underwater history, they can navigate murky depths and locate objects, as they have developed a form of echolocation. Some Undine also possess a limited ability to manipulate the life force around them. This manifests as accelerated healing for themselves or others and limited control over marine life.

Some Undine, particularly females, dream of experiencing life fully on land. This has led to a cultural divide between those who embrace their aquatic nature and those who yearn for a more human existence. Creating tension within Undine society.

Skjald Ulrich


Generally, they tend the coral reefs, rescue sea creatures stuck in wrecks and lost nets, and farm seaweed. They are told to have large underwater towns with roofs of gold, but we have no proof of this being true.

Skjald Sejrik


It is said that up until the tsunami tainting, they had tenfold the lifespan they have today, and because of that, it took them some time to realise their reproduction problem and solution. There’s no record of how they figured it out, and some said it was Vornir whispering the solution; others said it was sheer luck with coastal humans. Regardless, they have since sought humans out for reproduction, despite preferring a life in the sea.

Skjald Vinotis



Dark Ages

How they came to be is shrouded in mystery, but when they first met, they lived on the shores of Void Garden and inside streams, lakes, and shallow waters of the Void Sea. Slowly, like their Sealkin cousins, they grew fond of the watery life. Thus, they focused on harvesting what the sea, lakes, and streams offered and began to build underwater towns. In time, they became able to fully live underwater; their towns grew into magnificent cities; and they tended and harvested the most stunning resources.

Often, they had to fight with humans and other races, whose fishing and resource harvesting disrupted Undine settlements. Thus they became a secluded race, each of their cities with but few trade gates to the land races.

When the world was about to be shaped, a legend says the Undine were warned by their powerful water gods and made a pact with them. Embracing and saving the Undines from the chaotic rifts and the toppling turmoil of massive land slides. So, Undines managed to stay within their preferred element, but at the cost of being set aside by some of the divines. Imagine all those years without us being able to munch their delicious foods, oh man!

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


First Age

As they continued to live under water, not on the world’s thin land carpet of the former Void Gardens, The Undines were close to the Astral contained within the world and often experienced leaks of Astral energy. Thus they built a closeness to the Astral and slowly lost connection to the vast void sea, now far up and away in the sky.

An interesting fact that only a few know is that some first-generation vampires came to live amongst the Undines. The water somehow stilled the vampires urge to embrace, and vampires could easily survive underwater. This created a strong bond between the two groups, and when the divines tried to destroy the vampires, Undines stood by the vampires.

Skjald Sigurd


Second Age

After the disasterous 1st Cataclysm, although their side could be called victorious, they were few in number. Some of their cities had also sunken deeper into their gods embrace. The Undine decided to retreat further underwater, preventing hostile acts. However, some brave Undine ventured back to the surface, leading to the first coastal settlements like Åelsrode.

These settlements led to landfolk whispers of magnificent underwater cities built during the Undine’s early times. Some believed these cities held secrets of the Undine past. Some Undine ventured into expeditions to find these cities, and it became a recurring theme in Undine culture; thus, the Undine elders council formed a corps guarding these sacred locations.

Skjald Vinotis


Third Age

As such, they never felt the impact of the bullheaded god and wanderers, as did we landfolk. But they did feel an increased interest in their ancient abandoned cities—from the Vular. And some of their not-so-deeply hidden sites were excavated, resulting in both disrupted sites and dead members of the Undine Guard. This built animosity towards Vular, and Undine generally disliked and distrusted every Vular they met.

Skjald Kazumix


Fourth Age

The Vular War resulted in the world’s second-largest magical disaster, the Deep Blue Tsunami, which swept across the world. All waters became tainted with chaotic astral energies, which severed their connection to the life force. So, Undines could no longer procreate on their own; however, a spark of human life force, through interbreeding, reignited their ability to have children.

Their children are not entirely human, but not entirely Undine either, inheriting traits from both. They can breathe underwater, but they can’t reproduce without humans. This explains why they now seek out humans, and some Undine even appease the divines in hopes of reversing the curse. Some also believed these cities held the key to restoring their full reproductive abilities, so internal pressure began to build on their guardian corps.

Skjald El Mary


In 589, the Undine Coraxya, fascinated by human culture, spent countless hours observing them from the safety of hidden coves, captivated by their music, stories, and art. One day, while admiring a beached seashell, she noticed a young human girl collecting them. Coraxya, emboldened by curiosity, approached the girl, leaving behind a shimmering seashell bracelet woven from the finest pearls. The girl, Melara, wasn’t afraid and took it as a gift.

This sparked a friendship, with Coraxya leaving more shell creations and Melara leaving gifts of flowers and songs sung on the shore. Their families, initially wary, eventually accepted their unusual bond. Coraxya married Melara’s older brother, Fingik, a fisherman who respected the sea and learned their language thanks to Coraxta’s subtle guidance. They have two children, a girl named Hanyra with shimmering blue hair and a boy named Irafnir, who has a natural affinity for the water.


In 792, Kaidaxin, a powerful Undine warrior known for his strength and fierce loyalty, During a fierce storm, a human ship sank off the coast of his underwater village. Kaidaxin, defying tradition, dove into the wreckage and rescued a young woman named Antaya. He nursed her back to health in a hidden cave, where they learned each other’s languages and cultures. Antaya, a skilled storyteller, was captivated by Kaidaxin’s tales of the deep, while Kaidaxin was mesmerised by Antaya’s songs and stories of the land.

News of the rescued human reached Kaidaxin’s tribe, and a tense standoff ensued. However, they went to Antaya’s home village, and with Kaidaxin by her side, they spoke of his heroism and the kindness of the Undine. This, combined with Kaidaxin’s willingness to learn human ways, softened the villagers’ hearts. Kaidaxin and Antaya married, becoming a symbol of peace between their people. They have a son named Finnyl (named after Antaya’s father), who is strong on land and surprisingly comfortable underwater.


In 974, Nuxala, who possessed a mesmerising voice that could calm even the fiercest storm, I was singing one night when her voice lured a young human sailor named Elias So’eren off course. He found himself captivated by the voice and drawn towards a hidden cove where Nuxala emerged from the water. Elias, a musician himself, was awestruck by her beauty and voice. Nuxala, in turn, was fascinated by his music and stories of the world above.

They met secretly for weeks, developing a deep connection. News of their meetings reached both communities, leading to suspicion. However, Nuxala and Elias, through music and shared stories, bridged the gap. They married, becoming ambassadors between their cultures. Nuala learned human music and instruments, while Elias learned rudimentary Undine speech. They have a daughter named Soiraxe, who has inherited both her parents’ musical talents.


In 1049, Darixan was a curious and adventurous Undine who yearned to experience life on land. He discovered he had a unique ability to briefly alter his form, allowing him to appear more human-like. Using this ability, he ventured ashore and encountered a young woman named Mataya, a skilled herbalist. He was drawn to her kindness and knowledge of healing plants. Mataya, initially startled by his unusual appearance, was intrigued by his gentle nature and stories of the underwater world.

Darixan, worried about revealing his true form, struggled to find a way to tell Mataya the truth. One day, injured while saving her from a boar attack, he revealed his undine nature. To his surprise, Mataya accepted him. He learned to use his shapeshifting ability to help on land, taking human form to trade with humans and bring them knowledge of medicinal plants from the sea. They married and had a daughter named Etarax, who possesses a natural understanding of plants both above and below the waves.

Skjald El Mary


The Realm

Undines did not bend the knee when the High King was crowned, but both Kanziganthir and Zizu have verified that Undines made a pact with the High King before his council.
This was the oath: “It will cost us dearly, but for your land-based embrace, we recognise that we owe you this. Deep within the underwater city of Krakatolsk lies a hidden chamber containing a sacred scroll made from living coral. Should the Realm ever require it, we will tear this scroll and release a cataclysmic strike against what threatens you. So swear I, we, on our ancestors legacy.”

Skjald Vinotis


The Great Invasion

In the beginning, just as with Lionel and the Triad Traders, some Undines, driven by practicality, offered their resources (food, pearls, and healing services) to traitors and invader colonies. But it soon shifted towards aiding the alliance. Although some Undine, having lived apart from humans for a long time, choose to remain neutral, They retreated deeper into lakes and the ocean, protecting their own settlements from the conflict.

The Undine, with their knowledge of the oceans and their gifts of the sea, were invaluable allies to The Realm. They used their control over currents to disrupt enemy ships, sent dolphins, sharks, and whales to harass invading fleets, and even used their healing abilities to support injured Realm soldiers.

Wary of direct confrontation, they used their knowledge of the oceans to subtly hinder the invaders. They manipulated currents to strand enemy ships, warned coastal villages of approaching fleets, and even unleashed bioluminescent creatures to create confusion among the invaders at night.

They knew of ancient invasions and powerful hidden artefacts hidden beneath the waves. And with their ancient knowledge from the Sunken Library of Asteria, they willingly shared it with the High King, giving him an edge against the invaders.

One of their legends spoke of a powerful artefact, the Trident of Regret, hidden deep within an abandoned but guarded Undine city. This trident, it was said, could summon a monstrous kraken to defend the seas. The Undine elders dispatched a group of young warriors to retrieve the trident, hoping to use it as a last resort against the invaders.

Skjald Sigurd


Ages ago, during a previous invasion by a similar foe, the Undine made a pact with a monstrous leviathan that resides in the deepest trenches. The leviathan drove back the invaders, but at a terrible cost. Their ability to reproduce among themselves. The Undine vowed never to summon it again, fearing the destruction it could unleash. The recent invasion has tempted some within the Undine to break this pact, but others argue that the consequences would be far worse than anything the current invaders could bring.

The Krakatolsk coral scroll contained prophecies about the future of the world, foretelling the awakening of an even more monstrous creature from the depths. Which the Undine elders had interpreted as a warning about the invasion, but it was also about the terrible price of using the scroll as direct intervention. This created a moral dilemma for the Undine: sit back and watch the world burn, breaking their oath, or risk unleashing something even worse by actively intervening.

Luckily, their elders found another, but more risky, solution.

Skjald valgrif


Battle of Weeping Plains

The sun, a bleeding wound in the bruised sky, cast long shadows across the Weeping Plains. The once fertile fields were churned to mud, soaked with blood, and littered with the broken bodies of the High Kings army and his longtime allies, as well as their hideous foes and monstrous beasts. The High King’s battered army, a shield shattered, a sword chipped but not broken, was in their final charge into the tide of the invaders. But hope dwindled with every fallen warrior and the sight of the invaders reinforcing their fleet. Hundreds of Kinoblin treasure ships and Romasai straw galleons had arrived at the shores and had begun emptying their bellies.

Then, a tremor ran through the earth—a low rumble that grew to a deafening roar. The invaders, arrogant in their perceived victory, turned towards the forests and mountain slopes. Scores of T’Aurs, Fautyr, Dwarves, Ljost Alfar, Kobold, and many more, even Sproblins at their sides, came charging to the High King’s rescue. As invader smiles stiffened and grins turned to gawking, the high kings contingent cheered a mighty roar that eccoed out into an odd battlefield silence. Where a chant slowly rose above the noise of the advancing allies.

The chorus of voices, both melodic and powerful, carried on the salty wind. Emerging from the receding wave were the Undine. Led by Nuala Zonkis, their elder and fiercest warrior, their forms shimmered with an otherworldly light. Nuala, her voice ringing with ancient power, held the Trident of Regret and raised her arms towards the churning sea. And atop their ancient chant, she sang, “For the seas we protect! For the pact we honor! Rise, Kraken of the Deep, and crush those who defile the world!

From the horizon, a sight both magnificent and terrifying emerged. A wave, unlike any ever seen, rose monstrously, its crest crowned not with foam but with writhing tentacles. A colossal kraken, its body the size of a mountain, emerged from the depths, its single, baleful eye burning like a furnace. The kraken roared, a sound that shook the very earth. Its immense tentacles lashed out, snatching ships that, once instruments of terror, were tossed into the tumultuous waves the kraken created.

The invaders, thrown into disarray, their army attacked on all sides, their reinforcements swallowed whole by the monstrosity, faltered. Panic spread like wildfire through their ranks. The High King, seizing the opportunity, rallied his men. With a renewed cry of defiance, they charged. The remaining invaders, their morale shattered, were cut down like wheat before a scythe.

The Undine, wielding weapons carved from coral and shimmering with bioluminescent energy, fought with the fury of a tempest. They moved with an inhuman grace, their forms blurring as they danced through the carnage, leaving a trail of fallen invaders in their wake.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of crimson and gold, the battle was over. The Weeping Plains, once a vision of despair, are now echoed with the triumphant cheers of the defenders. The High King, his armour bloodied but his spirit unbroken, approached Nuala. “We are in your debt, elder,” he boomed, his voice hoarse but filled with gratitude. “Your intervention turned the tide and saved our realm.”

Nuala, her face etched with the weariness of battle but her eyes alight with pride, inclined her head. “We honour the pact forged by our ancestors,” she replied. “The sea and the land are bound together. When one bleeds, the other weakens. Today, we fought not just for your realm but for the future of all who call this world home.”

The battle at Weeping Plains became a legend. It was a testament to the courage of the High King’s men, the unwavering loyalty of his allies, and the formidable power of the Undine. It was a day when the tide, both literal and metaphorical, turned, and a fragile hope for the future flickered anew.

Skjald Ulrich


We humans don’t know… surely what Undine did…

during the great invasion.

So suspicion and tension grew… inside every crew…

dividing races anew.

Skjald Kazumix



Generally, they live in the sea, but there are a few settlements that they have created on the shores of what once was the Realm. Such as Åelsrode at the tip of Niralla.


The City of Singing Whales:

Deep within a vast underwater canyon, shrouded in bioluminescent algae, lies Lyr. Legend whispers it was once a magnificent Undine city, built from shimmering coral and powered by crystals that pulsed with the ocean’s rhythm. The Undine of Lyr were said to be the most gifted singers in the world, their voices echoing through the water and weaving intricate songs that soothed the fiercest storms and called upon whales from the deepest trenches.

However, some say Lyr’s downfall came from their hubris. They sought to harness the power of the whales’ songs, amplifying it to control the very tides. This angered the ocean spirits, and a monstrous kraken rose from the depths, shattering Lyr’s crystal heart and plunging the city into darkness. Now, only the haunting songs of lost whales and the skeletal remains of the city echo through the canyon, a reminder of the Undine’s past and the dangers of tampering with the ocean’s harmony.


The Sunken Library of Asteria: Far to the east, beneath layers of shifting sand and coral reefs, lies Asteria. Legends speak of a grand library, its walls lined with bioluminescent scrolls and tablets made from the iridescent scales of rare fish. These scrolls held not just the history of the Undine but the secrets of the ocean itself, from the migration patterns of ancient sea serpents to the forgotten languages of long-extinct aquatic races. Asteria was said to be a haven for scholars and mystics; their knowledge was passed down through generations. However, some believe Asteria was not destroyed by a natural disaster but by another Undine city, envious of their knowledge. They unleashed a monstrous sea slug that devoured Asteria’s library whole, leaving behind only whispers of its vast knowledge and a cautionary tale about the destructive power of greed. Undine adventurers still search for Asteria, hoping to uncover the lost scrolls and reclaim their forgotten history.

Skjald El Mary



Some have chosen to create small settlements on the coasts of the world instead of living in the deep blue. This has brought much more interaction with landfolk and, thus, a larger portion of inter-racial marriages and offspring. They are led by a council of three, one for those inside the water, one for those on land, and one ceremonial master tying them together.

Kael 'Tide Whisperer' Nurati of the Sea, Elara ‘Moonsilk Healer’ Thilo of the Lands, Amara ‘Coral Weaver’ Dilos of the ceremonies


Amara, ‘Coral Weaver’ Dilos is an old Undine by their standards, barely half a mile old. Unlike other Undine who focus on farming or rescue, Amara possesses a remarkable talent for manipulating coral growth. She can coax reefs to flourish, creating vibrant underwater havens for all kinds of sea life. This ability has earned her the respect and admiration of her people and even some humans who have witnessed her work. However, Amara dreams of a greater purpose. She believes her gift might hold the key to healing the scars left by the rifts, not just on the coral reefs but on the world itself.

Special Ability: Amara can accelerate the growth and manipulation of coral. She can weave intricate structures, create safe havens for lost creatures, and even influence the flow of currents around a reef. Legends whisper that, with enough focus, she might even be able to heal wounds on land through a connection to the life force within the coral.


Kael ‘Tide Whisperer’  Nurati is a stoic and solitary Undine, known for his deep connection to the ocean itself. He can sense the movements of the tides and currents with uncanny precision, allowing him to navigate treacherous waters with ease. However, Kael’s true gift lies in his ability to communicate with certain sea creatures, particularly large whales and dolphins. He uses this ability to guide lost ships and warn coastal villages of approaching storms. While some humans fear Kael’s connection to these powerful creatures, others revere him as a guardian of the sea.

Special Ability: Kael can not only sense the currents and tides but also influence them to a limited degree. He can use this to guide ships or warn of approaching storms. Additionally, Kael can communicate telepathically with some sea creatures, particularly whales and dolphins, allowing him to understand their warnings and even gain their aid.


Elara ‘Moonsilk Healer’ Thilo is an elder Undine, known for her gentle wisdom and compassion. Unlike most Undine healers who focus on basic wound treatment, Elara possesses a rare ability to draw upon the moon’s energy to accelerate healing. Her touch can soothe burns, mend broken bones, and even ease the pain of illness. Elara spends most of her time travelling between coastal villages, offering her healing gifts to both humans and Undine alike. Humans revere her as a living legend, and her presence fosters peace and cooperation between the two races.

Special Ability: Elara can channel the moon’s energy to enhance the natural healing properties of seawater. Her touch can accelerate healing from wounds, illnesses, and even some poisons. This ability is said to be most potent under a full moon.

Skjald Vinotis



Can breathe under water, and unless they marry a human, they cannot spark life in children.

Skjald Sigurd


Last Updated on 2024-06-16 by IoM-Christian