F.F. Jaeger


BORN: 29/9 1197 FA in Noriag

RACE: Vular

REALM: Essence

AURA: Violet

HEIGHT: 208cm




Hammer of The Bull


Anvil of Muldum


“One of the few in the Human race so strong that he could throw anvils like others did pigs. His most famous delivery, the one that saved my life and splattered a Mammutan.”

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Fourth Age

Frantz Folke Jaeger was born in the autumn of 1197 in Noriag, as his parents were temporarily residing there. With a Vular mother and his father only a quarter Naldar, Frantz considered himself a full Vular and carried himself as such.

His grandfather, a martial house lord, who, with Frantz’s newlywed parents, had moved from Jabos to Hokul, due to their Lord being caught and killed in a political scheme in 1185, In 1186, they bought a small town-edge farm and started a school teaching the arts of combat and self-defense. Then Utari was hit by a tsunami in 1190, so they travelled from Hokul to Falbur and reformed their martial art school for the second time.

As the coast of Falbur kept being raided, they eventually broke up in 1194 and crossed Midgard, all the way to Noriag, to live amongst a larger population of Vular.

There, they eventually realised that the income for a Naldar-inspired martial arts school was too low. Frantz’s father suggested they move once again, this time back to the gates of Fogwald, as that had felt like a cultural hotspot when they passed through it. As they began packing, Frantz was born. So the move was with a freshborn baby in the arms.

Skjald Valgrif


Settling in the outskirts of Fogwald, the school soon grew in numbers and renown, and so did their request for quality weapons. Thus, they began buying from the weaponsmith Frazier, and as he became old enough, it was a young Frantz doing the trips. It’s said that the son of the migrants, on these trips, met and befriended Deepminded and at times visited her at Kistal. There, the young Frantz managed to fall into the The Well of Wisdom and almost drown.

In 1213, he became a Blacksmith apprentice studying under Frazier in Fogwald.

Skjald Sejrik


Seemingly, the plunge into what is thought to be Vornir water made him grow to tremendeous size. To think he’s father was a quarter N’Aldaan, the short people, reaching such proportions. I wonder what he would have been like had he been Ogryl or some half Kobold or T'Aurs. Standing well over 2 metres and around 175 kg, he is enormous, and if you ever see him grabbing his anvil, then get out of the way. He can throw it like a small pig, but it hits like an anvil.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


He studied the art of crafting, but due to the wisdom of water soaking, he always wanted to learn more. So, when he learned everything his master could teach, he travelled to Ye Olde Zephyrs to meet with Lord Nam and share knowledge. It was during his stay there that he got the first invitation to visit Mt. Vula, handed to him by the God. Relagin. Nothing is known about their visit to Mt. Vula. When they returned a year later, Frantz moved to Markeoy as he wanted to see the Free City of Muldum and meet the skilled T’Aurs Blacksmith he heard was residing there.

Reaching the Free City of Muldum, it was not that hard to find a T’Aurs Blacksmith, as only one resided there. Frantz walked to the street with the booth and noted what, for sure, was his goal. Sitting at a bench outside an inn called Owned Min'O, he smiled, as next door was a blacksmith booth sign Mino's Owing. He walked up to the table and kept a polite pause, during which the large, furry male nodded. Frantz sat down, carefully watching what was on the table. He ordered the same. To which the T’Aurs grinned, “So stranger, you’re aware of the tale too?”. He excused himself and said no, but he would not insult a fellow diner if there was no need. Especially one he came to learn from, if possible. To that, the T’Aurs grinned and said, Call me Mino if you like  strangers.Whats on your mind… and it poured ale for them both.

Skjald Vinotis


During their talk, Frantz learned that Mino had only been a blacksmith since 1182. Before that, it was a great warrior, having its self-esteem torn to pieces by a human besting him in hand-to-hand melee. It was a sad day for a warrior, but a great day none the less, as that humbling had made him wander and seek a new meaning.

A search brought him to a tribe of Kobold, who noticed his true potential as a smidhr. There, he learned many of their mechanisation skills and even had the honour to visit Mt. Vula. A place a warrior would never have seen, and when he heard Frantz also bad been there, coworking with other craftsmen and their odd Imps. Mino asked if Frantz noticed anything special about the Imps, and without waiting for an answer, he said that the Imps were in fact Dwarves crafters of the 1st House, who had been working alongside some Thursar when the Astral poured open. The Thursar transformed into their elementary form, but the Dwarves merged with their origin, the ‘Earth Veins’ and the Astral. With that, Minos laughed and poured another mug for the gaping Frantz.

As the months passed, Frantz became more and more fond of the Free City of Muldum and became part of a growing crowd centred around Mino. A crowd that one morning experienced that Mino was gone. So they sat down in the halls of Mayor Tri-M. and there they formed the Bulls Order to honour their lost comrade.

Frantz was at their furnaces working with a complex item when the gates exploded and a swarm of Pigryn and Drakk Alfar flooded the city. He fought bravely and was one of the few to manage to escape the vast outnumbering.

Since hes been searching the paths, for Mino and Invaders.

Skjald El Mary



He is able to throw anvils and similar heavy objects up to 20 metres.


Last Updated on 2024-05-28 by IoM-Christian