

BORN: 29/3 1173 FA in Falbur

RACE: Darim/Realmar

REALM: Channelling

AURA: Cyan

HEIGHT: 182 cm




Explorer of the Rim

Cartographer of The Realm



1173 Born

1189 Shipwrecked

1190 Meet Valgrif

1190 Join Ye Olde Zephyrs

1191 Visit The Rim

1197 Return to Grindaa

1220 Encounter a Ye'Til

1221 Meet Sessy, Nahita & Wilson

1224 Meet Aragon

1232 Pass below The Rim

1234 Return to The Realm

1253 Slay a Dragon

1277 Visit The Rim

1279 Join the 2nd Alliance

1281 Join the Cleansing Crusade


“For a Human he has travelled more than most elders from any Race.”

Skjald Ulrich



Fourth Age

Born in Port Merono by a Scholar from Darin and a local Scribe. He was the youngest son in a flock of six and, from an early age, interested in his father’s stories about the mysterious frozen land down south. Especially the high mountain chain called The Rim, stretching across the entire planet, had his interest.

Living in a port, he had access to the sea and became an excellent swimmer, and with mountains nearby, he also became a skilled climber. In 1189, the family sailed off to visit the birthlands, but when the ship was between Efron and Spiy, a storm rose and sank the vessel. Themac drifted ashore in northern Spiy, and after a fruitless search of other survivors, he became an egg collector at the cliff sides of Spiy.

Skjald Vinotis


A year later, he was at a tavern in the docks when Skjald Valgrif asked to share a table. A good long talk later, Valgrif had persuaded him to travel along to Darin, telling his tales on the way. The next day, when they were at the docks to find transport, a vessel anchored for provisions and one of the crew. A large, muscular fella carrying three large sacks of grain caught Valgrif’s eye. Recognising the colours of Ye Olde Zephyrs, he approached and asked the man’s name and the ship’s destination, “Pakara, Tornix“. The man grinned and trotted off, with a nod to Valgrif’s pledge to board as a passenger.

So the hardest part of the trip was settled, and soon they sailed south. At sea, Themac noticed some odd mist at Larboard. and was told that out there in the mist lay the volcano named Mt. Vula, only approachable through the Astral, or magic devices. Puzzled, Themac decided he would one day go there by boat.

Skjald Sejrik


On the trip, he became intrigued by Pakara’s stories, so after a short stay in Tornix, he went with Pakara to Ye Olde Zephyrs. And within a month, he was a full-blown member of their Horde, roaming their borders with Dagthorr, Myth and other hardened warriors. During patrolling the lands, he became fond of mapping the lands and finding paths, and as his skills grew, he challenged himself to find lost or secret paths. Training his orientation skills so he one day could best the mist of Mt. Vula, and it was during these expeditions that he trained for visiting and mapping the Rim. The impassable wall of mountains blocks off a fantastically rich world with odd creatures and riches beyond imagination.

A month later, in 1191, he was again in Tornix hooking up with some fur hunters, aiming for The Rim to collect rare furs. He stayed there for 6 years, trying to cross the wall of mountains without success. One day in 1197, he heard familiar language from a nearby table at the Hunters Shelter, so he rose and walked over, asking if he could join.

It turned out it was Coposim of the Monster Hunters, who had slain what turned out to be a Mammutan and now roamed here for even bigger ones. Themac thought this was odd news, but knowing of their library and old wise ones, he asked if Coposim would care to come to Grindaa and tell about this creature to Kanziganthir. Certain he could aid him with access to their library and research. So in 1197, Themac and Coposim stood at the great hall of Ye Olde Zephyrs.

Skjald Sigurd


In the autumn of 1220, after Themac had several trips throughout the Isles, he was again at The Rim. One day, in a remote mountain pass, he saw an odd ape-like creature that surprisingly lost its tracks. Telling of this at the next inn, the words spread throughout the Isles.

So in the spring of 1221, he was approached by Sessy and Nahita. and Wilson. Who was looking for him as they wanted to hear about the Ye'Til? They joined forces and found many interesting paths, but not a single specimen of the creature they sought.

Ecentually, in early 1223, Sessy left, and late in the autumn, Nahita and Wilson departed as well.

Skjald El Mary


But he was not alone for long. I’ve heard from Themac that in 1224 he met Aragon and Aragon’s mentor, Vervur Mortarr, at The Rim. They were studying how Magic outbursts were influenced by the odd anti-magic and spiritual area, and he showed them secret paths up the mountains so they were as close to the top as possible. Aragon told me that he has never been that far south again.

Skjald Ulrich


Back again in 1232, Themac met a bewildered youngster, dressed far too lightly, and uncertain where he was. It turned out to be Krokus who had Astravelled himself to The Rim. As Themac possessed quite a lot of Shards, he led him back to the site, and they activated it and stepped onto the Astral. Their navigation and orientation skills eventually led them not to Grindaa but across the Rim. He finally saw ‘the world beyond’ and, with the utmost care, learned some disturbing facts about the other races and the drastic politics brewing. They revisited the Telepert Site and returned to The Realm in the winter of 1234.

Back at The Realm, Themac went straight to Black Oak. and Kanziganthir, where he stayed when Aragon showed up to see their Hordes might. Aragon joined their ranks for a while, and they trained quite a lot together, but the assassination of his wife and kids made Aragon retract and leave again.

Skjald Sejrik


Themac spent most of his time patrolling their lands and studying at their library, and even though he attended coronations and fairs, he generally stood in the shadows, observing. His trips to The Rim became rare as he had learned that Astral Site/Gates gave him access to the Astral, and from it he could enter our world anywhere he liked. The only problem was returning, so he began intense studies in Astral.

It was mapping Astral Site/Gates that brought him back to The Rim in 1253, where he met Sessy and Zyr 'O' Loth. Sessy agreed to show him a physical pass she had learned, and he travelled along. And it was on that journey that he for the first time encountered a Dragon.

They were about 100 kilometres south of the Rim and chose to enter some tunnels that looked like they could be underground rivers going beneath a large mountain range. Deep within, they entered a rather large cave, and as they had crossed halfway to the other end, they were walking towards the sound of rushing waters. When suddenly they noticed something glimpsing in the shadows of their light, Reaching it, they realised it was the scales of a living creature, larger than anything they had seen before. Suddenly a large reptilian eye opened, and they could hear its puzzled voice within their minds: “Your kind of Human, south of the Wall? Something bad must be brewing, and it should not boil.”. Their long experience with danger saved them, because as it rose to its might in but a heartbeat, it spewed fire at them. Themac shielded their minds, Sessy shielded their bodies, and Zyr ‘O’ Loth transformed himself into a living fist of Gulmur. With insane speed, boosted by his comrades, he charged in, sliced the belly of the dragon, and severed one of its feet. As it shrieked in agony, he swung himself up on its right wing, running a few steps towards its neck as he cut through the wing, rendering it useless.

As it turned its head to engulf him in flames, Themac made a staggering outburst and gave it a mental blast, halting it for a heartbeat. Then its head was engulfed in a rainbow of coloured flames, and it ended its utter confusion when Zyr ‘O’ Loth forced his longsword down deep into its brain. Frozen by the steel to the brain, Themac Dodge jumped forward, and with his famous spin, he cut its head clean off. Thus, the trio survived awakening a dragon, and Zyr ‘O’ Loth gained his ‘Dragon Twins’ weapons.

Skjald El Mary


Then, in 1277, Kanziganthir felt a shift in things and asked if he would visit and examine the Rim again. So, there at the Lofgren Peninsula he stood, when hundreds of Aquerian came flying across the Rim. One eyeing him and deviating from its path, it swooped down, knowing that here at The Rim, Magic was weak; it came for him as an easy target. A severe mistake as Themac’s skills with ‘blade-jumping’ quickly made it loose its legs, then head; thus, Themac became the 1st slayer of an Aquerian”.

He hurried back to Grindaa, only to find it razed. Then, in 1179, he finally caught up with the remaining members of The Realm and the Cleaning Crusade.

Skjald Ulrich



Due to his intense travel and stays in mountain ranges, The Rim and at the Astral he has an outstanding Stamina.

Skjald El Mary

Last Updated on 2024-02-11 by IoM-Christian