


  • Stonewind House
  • Whispering Pines
  • Stormsong Tribe
  • House Emberheart
  • Azure Brotherhood

Spiyan Federation Rulers

  • High Chancellor Elara Trisar
  • Lord Aelar Thornfield
  • Lady Sylara Valenheart
  • Lord Kaelin Stormstrider
  • Chief Tharnok Ironclaw
  • Elder Mirra Brightleaf
  • Head Artisan Orik Stonehammer
  • Matriarch Selene Nightshade

Human Noble Families & OrganiSations

  • House Silentwing
  • Vigilant Sentinels
  • House Whisperbreeze
  • Thundertide Shieldmaidens
  • Clan of Starlight
  • The Resolute Guardians
  • Radiant Dawn Order
  • Echoing Winds Tribe
  • House Moonshadow
  • Serenity Menders
  • Silent Walkers
  • Tranquil Water Clan
  • Unity Council
  • House Trisar
  • House Thornfield
  • House Valenheart
  • House Stormstrider
  • House Nightshade
  • House Brightleaf
  • House Stonehammer

N-Erectus Nobility

  • T'Aurs: House Ironclaw


Cities of note:

  • Luminaris
  • Eldermere
  • Aerilon
  • Dunehold
  • Rivertide
  • Aurorahaven
  • Stormwatch
  • Cradlebrook
  • Verdantreach

Towns of note:

  • Goldenleaf
  • Silverholm
  • Misthaven
  • Stonewall
  • Emberstrand

Inns of note:

  • Moonlit Haven Inn
  • Sapphire Star Inn
  • Whispering Pines Inn
  • Golden Horn Inn
  • Mystic Moonglow Inn
  • Dragon's Breath Inn
  • Silk Road Oasis Inn
  • Ebon Thorn Inn

Taverns of note:

  • Dancing Ember Tavern
  • Gilded Goblet Tavern
  • Rogue's Respite Tavern
  • Laughing Mug Tavern
  • Astral Brew Tavern
  • Rustic Horn Tavern
  • Harmony Hearth Tavern
  • Crimson Rose Tavern

Rest Spots of note:

  • Tranquil Glen Rest Stop
  • Sunset Viewpoint Rest Stop
  • Enchanted Clearing Rest Stop
  • Mystic Springs Rest Stop
  • Starry Skies Rest Stop
  • Serenity Cove Rest Stop
  • Whispering Winds Rest Stop
  • Eternal Flame Rest Stop

Bridges of note:

  • Emerald Arch Bridge
  • Mistveil Crossing
  • Golden Gate Bridge
  • Moonshadow Bridge
  • Whispering Breeze Bridge
  • Dragon's Spine Bridge
  • Aurora Crossing
  • Silverstrand Bridge

Ruins of note:

  • Ebonheart Citadel
  • Whispering Halls
  • Frostfall Keep
  • Spectral Abbey
  • Shadowed Bastion
  • Ruins of Lumina
  • Ancient Monastery of Solitude
  • Forgotten Lighthouse

Shrines of note:

  • Serenity Shrine
  • Windswept Sanctuary
  • Moonlit Grove
  • Eternal Flame Shrine
  • Whispering Falls Shrine
  • Silent Watch Shrine
  • Mystic Garden Shrine
  • Starlit Altar

Coinage of note:

Raw Materails of note:

  • Timber
  • Minerals
  • Stone
  • Fisheries
  • Agricultural Products
  • Wildlife
  • Clay and Pottery Materials
  • Gems and Precious Stones
  • Arcane Scholars
  • Merchants' Consortium
  • Artisans' Fellowship
  • Explorers' League
  • Healers' Circle
  • Taletellers' Guild
  • Smiths' Brotherhood
Public Organisations
  • Eternal Flame Order
  • Herbalists and Apothecaries
  • Historical Preservators
  • Adventurers' Guild
  • Artists' Collective
Shadowy Organisations
  • Silent Hands
  • Veiled Court
  • Crimson Thorns
  • Darkmoon Cult
  • Shrouded Shadows
  • Nightshade Syndicate
  • Whispering Circle
  • Obsidian Cabal
Thieving Organisations
  • Whispering Shadows
  • Ebon Hand Brothers
  • Cunning Rats Cartel
  • Shadowcat Thieves
  • Mist Veil Syndicate
  • Coinpurse Conclave
  • Serpent's Scales
  • Wraithshadow Guild
Human Characters
  • Lord Tharn Ironcrest
  • Lady Selene Whitestone
  • Lord Cedric Blackthorn
  • Lady Elara Nightshade
  • Erevan Thundershield
  • Baron Oswald Ironcrest
  • Erik Wolfsbane
  • Lady Seraphina Darkthorn
  • Lord Cedric Whitestone
  • Sylas Ravenshadow
  • Elysia Nightshade
  • Captain Kael Stormrider
  • Elara Windsong
  • Cedric Emberforge
  • Seraphina Dusktide
  • Gruff Stoneheart
  • Lady Selene Starweaver
  • Sable Shadowblade
  • Maestro Rinaldo
  • Dame Isolde Fairwind
  • Rogan Shadowcloak
  • Jovial Jasper
  • Celestia Starcaster
  • Thane Grimhorn
  • Melody Songbird
  • Lady Seraphina Crimsonrose
  • Lady Elyndra Trisar
  • Lord Cedric Valenheart
  • Archmage Selene Stormstrider
  • Thane Kaldor Ironclaw
  • High Priestess Elara Brightleaf
  • Lord Aric Stonehammer
  • Lady Seraphina Nightshade
  • Captain Aeliana Thornfield
Drakk Alfar Characters
  • Vilmaris the Cunning
  • Thalanna Swiftblade
Dwarves Characters
  • Karn Stonehammer
  • Captain Jorvik Ironclad
Fautyr Characters
  • Maelis Stormrider
  • Astrid Stormrider
  • Lyria Moonshadow
Ljost Alfar Characters
  • Lyana Silverleaf
  • Vylia Whisperwind
  • Rorik Stormcaller


“Once a peaceful land with shoreview of Ljostari but now somewhat tormented due the Arisen tomb Kings & Queens who rose due the Deep Blue Tsunami from Ljostari downfall.”

Skjald Ulrich



Historical overview

Dark Ages to Third Age: Spiy’s ancient history is shrouded in mystery, with various Races and Cultures inhabiting its lands. The diverse terrain of mountains, grasslands, forests, and shores fostered the development of unique societies.

Fourth Age, year 1 – 600: During this period, the various races of Spiy reestablished their Settlements and cultures. The region’s remote and difficult-to-reach locations allowed some Races to thrive independently.

Age of Hordes, year 600 – 1170: As Spiy’s societies developed, larger families, Clans, and Tribes, known as Hordes, emerged and acted as the dominant social and political units. These hordes had varying degrees of interaction with each other, ranging from cooperation to rivalry.

1st Alliance, year 1167 – 1250: In the year 1208, a significant event took place in Spiy when a gathering of Kings, Lords, and Masters assembled at Gramshirs Villa to discuss the possibilities of a High King and a peaceful Realm. While many sought the greater good, some pursued their own interests. The committees formed during this gathering reported to the Council of Colours, which oversaw the implementation of decisions.

High King/The Realm, year 1250 – 1277: Solvar Svartholtr introduced the Liber Floris Gold currency in 1250, raising questions due to its engravings depicting Combat Herbs. Spiy’s horde leaders and noble families played a role in the events surrounding The Realm and the High King, with varying degrees of support or neutrality.

The Great Invasion, year 1277 – 1282: During this tumultuous period, Spiy faced external Invaders and internal challenges. Various hordes, noble families, and individuals were compelled to make choices that aligned with their interests or beliefs.

Cleansing Crusade, year 1282 – 1283: In the aftermath of The Great Invasion, Spiy witnessed resistance, support, or neutrality among its hordes, noble families, and other figures during the Cleansing Crusade. Some pursued their own interests, while others sought to restore stability and cleanse the land.

Present, Fifth Age, year 1: As of the current year, Spiy is in the process of rebuilding and recovering from the recent conflicts. The Country's authorities and citizens are engaged in efforts to restore order, rebuild communities, and address the aftermath of the tumultuous events that have shaped its history.

Throughout its history, Spiy has been home to diverse races, cultures, and societies, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the country’s past and present. The rugged terrain, ancient ruins, and natural resources have influenced the course of events and the interactions among Spiy’s inhabitants.

Skjald Vinotis


Political landscape

As of the current year, 1, Spiy’s political and leadership landscape is characterized by a complex interplay of various hordes, noble families, Organisation, and individuals. The country has undergone significant upheaval and change due to recent conflicts, invasions, and power struggles. Here’s a brief summary of the key elements:

Rulers and Government: Spiy is governed by a Countrywide Council that oversees the administration and management of the country. The Council is composed of representatives from different hordes, noble families, and influential organisations. While the Council strives to maintain order and cooperation, tensions and rivalries among its members lead to political maneuvering and power struggles.

Noble Families and Hordes: Spiy is home to several powerful noble families and hordes, each with their own interests and agendas. These families wield significant influence in the political landscape and seek to further their own goals, whether it’s consolidating power, expanding their territories, or safeguarding their resources.

Organisations and Guilds: Various public organisations and Guilds play a role in Spiy’s political affairs. These organisations align with Hordes or noble families as they sees fit, or they may maintain a degree of independence. They contribute to the country’s governance, economy, and security, sometimes collaborating with or opposing the decisions of the Countrywide Council.

Factions and Alliances: The aftermath of recent conflicts, such as The Great Invasion and the Cleansing Crusade, has led to alliances forming among Spiy’s different factions. Some groups seek to work together for mutual benefit, while others maintain a more isolated or competitive stance.

Challenges and Opportunities: Spiy’s leadership landscape is marked by both challenges and opportunities. Rebuilding efforts are underway, with a focus on restoring stability, structures, and public services. However, the country continues to grapple with the aftermath of conflicts, including the presence of Monsters, ruins, and unsettled territories. The quest for Resources, influence, and power drives much of the political dynamics, and Spiy’s leaders navigate a delicate balance between cooperation and self-interest.

In summary, Spiy’s political landscape is a dynamic and ever-evolving mix of hordes, noble families, organisations, and individuals, each vying for influence and control. The country’s leaders must navigate these complexities as they seek to shape the future of Spiy in a post-conflict era.

Skjald Ulrich




Mt. Vula was a dormant volcano that became the site of a violent Magic release. The energies were so strong that they ripped both Mana Manipulators and Gods apart. Energies ultimately developed strong enough to rip existence, merging the Astral and our World. This ‘shower of rainbows,’ as some Ljost Alfar calls it, created a fabric-soup that contaminated the sea near Ljostari as it sank into the oceans – now known as The Deep Blue.

That brought the Third Age to an end and changed the continents of our World.

Skjald El Mary



The Deep Blue Tsunami, that marked the beginning of Fourth Age, had significant and far-reaching effects on Spiy, both in terms of immediate destruction and long-term consequences. The tsunami was triggered by a underwater seismic event and resulted in a massive wall of water that swept across coastal areas, causing widespread devastation and loss of life. While the primary impact was along the shores and coastal regions, the ripples of the event reached deeper into the country’s heart.

Immediate Effects

  • Coastal Devastation: The coastal regions of Spiy were hit the hardest by the tsunami. Coastal Towns, Villages, and Cities suffered extensive damage as the powerful waves surged inland. Homes, roads, harbours, and livelihoods were destroyed, leaving communities reeling in the aftermath.
  • Loss of Life: The tsunami claimed the lives of many Spiyan citizens, causing a profound sense of grief and loss. The disaster also led to displacement, with survivors seeking refuge in safer areas of the country.
  • Arisen Awakening: The tainted waters of the tsunami had an impact on the burial sites of the Human Race. As a result, corpses were awakened from their slumber. This led to a mix of reactions within the Human and N-Erectus, as some Arisen seeked to integrate into Spiyan society, while others remained elusive and enigmatic.

Long-Term Consequences

  • Rebuilding Efforts: Spiy faced the immense challenge of rebuilding its coastal communities in the aftermath of the tsunami. Reconstruction efforts took years and required significant resources, impacting the country’s economy and development.
  • Cultural Shifts: The disaster served as a catalyst for cultural shifts within Spiy. The resilience and unity demonstrated by Spiyan citizens during the recovery process led to a renewed sense of national identity and pride.
  • Environmental Changes: The tsunami’s impact on the coastal environment brought about changes in coastal geography and marine ecosystems. Spiyans had to adapt to these changes, with some communities rethinking their relationship with the sea.
  • Arisen Integration: The awakening of Arisen individuals sparked discussions about coexistence and integration. Some Arisen chose to interact with Spiyan society, contributing their unique abilities and perspectives to various fields, including arts, sciences, and spiritual practices.

In essence, the Deep Blue Tsunami of Year 1 left a lasting imprint on Spiy, shaping its trajectory in various ways. While the immediate devastation was profound, the disaster also prompted resilience, adaptability, and a reevaluation of Spiy’s relationship with both the sea and its own history.

Skjald Sejrik



During the Age of Hordes, which spanned from the years 600 to 1250, Spiy experienced the rise and actions of several larger families, households, Clans, and Tribes that could be considered Hordes. These entities played significant roles in shaping the country’s political, social, and cultural landscape during this tumultuous period. Here are a few notable examples: House of StonewindClan of Whispering PinesTribe of StormsongHouse of EmberheartThe Azure Brotherhood

These larger families, households, clans, and tribes formed intricate webs of alliances, rivalries, and interactions that shaped Spiy’s history during the Age of Hordes. While some hordes were more warlike and expansionist, others focused on trade, spirituality, or craftsmanship. Their actions contributed to the diverse tapestry of Spiyan society and its enduring legacy.

Skjald Kazumix


The historic gathering of Kings, Lords, and Masters in Tartu in the year 1208 was a momentous event that marked the beginning of discussions about the possibility of a High King and a unified Realm. It brought together representatives from various regions and factions, each with their own interests and aspirations. The gathering took place at Gramshirs Villa in Tartu, , a magnificent structure adorned with intricate carvings and rich tapestries. This villa served as the venue for the crucial discussions and debates surrounding the establishment of The Realm idea.

The atmosphere was tense as delegates from different noble families, hordes, and organisations gathered to share their perspectives on the proposed idea of a High King and a united Realm.

The discussions were led by a panel of respected figures, including wise elders, influential lords, and charismatic leaders. The debates were passionate and sometimes heated, with participants expressing their concerns, hopes, and fears for the future of the realm. Points of contention included questions about the distribution of power, the autonomy of individual regions, and the role of different races and factions within the proposed Realm.

Over several days, the delegates engaged in negotiations, compromises, and spirited debates. Many alliances were formed, broken, and reformed as the discussions progressed. As the days went by, a sense of camaraderie began to develop among the attendees, and a shared vision of a more peaceful and cooperative future emerged.

Ultimately, the meeting concluded with a resolution to further explore the idea of a High King and a united Realm. Committees were formed to delve into the practicalities, legalities, and potential benefits of such a union. While no definitive decisions were reached during the gathering itself, the event laid the foundation for future collaborations and paved the way for the formation of alliances that would become pivotal in the years to come.

The committees formed during the historic gathering at Gramshirs Villa in 1208 reported their findings and progress to the Council of Colours in the subsequent years. This council served as the overarching authority that oversaw the development and implementation of the decisions and initiatives discussed during the meeting.

The gathering of 1208 in Tartu became a pivotal moment in the history of the region, setting in motion a series of events that would shape the destiny of the land and its peoples. It marked the first step towards the realization of a united realm under a common banner, and the discussions and debates that took place within the walls of the villa would echo throughout history.

Skjald Vinotis



During the years 1167–1250, the campaign to establish The Realm and forge the 1st Alliance had a significant impact on various hordes, noble families, heroes, and characters in Spiy.

While some actively participated in the campaign, others chose to remain neutral or pursued their own agendas. Here are a few notable examples:

  • House of Emberheart: This noble family played a crucial role in the campaign to establish The Realm. Known for their mastery of fire and metalwork, the House of Emberheart forged powerful weapons and armor that were used by The Realm’s forces. Their skilled blacksmiths and artisans provided essential support, contributing to the military strength of The Realm.
  • The Azure Brotherhood: While not directly involved in the military aspects of the campaign, The Azure Brotherhood offered their unique insights into arcane arts and astral phenomena. They provided guidance to The Realm’s leaders on matters of spirituality and mysticism, contributing to the alliance’s overall strength and wisdom.
  • Clan of Whispering Pines: The Clan of Whispering Pines initially remained neutral in the campaign, focusing on the preservation of nature and their way of life. However, as The Realm’s influence began to spread, they formed a loose alliance, providing knowledge of the land’s secrets and acting as scouts in the dense forests and woodlands.
  • Tribe of Stormsong: The Tribe of Stormsong, known for their maritime expertise, played a vital role in establishing trade routes and communication lines across bodies of water. Their ships and sailors facilitated the movement of troops, supplies, and information, strengthening The Realm’s logistical capabilities.
  • House of Silentwing: A mysterious and secretive noble family, the House of Silentwing was known for their skilled assassins and spies. While officially neutral, they secretly provided valuable intelligence to The Realm, aiding in the infiltration of enemy territories and the disruption of opposing forces.
  • The Vigilant Sentinels: A group of legendary heroes from different backgrounds, The Vigilant Sentinels actively fought alongside The Realm’s armies. These heroes, known for their unwavering dedication to justice and protection, inspired others to join the cause and bolster The Realm’s ranks.
  • House of Whisperbreeze: This noble family excelled in diplomacy and negotiation. They played a key role in forming alliances between The Realm and neighboring factions, ensuring that The Realm’s influence extended beyond its borders and fostering unity among diverse groups.

While many hordes, noble families, heroes, and characters in Spiy were united in the campaign to establish The Realm and the 1st Alliance, there were also those who remained neutral or pursued their own interests. The diverse contributions and actions of these entities shaped the outcome of the campaign and left a lasting impact on Spiyan history.

Within the context of the 1st Alliance, there were individuals and groups from various races who pursued their own interests alongside the broader goal of establishing The Realm and a High King. Here are a few examples:

  • Lord Tharn Ironcrest of House Ironcrest (Human): While House Ironcrest ultimately supported the 1st Alliance, Lord Tharn Ironcrest was known to have his own ambitions. He saw the establishment of The Realm as an opportunity to expand his family’s influence and power, aiming to secure a prominent position for House Ironcrest within the new order.
  • Lady Selene Whitestone (Human): Lady Selene Whitestone, a member of the influential House Whitestone, participated in the 1st Alliance with a personal agenda. She sought to use the Alliance’s efforts to strengthen her own family’s position and secure advantageous alliances, potentially even vying for a role within the leadership of The Realm.
  • Vilmaris the Cunning (Drakk Alfar): Vilmaris, a shrewd and cunning Drakk Alfar chieftain, joined the 1st Alliance with the intention of advancing his own tribe’s interests. He saw the alliance as a means to expand his tribe’s territory and secure valuable resources, even if it meant using the larger cause to achieve his own goals.
  • Lyana Silverleaf (Ljost Alfar): Lyana Silverleaf, a skilled Ljost Alfar diplomat, was known to negotiate on behalf of her people during the 1st Alliance. While outwardly supportive of the alliance, she worked behind the scenes to secure favorable terms for Ljost Alfar settlements and territories, leveraging the alliance’s objectives for her own people’s benefit.
  • Maelis Stormrider (Fautyr): Maelis Stormrider, a charismatic Fautyr leader, participated in the 1st Alliance with the intention of safeguarding his own tribe’s interests. He sought to secure territories rich in natural resources for his people, using the alliance’s collective strength to ensure Fautyr prosperity.

It’s important to note that while these individuals pursued their own interests within the context of the 1st Alliance, their actions were often aligned with the broader goal of establishing The Realm and a High King. The diverse motivations and agendas of these characters added complexity to the alliance and contributed to the intricate tapestry of alliances and rivalries during that pivotal period.

Skjald Sigurd



During the years 1250–1277, various hordes, noble families, heroes, and characters from Spiy played significant roles in relation to The Realm and the High King. While some actively supported The Realm and the High King, others chose to remain neutral or pursued their own agendas. Here are a few examples:

  • House of Emberheart: Building upon their previous contributions, the House of Emberheart continued to provide essential support to The Realm and the High King during this period. Their skilled craftsmanship and weaponry played a crucial role in strengthening the High King’s forces.
  • The Azure Brotherhood: The mystics and scholars of The Azure Brotherhood continued to offer their insights into arcane matters, aiding the High King’s understanding of astral phenomena and spiritual forces. Their guidance contributed to the High King’s ability to navigate complex challenges.
  • Tribe of Stormsong: The maritime expertise of the Tribe of Stormsong remained invaluable as they facilitated trade and communication between Spiy and other regions under The Realm’s influence. Their ships and sailors played a vital role in maintaining supply lines and transporting troops.
  • House of Silentwing: The House of Silentwing’s network of assassins and spies proved essential in gathering intelligence and disrupting the plans of The Realm’s adversaries. Their covert operations contributed to the High King’s ability to outmaneuver and counter threats.
  • Clan of Whispering Pines: The Clan of Whispering Pines continued their role as scouts and explorers, aiding the High King’s forces by providing valuable information about the land’s terrain and potential dangers. Their knowledge of hidden paths and natural resources benefited the High King’s campaigns.
  • The Vigilant Sentinels: The legendary heroes known as The Vigilant Sentinels remained steadfast in their commitment to justice and protection. They fought alongside the High King’s armies, inspiring courage and rallying support among Spiyans and allies.
  • House of Whisperbreeze: The diplomatic skills of the House of Whisperbreeze remained crucial in maintaining alliances and fostering unity within The Realm. They played a key role in negotiations and mediations that helped solidify the High King’s rule.

While many entities from Spiy actively supported The Realm and the High King, there were also those who chose to remain neutral or pursued their own interests. The complex interactions and contributions of hordes, noble families, heroes, and characters during this period shaped the course of events and influenced the outcome of The Realm’s legacy.

During the era of the High King and the establishment of The Realm, there were individuals and groups who pursued their own interests while also participating in the broader efforts. Here are a few examples:

  • Lord Cedric Blackthorn (Human): A member of House Blackthorn, Lord Cedric had ambitions beyond simply supporting the High King. He used his influence within The Realm to further his family’s power and gain advantageous positions in trade and commerce. He established a network of connections that extended far beyond the borders of The Realm.
  • Lady Elara Nightshade (Human): A skilled diplomat from House Nightshade, Lady Elara played a crucial role in the political maneuvering of The Realm. While outwardly loyal to the High King, she used her position to gather information and influence decisions that would benefit her family’s interests, often walking the line between loyalty and self-gain.
  • Astrid Stormrider (Fautyr): Astrid Stormrider, a charismatic and ambitious Fautyr chieftain, was a strong supporter of The Realm. However, she also saw the alliance as an opportunity to expand Fautyr territories and secure resources for her tribe. She leveraged her influence to negotiate favorable terms for Fautyr settlements and maintain a degree of autonomy within The Realm.
  • Erevan Thundershield (Markian): Erevan, a skilled Markian warrior, was a loyal follower of the High King but was driven by a desire for personal glory and honor. He often sought out opportunities for heroic feats and brave deeds, earning him a reputation as a fierce and valiant warrior within The Realm.
  • Vylia Whisperwind (Ljost Alfar): Vylia, a cunning Ljost Alfar diplomat, played both sides of the political game. While officially aligned with the High King’s cause, she secretly brokered deals and alliances with other factions to ensure Ljost Alfar interests were protected and expanded, often walking a fine line between loyalty and opportunism.

These individuals, among others, added depth and complexity to the era of the High King and The Realm. Their varying motivations, ambitions, and allegiances created a dynamic and intricate political landscape, shaping the course of events during that significant period in the country’s history.

Skjald Valgrif



During the years 1277–1282, Spiy faced the turmoil of The Great Invasion, and various hordes, noble families, heroes, and characters from the country played crucial roles in defending their land, aiding the High King, and facing the invaders. Here are some examples of their actions:

  • The House of Emberheart: Building upon their legacy of support, the House of Emberheart forged powerful weapons and armor to bolster the forces resisting the invaders. Their skilled blacksmiths and craftsmen played a pivotal role in equipping the defenders.
  • The Azure Brotherhood: The mystics of The Azure Brotherhood combined their arcane knowledge with their spiritual insights to provide magical assistance to the defenders. They aided in erecting protective barriers, unraveling enemy spells, and offering guidance on combating the invaders’ supernatural forces.
  • Tribe of Stormsong: The sailors of the Tribe of Stormsong leveraged their maritime expertise to coordinate the movement of troops, supplies, and information across Spiy’s coastal regions. Their naval prowess helped safeguard key coastal areas from enemy incursions.
  • The Vigilant Sentinels: These legendary heroes remained at the forefront of the defense, rallying the people of Spiy with their unwavering courage and determination. They engaged in daring battles against the invaders, inspiring others to stand strong against the threat.
  • The Clan of Whispering Pines: The scouts and explorers of this clan provided invaluable intelligence about the invaders’ movements and tactics. Their knowledge of Spiy’s terrain allowed the defenders to set traps and ambushes, gaining an edge in the conflict.
  • House of Silentwing: The skilled assassins and spies of the House of Silentwing operated covertly within enemy ranks, disrupting communication and sabotaging key targets. Their efforts weakened the invaders’ cohesion and strategy.
  • The Shieldmaidens of Thundertide: A group of fierce warrior women from Spiy, the Shieldmaidens of Thundertide formed a formidable frontline defense against the invaders. Their combat skills and unwavering loyalty to their homeland inspired those around them.
  • Clan of Starlight: The mystics and healers of the Clan of Starlight provided vital medical aid to the wounded and bolstered the morale of the defenders. Their knowledge of herbal remedies and magical healing played a critical role in maintaining the strength of Spiy’s forces.

While many hordes, noble families, heroes, and characters from Spiy actively fought to repel the invaders and support the High King, there might have been others who maintained neutrality or pursued different paths. The united efforts of these individuals and groups were instrumental in Spiy’s resistance against The Great Invasion and its lasting impact on the country’s history.

During the tumultuous period of The Great Invasion, there were individuals and groups who pursued their own interests amidst the chaos and conflict. Here are a few examples:

  • Baron Oswald Ironcrest (Human): A prominent member of House Ironcrest, Baron Oswald saw The Great Invasion as an opportunity to expand his family’s influence and secure power within the country. While officially rallying his forces against the invaders, he also engaged in secret negotiations with other factions to advance his own ambitions.
  • Thalanna Swiftblade (Drakk Alfar): Thalanna, a resourceful and cunning Drakk Alfar rogue, used the chaos of The Great Invasion to conduct her own shadowy operations. She took advantage of the distraction caused by the invaders to carry out covert missions and thefts, accumulating valuable resources for her own purposes.
  • Erik Wolfsbane (Human): A fierce and independent-minded warrior from the Gilmata Highlands, Erik Wolfsbane was driven by a desire for vengeance against the invaders who had ravaged his homeland. While fighting alongside the country’s forces, he often pursued his own quests for revenge and justice, sometimes diverging from the main strategies.
  • Lady Seraphina Darkthorn (Human): A member of House Darkthorn, Lady Seraphina possessed a keen political mind and used the chaos of The Great Invasion to further her family’s influence. She played a dangerous game of diplomacy and manipulation, forging alliances and connections that would benefit her family’s interests in the post-invasion landscape.
  • Rorik Stormcaller (Ljost Alfar): Rorik, a charismatic and ambitious Ljost Alfar warrior, sought to prove his prowess on the battlefield during The Great Invasion. While fighting against the invaders, he also engaged in personal duels and challenges, earning a reputation as a formidable combatant and enhancing his own standing within Ljost Alfar society.
  • Skarn Stonehammer (Dwarven Mercenary): Skarn, a rugged and pragmatic Dwarves, offered his services as a mercenary during The Great Invasion. While officially hired to aid the country’s defense, he also negotiated side deals and contracts to secure additional payment and resources for himself and his mercenary company.

These individuals, each driven by their own motivations and agendas, contributed to the complexity of The Great Invasion’s narrative. Their actions and decisions, whether aligned with or diverging from the country’s official efforts, added depth and intrigue to the unfolding events of that critical period.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard



During the Cleansing Crusade of the years 1282–1283, Spiy witnessed a complex interplay of alliances, conflicts, and actions by various hordes, noble families, heroes, and other figures. Some chose to resist by themselves, some supported the effort to eliminate invaders and traitors of The Realm, and others remained impartial or pursued different paths. Here are a few examples of how different groups within Spiy were involved:

  • The Resolute Guardians: Comprised of brave warriors from different hordes and noble families, They took up arms to cleanse Spiy of invaders and traitors. They rallied the people and launched coordinated offensives to eradicate enemy strongholds and liberate occupied territories.
  • The Order of Radiant Dawn: Committed to upholding justice and order, They led efforts to identify and bring traitors to justice. They worked closely with the cleansing forces, using their skills to uncover hidden enemies and disrupt their operations.
  • Tribe of Echoing Winds: Known for their expertise in guerrilla warfare, they employed hit-and-run tactics against remaining invaders and traitors. Their ability to navigate Spiy’s terrain proved invaluable in locating and neutralizing pockets of resistance.
  • House of Moonshadow: Some of their members, renowned for their mystical abilities, assisted in tracking down traitors who had gone into hiding. Their powers of divination and scrying helped expose hidden enemies and expedite the cleansing process.
  • The Menders of Serenity: This group of healers and medics played a critical role in caring for wounded defenders and traitors who chose to surrender. While their primary focus was on saving lives, they also helped gather information that aided the cleansing efforts.
  • The Silent Walkers: A secretive faction skilled in espionage and covert operations, They infiltrated enemy ranks and gathered intelligence on remaining traitors. Their information enabled the cleansing forces to make strategic strikes against high-value targets.
  • Clan of Tranquil Waters: Known for their negotiation skills, their members facilitated the surrender of some traitors, helping to expedite the process of identifying and removing threats from Spiy.
  • The Council of Unity: Comprising representatives from various hordes and families, They played a role in mediating disputes and ensuring cooperation among different factions. Their efforts helped prevent internal conflicts that could have weakened Spiy’s ability to cleanse itself.

While many within Spiy actively supported the Cleansing Crusade to eliminate Invaders and traitors, during the tumultuous period of allegiances and actions in the aftermath of The Great Invasion and the fall of The Realm. The intricate web of  those who shaped Spiy’s history, also had individuals or groups who chose to remain impartial or pursued their own agendas amidst the chaos and struggle. Here are a few examples:

  • Lord Cedric Whitestone (Human): A prominent member of House Whitestone, Lord Cedric had ambitions of consolidating power and expanding his family’s influence. While publicly supporting the cause of the Cleansing Crusade, he secretly engaged in political maneuvering and backroom deals to advance his own position within the country.
  • Elara Shadowthorn (Ljost Alfar): Elara, a skilled and enigmatic Ljost Alfar assassin, used the turmoil of the Cleansing Crusade to carry out her own agenda. While officially aligned with the crusaders, she undertook covert missions and assassinations that furthered her personal goals and allegiances.
  • Elysia Stormweaver (Moss’Ari): Elysia, a powerful Moss’Ari Mana Manipulator, saw the Cleansing Crusade as an opportunity to harness magical energies for her own ends. While outwardly aiding in the fight against the enemies of The Realm, she conducted forbidden rituals and experiments to enhance her Arcane abilities.
  • Captain Jorvik Ironclad (Dwarves): Jorvik, a grizzled and pragmatic Dwarves, led a company of mercenaries during the Cleansing Crusade. While officially hired to support the cause, he frequently made decisions based on his own assessment of risks and rewards, sometimes leading his company on independent ventures.
  • Sylas Ravenshadow(Human): Sylas, a scholar and historian, saw the Cleansing Crusade as an opportunity to uncover hidden knowledge and artifacts. While assisting the crusaders, he secretly sought out ancient texts and relics that held secrets of power and history, often putting his personal quest ahead of the larger conflict.
  • Lyria Moonshadow (Fautyr): Lyria, a wise and mysterious Fautyr druid, was deeply connected to the land and its spirits. While supporting the efforts of the Cleansing Crusade, she also worked to protect and preserve the natural world, sometimes taking actions that conflicted with the goals of the crusaders.

These individuals, driven by their own motivations and desires, added complexity and depth to the narrative of the Cleansing Crusade. As they navigated the challenges and uncertainties of the conflict, their actions often had far-reaching consequences that went beyond the immediate goals of the crusaders.

Skjald Ulrich



Now, in the first year of a new age, Spiy finds itself at a crucial juncture in its history. The Invaders are gone and traitors dealth with, leaving behind a nation grappling with the aftermath of The Great Invasion and the subsequent Cleansing Crusade. The country’s authorities and citizens are primarily focused on rebuilding, healing, and reestablishing a sense of stability and unity.

Reconstruction and Recovery: The country is in the midst of extensive reconstruction efforts. Cities, Towns, and Villages that were damaged or destroyed during the conflict are being rebuilt, and roads are being repaired. This includes bridges, and essentials to facilitate trade, communication, and movement.

Refugees and Displaced Populations: The conflict and its aftermath have resulted in a significant displacement of people. Efforts are being made to help refugees return to their homes and rebuild their lives. Temporary settlements and support are in place to assist those who have been uprooted.

Reconciliation and Unity: Spiy’s authorities are promoting reconciliation and unity among the various factions and groups that emerged during the turbulent years. Negotiations, and cultural exchanges are being used to bridge divides.

Economic Recovery: The country’s economy has been disrupted by the conflict. Trade routes are being reestablished, resources replenished, and workshops revitalized. Economic recovery initiatives are also carried out to encourage growth.

Security and Stability: Efforts are being made to ensure the security and stability of the nation. Local law enforcement, militias, and newly formed defense forces are working together to maintain order and protect the population from any remaining threats.

Cultural Preservation: Spiy is working to preserve its cultural heritage, artifacts, and historical sites that may have been impacted by the conflict. Museums, cultural centers, and institutions dedicated to the arts and history are playing a role in this preservation.

Social Healing and Trauma Recovery: The impact of the invasion and conflict are still felt across the population. Aid are taking place to support those who have experienced the hardships of war.

Political Landscape: The country’s political landscape have shifted as a result of the recent events. New leaders have emerged, and existing power dynamics have changed. Efforts to establish a stable governance structure and rebuild political institutions are ongoing.

While Spiy is primarily focused on rebuilding and recovery, it’s important to note that challenges and tensions still exist. Rival factions, differing opinions on how to move forward, and the legacy of the conflict contribute to a complex and evolving situation. The nation’s resilience, determination, and ability to come together will shape its future in the years to come.

Skjald El Mary




The Climate of Spiy, situated on the South-eastern borders of Midgard's continental Isle, experiences a range of weather patterns and conditions that create a unique and dynamic environment.

Coastal Influence
Spiy’s southern and eastern coastlines are characterized by a maritime climate. Mild temperatures, moderate rainfall, and oceanic influences create comfortable and relatively stable conditions. Summers are warm but not excessively hot, with cool ocean breezes providing relief from the heat. Winters are mild, and frost is rare near the coast. Spiy’s coastlines boast picturesque beaches, and the sea plays a significant role in the culture and economy of the region.

Mountainous and Highland Areas
Inland, Spiy’s topography includes mountainous and highland regions. These areas experience a more temperate climate with distinct seasons. Summers are warm to moderately hot, while winters can be cold, especially at higher elevations. Snowfall is common in the winter months. The highland areas are known for their lush forests, clear streams, and breathtaking vistas.

Inland areas
Spiy’s central and western regions have hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The coastal influence extends inland, allowing for the cultivation of vineyards, olive groves, and other crops. The landscapes feature rolling hills, valleys, and picturesque towns that exude a sense of charm and tranquility.

Localised climates
Spiy’s geographical diversity gives rise to microclimate. Sheltered valleys, coastal plains, and rain-shadow effects create localized variations in temperature and precipitation. This diversity supports a wide range of flora and fauna, making Spiy a haven for Hunters and Gatherers.

Overall, Spiy’s climate is a harmonious and inviting environment that attracts traders and travelers alike. The blending of different climatic characteristics contributes to Spiy’s rich cultural tapestry, varied landscapes, and unique way of life.

Skjald  Yell'a'Beard



Trees of note: Moonshadow Oak, Amberpine, Starlight Birch

Shrubs of note: Mistberry Bush, Whispering Willow, Emberbloom Thorn

Subshrubs of note: Eversage, Glimmering Gorse, Silverleaf Heather

Annuals of note: Dawnbloom, Sunfire Poppy, Twilight Lotus

Biennials of note: Everbright Daisy, Sylvan Bellflower, Whisperwind Fern

Perennials of note: Eternal Iris, Mossbloom Orchid, Silvershade Lily

Liana of note: Whispering Vine, Embracevine, Starglow Ivy

Ferns of note: Mistveil Fern, Luminous Maidenhair, Elderwood Bracken

Moss of note: Silverwhisper Moss, Hushshroud Moss, Dreamweaver Moss

Algae of note: Starlily Algae, Lunarlace Algae, Aquaflame Algae

Lichens of note: Moonbeam Lichen, Mistscale Lichen, Stoneshadow Lichen

Fungi of note: Glowcap Mushroom, Whispering Toadstool, Ethereal Webcap

Herbs of note: Starseed Chamomile, Breezeleaf Mint, Twilight Thyme

Flowers of note: Dreambloom: Large, Sunlit Dahlia, Stardust Lily

Spices of note: Eclipse Pepper, Firebloom Cinnamon, Lunar Clove

Skjald Sejrik



Mammals of note: Miststalker Panther, Emberfox, Moonshimmer Deer

Fish of note: Luminescent Koi, Aquaquill Eel, Stardust Trout

Birds of note: Whisperwing Owl, Sunflare Hummingbird, Mystic Raven

Reptiles of note: Twilight Serpent, Shadowscale Lizard, Moonlit Tortoise

Amphibians of note: Gleamback Frog, Mistbound Salamander, Stardrop Toad

Arthropods of note: Moonshadow Spider, Luminary Firefly, Crystalwing Butterfly

Mollusks of note: Starmist Snail, Moonstone Clam, Twilight Octopus

Skjald Vinotis



Spiy is home to several Monsters, some of which are menacing and imposing while others are merely local annoyances. Depending on their impact, they are either ignored, fed, or hunted. Here are some of them: Mistwraith Specter, Thornspine Basilisk, Stormcrackle Wyrm, Sirens of Sorrow, Blazefang Drakes, Banshee of the Enchanted Vale, Shadowsoul Harvester, Abyssal Kraken

Skjald Sigurd




PAST: Here’s a brief historical overview of each of the human races from the year 1, Fourth Age to 1277:

  • Clovincaz: Up through Third and Forth Ages, they were renowned for their craftsmanship and innovation. They established bustling trade routes, connecting distant regions and facilitating the exchange of goods and knowledge. Their cities became centers of art, culture, and commerce, fostering a sense of unity and prosperity among their people. Even after the arrival of Wanderers, the Deep Blue Tsunami, and some of their ancestors vecoming Arisen, the Clovincaz cities continued to prosper as centers of innovation and culture. Their craftsmen keept advancing techniques in metallurgy, sculpture, and architecture. They also created intricate tapestries, paintings, and literature that celebrated their rich history and heritage.
  • Common: The Common people, a result of Indigenous, and Realmar mixing, known for their agricultural expertise, and technological adaptness, settled in fertile valleys and plains. They developed advanced farming techniques, leading to surplus food production and the growth of their settlements. Over time, they formed tightly-knit communities and traded their bountiful harvests with neighboring tribes, fostering relations. As they multiplied, they thrived as master farmers, their expertise in agriculture contributing to the overall prosperity of the land. Their tightly-knit communities evolved into flourishing towns, and they played a pivotal role in providing sustenance to neighboring regions during times of need. They also became known for their expansive nature, often raising conflicts with N-Erectus.
  • Markian: The Markian people were nomadic hunters and gatherers, adapting to various environments and climates up through the Ages. They developed a deep connection with nature, utilizing the land’s resources to sustain their tribes. Over the years, they honed their survival skills and learned to harness the power of the elements, becoming skilled shamans and herbalists. Their knowledge of the land’s secrets ever expanding, enabling them to develop potent potions and remedies. They became sought-after healers, offering their services, fostering goodwill through their ancient traditions. And in conflict, they prefer archery from horseback, showering enemies as they close up -for fierce spear, axe or knife melee.
  • Moss'ari: The Moss’ari tribes has always preferring to inhabit the lush forests and marshes, forming a harmonious bond with the natural world. They developed an intricate understanding of plant life and herbal remedies, becoming very skilled Animists, Druids, and guardians of the land. Their secretive rituals and practices has always been shrouded in mysticism and reverence for the spirits. Their knowledge of flora and fauna rivals the Wickeryadi, allowing them to develop practices preserving the delicate balance of nature. They seldom share their wisdom with other races, and when marching to defend themselves, they paint up as Birch.
  • Jomzaar: Part of the Wanderers, Jomzaar has always been seafaring adventurers, exploring uncharted waters and discovering new lands. They built sturdy ships and established coastal settlements, engaging in trade and forging alliances with distant cultures. Their navigational prowess and maritime expertise made them a formidable presence on the seas. Their seafarers continues to explore distant shores, establishing trade routes and cultural exchanges with faraway lands -only Outlands has eluded them. Their navigational prowess led to the discovery of new resources and treasures, enriching their own society and fostering connections with the distant peoples of Darin.
  • Rimzir: The Rimzir tribes were fierce warriors, and came hunting The Bullheaded God. They often clash with neighboring clans, or those of N-Erectus, over territory and resources. They developed intricate battle tactics and formidable weaponry, earning a reputation for their martial prowess. As the years passed, some Rimzir chieftains rose to power, uniting disparate tribes under their banner. Their tribes gradually transitioned from a warrior-centric culture to one that embraced diplomacy and cooperation. Influential chieftains used their leadership skills to form alliances and negotiate treaties, creating a more stable and interconnected landscape. The Rimzir played a crucial role in mediating conflicts inthe 1st Alliance and maintaining peace among neighboring races.
  • Vular: The Vular people were skilled architects and engineers, constructing grand cities and impressive structures as they crossed The Rim as the first large group of Tribes. They harnessed the power of magic to shape their environments, creating magnificent feats of architecture. Their cities became beacons of knowledge and innovation, attracting scholars and intellectuals from across the land. Their grand cities showcased their innovative designs, blending artistry and functionality. The Vular also gathered knowledge of magic, and crafting from the Other and Divine Races, contributing to their understanding of Arcane Magic and the development of new spells and enchantments.
  • Realmar: The Realmar civilization emerged as a center of knowledge and enlightenment on top of the Wanderers. Scholars and philosophers from various races converged in Realmar cities, engaging in intellectual pursuits and exchanging ideas. The Realmar people developed intricate systems of governance and diplomacy, promoting cooperation and unity. They remained a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment, drawing thinkers from all corners of The Realm. Their universities and academies became renowned for their pursuit of truth and understanding. Realmar diplomats played key roles in mediating conflicts and promoting diplomacy, striving for a world united by wisdom.
  • Arisen: The Arisen are an enigmatic race, emerging from Human burial mounds and tombs when the tainted waters of the Deep Blue Tsunami flooded their graves -known or unknown. With memories of their past lives and a deep connection to the spiritual realm, they sought to understand their purpose and existence. Some Arisen individuals exhibited unique powers and abilities, which both intrigued and mystified those around them. Some Arisen individuals ventured out into the world, using their unique abilities to aid and guide others. Their ancient wisdom and insights often served as a source of inspiration for seekers of truth and enlightenmen, others are unpleasentries best avoided.

Skjald Kazumix



PAST: Here’s a brief historical overview for each of the mentioned ‘N-Erectus’ from the year 1 to 1170, highlighting their remote and difficult-to-reach locations:

Drakk Alfar: The Drakk Alfar has always maintained isolated dwellings,  keeping a secretive existence within their underground fortresses. Masters of mining and metallurgy, they delved deep into the earth to extract precious ores, gems, and ‘Vornir Tears’. Their vast subterranean cities were hidden from the surface world, allowing them to thrive in solitude and develop advanced technologies. As the world evolved, the Drakk Alfar continued to expand their underground domains. Their mastery over metallurgy and engineering led to remarkable advancements in mining and craftsmanship. They established intricate networks of tunnels, connecting their cities and fortresses. Despite their reclusive nature, rumors of their technological marvels spread, attracting curiosity from those brave enough to venture into the depths. They stood divided in The Great Invasion, but the aid of ‘The Faithful Ones’ was key in the victory.

Fautyr: The Fautyr has always prefered nature, inhabiting dense woodlands, living in harmony with the natural world. Skilled shape-shifters, they adapt their appearances to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Known for their elusive nature, they occasionally interacted with neighboring races, offering guidance when Fautyr deems it needed. Their role as guardians of the wilderness solidified, often resulting in raids, so their advice was sought after by individuals and communities alike.

Kobold: In their forested and roughland habitats, the Kobolds excelled in engineering and crafting. They built intricate settlements, utilizing mechanization to enhance their daily lives. While they preferred seclusion, their inventions and crafts occasionally found their way to other races, earning them a reputation for innovation. Sharing mechanized creations, and inventions with neighboring races through discreet trade networks, made their settlements grew in complexity, blending seamlessly with the natural landscapes. Kobold engineers are highly respected for their expertise, and their workshops are centers of technological progress.

Ljost Alfar: Dwelling on mountainsides and in remote forests, the Ljost Alfar cultivated a rich tradition of herbalism, poetry, and philosophy. Their treetop settlements known for their ethereal beauty and connection to the natural world. The mountaintop abodes remained havens of art, culture, and wisdom. Ljost Alfar artisans crafted legendary artifacts, and their wisdom was sought after by those who ventured into their domains. Legendary artifacts and masterful creations continues to flow from their skilled hands, leaving an indelible mark on the world’s history.

T'Aurs: The T’Aurs reside in secluded forests and mountain settlements and strongholds, where they since dawn of time has honed their skills. Skilled crafters, warriors and herbalists, they revered nature and maintained a delicate balance within their territories. T’Aurs at times ventured into neighboring lands as traders, sharing their natural remedies and forging connections. As traders, their interactions with neighboring regions have increased, fostering cultural exchange and cooperation.

Sealkin: The aquatic Sealkin made their homes in the depths of lakes and rivers. With an affinity for water magic, they developed intricate underwater cities and formed a unique bond with the aquatic life around them. Their existence remained largely hidden from surface dwellers, giving rise to myths and legends about their mysterious nature. Their communities beneath the waters flourished, embracing their affinity for water magic and nurturing unique relationships with aquatic creatures. Their underwater cities expanded, becoming hubs of arcane knowledge and spiritual practices. Sealkin continues to mystify and captivate those who encountered their elusive realm.

Vampires: The elusive and enigmatic Vampires are extremely rare, lurking in the shadows and legends. Feeding on the life force of others, they are both feared and revered by those who heard tales of their existence. Few can claim to have encountered a Vampire, Da'Vey the one with most under the belt, and despite some are known, their true nature are shrouded in mystery. The legends surrounding their nature weaves tales of intrigue and fear.

Wickeryadi: The Wickeryadi are a race of forest-dwelling beings, born before light came to be, they are steeped in mysticism and seclusion. Rarely seen, they possess a deep connection to the natural world and arcane arts. Their appearances often associated with momentous events, and encounters with Wickeryadi were regarded as transformative experiences–just ask a Vampire. They inhabit the depths of dense forests, guarding their arcane knowledge and mystical practices. Rare and enigmatic encounters with them left lasting impressions on those fortunate enough to experience their presence.

Yarogryl: They are a unique and enigmatic branch of Ye'Til, native to the high and rugged mountain ranges of the Spine of Noriag. They  keep to themselvs at the rugged mountain dens.

These ‘Other Races’ existed in their remote and challenging habitats, often influencing the world from the shadows and leaving behind stories that sparked intrigue and wonder.

Skjald Ulrich




Mountains… roughlands… lakes… and shores…

Skjald Kazumix



The shores of Spiy, extending to the north, east, and south, are teeming with life, beauty, and a unique blend of coastal ecosystems. The maritime influence from the surrounding seas shapes the environment, offering a diverse array of habitats that support various species and provide resources for both humans and nature.

Skjald Kazumix


Northern Shores

The northern shores of Spiy are characterized by rugged cliffs, picturesque coves, and sandy beaches. Fishing communities thrive in these areas, with small villages and towns dotting the coastline.
Colourful fishing boats can be seen bobbing on the waves, and Fishermen cast their nets to catch a rich variety of seafood.Seagulls and other seabirds wheel overhead, their cries mingling with the crash of the waves against the cliffs. Coastal plants and wildflowers cling to the rocky terrain, adding bursts of colour to the landscape.

Commerce and trade routes from the Northern Shores of Spiy to Zapri or distant regions like the Isle of Markeoy have existed throughout history, contributing to the exchange of goods, culture, and ideas. These trade routes have played a significant role in shaping the economic and cultural landscape of the region. Here are some details about these trade connections:

Trade ships from the Northern Shores of Spiy have long navigated the seas to reach the neighboring country of Zapri. The two regions share a maritime border, which has facilitated the movement of goods and people between them. Timber, Ores, Minerals, and other natural resources from Spiy’s rugged northern terrain have been in high demand in Zapri for various purposes, including construction and crafting. In exchange, Zapri has provided Spiy with agricultural products, exotic spices, and finely crafted goods. The trade relationship between these two regions has fostered economic growth and cultural exchange over the years.

While the Isle of Markeoy may be far away from Spiy’s North – Northeastern Shores, maritime trade routes have connected the two regions. Markeoy is renowned for its skilled Artisans and Craftsmen who produce exquisite jewelry, artwork, and luxury goods. Spiy’s Traders have sailed to Markeoy’s ports to acquire these high-value items, which are often traded for Spiy’s precious metals and Gems found in its mountainous terrain. The trade between Spiy and Markeoy has contributed to the enrichment of both regions, allowing them to access unique resources and products that are not readily available within their own borders.

These trade connections have not only facilitated economic prosperity but have also served as conduits for cultural exchange, fostering understanding and cooperation between different regions. The exchange of goods, ideas, and traditions along these trade routes has played a crucial role in shaping the history and development of Spiy and its neighboring lands.

Skjald Valgrif


Eastern Shores

The eastern shores of Spiy are marked by wide sandy beaches, dunes, and lagoons. These areas are important nesting grounds for various seabirds, and protected habitats are established to preserve their nesting sites. Coastal wetlands and estuaries provide a haven for diverse marine life, including fish, crabs, and shellfish. These shores are popular destinations for beachgoers, and locals enjoy swimming, taking advantage of the clear blue waters and gentle waves.

Skjald  El Mary


Southern Shores

The southern shores of Spiy boast tranquil bays, sheltered harbors, and bustling port cities. These areas are hubs of maritime trade and commerce, with ships from distant lands docking to unload goods and exchange cultures. Piers and quays stretch out into the sea, and the air is filled with the scent of saltwater and the sounds of bustling activity. Fish markets offer a variety of freshly caught seafood, while waterfront cafes and restaurants serve delectable dishes made from the ocean’s bounty.

Coastal Life: Life along Spiy’s shores is deeply intertwined with the sea. Fishing is a traditional way of life, with families passing down their knowledge and skills from generation to generation. Coastal communities celebrate maritime festivals and events, paying homage to the sea’s gifts and blessings. Seaside towns feature charming architecture, reflecting the coastal lifestyle and the influence of maritime history.

Coastal ecosystems, such as tidal pools, kelp forests, and seagrass beds, provide important habitats for marine species. Seal colonies can be spotted lounging on rocky outcrops, while dolphins and whales frolic in the offshore waters. Beachcombers discover treasures washed ashore, from colourful seashells to polished stones.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the water, locals gather to watch the spectacle and reflect on the beauty of their coastal home. The shores of Spiy are not only a source of livelihood but also a place of inspiration, relaxation, and connection to the rhythms of the sea.

Commerce with the far countries of Darin, located to the south-east and separated by the impenetrable mist and fog shrouded Mt. Vula, is limited and shrouded in mystery due to the challenging geographical barriers and the treacherous nature of the terrain. While there may be some legends, rumors, or whispers about potential trade connections, the exact details are often unclear and subject to speculation. Here is what is known and speculated about commerce with Darin:

Legends and Whispers: Over the centuries, traders, explorers, and adventurers from Spiy might have heard tales of the exotic lands and riches that lie beyond the mist-covered peaks of Mt. Vula. Legends may have emerged about the fabled trade routes that lead to the lands of Darin, where rare and precious goods are said to abound. However, due to the challenging nature of the terrain and the lack of reliable information, these legends remain shrouded in mystery.

Exploratory Ventures: Daring explorers and adventurers from Spiy have attempted to cross the mist-shrouded mountains in search of new trade opportunities and connections with the distant lands of Darin. Some have ventured into the unknown, attempting to breach the foggy barrier and establish contact with the people and cultures beyond. However, these endeavors would likely be fraught with peril, and the outcome of such explorations is uncertain.

Rumors of Contact: Among the more daring and adventurous merchants and traders of Spiy, there may be rumors or unverified accounts of sporadic contact or trade interactions with the people of Darin. These accounts might involve the exchange of exotic goods, rare spices, or even the occasional traveler who claims to have journeyed through the mists. However, due to the lack of concrete evidence and the challenges of traversing the mist-covered mountains, these stories might be met with skepticism by many.

In summary, while there may be legends, rumors, and whispers of commerce with the far countries of Darin beyond the mist and fog-shrouded Mt. Vula, the exact details and extent of such trade connections remain elusive and uncertain. The challenging geographical barriers and the mysterious nature of the region contribute to the air of mystery and intrigue that surrounds the possibility of commerce with Darin.

Skjald  Vinotis


The North Western border

The border region between Spiy and Zapri is a diverse and dynamic landscape that transitions from the northern coastal areas of Spiy to the elevated highlands and grassy steppes of Zapri. This borderland is marked by its unique blend of ecosystems, stunning natural features, and a sense of cultural exchange between the two neighboring countries.

Coastal Transition: As you move from the northern coastal areas of Spiy toward the Zapri border, you’ll encounter a transition zone characterized by rolling hills, low-lying dunes, and estuaries. Coastal grasslands and marshes extend inland, creating important habitats for waterfowl, migratory birds, and other wildlife. Fishermen’s villages dot the shoreline, their nets and fishing boats evidence of the connection between the land and the sea.

Elevated Highlands: Moving further inland, the landscape begins to rise into elevated highlands. These hills and plateaus are covered in a patchwork of grasses, wildflowers, and scattered shrubs. The air is crisp and invigorating, and the views from the higher vantage points are breathtaking. Small streams meander through the landscape, creating pockets of greenery and providing water for local communities and wildlife.

Cultural Exchange: The borderland between Spiy and Zapri is not only a geographical transition but also a cultural one. Along this border, you’ll find a mix of influences from both countries, with traditions, languages, and even architectural styles blending together. Border towns and villages often serve as meeting points, where people from Spiy and Zapri come together for trade, festivals, and other communal activities.

Trade Routes and Crossroads: Several trade routes crisscross this borderland, connecting Spiy and Zapri as well as other neighboring regions. Market towns and trading posts have sprung up along these routes, becoming bustling hubs of commerce and cultural exchange. These areas are often vibrant and diverse, with merchants and travelers from various backgrounds mingling together.

Natural Wonders: The borderland is also home to several natural wonders that draw visitors from both Spiy and Zapri. Ancient rock formations, hidden caves, and serene lakes are scattered throughout the region, offering opportunities for exploration and adventure. Some of these sites have spiritual or cultural significance to the people of both countries, further deepening the ties between them.

Overall, the borderland between Spiy and Zapri is a multifaceted region that captures the essence of both countries. It’s a place where diverse landscapes, cultures, and histories come together, shaping a dynamic and intriguing border area that invites exploration and discovery.

Skjald Sigurd


The South-Western border

The southwestern border of Spiy, shared with the towering mountain range known as the Spine of Noriag, is a region of dramatic landscapes, rugged beauty, and a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur. This borderland is marked by its juxtaposition of high peaks, deep valleys, and enchanting natural features that create a boundary both formidable and captivating.

Spine of Noriag: The Spine of Noriag forms an imposing barrier between Spiy and Noriag. These towering mountains reach towards the sky, their snow-capped peaks often shrouded in mist and clouds. Jagged ridges and sheer cliffs define the skyline, presenting a formidable challenge for anyone attempting to traverse this natural boundary. The Spine is home to a variety of wildlife, including elusive mountain creatures that navigate the rugged terrain with skill.

The elusive mountain creatures that inhabit the Spine of Noriag are known as the “Yarogryl.” These beings are related to the Ye'Til race. The Yarogryl are a unique and enigmatic branch of these native to the high and rugged mountain ranges of the Spine of Noriag.

  • Yarogryl Characteristics: The Yarogryl are large, shaggy creatures with a robust and powerful build, perfectly adapted to the harsh alpine environment of the Spine of Noriag. They possess a thick coat of fur that helps them withstand the cold and harsh weather conditions. Their strong limbs and sharp claws allow them to navigate the treacherous terrain with ease, making them formidable climbers.
  • Behavior and Habitat: Yarogryl are known for their reclusive and solitary nature. They are rarely seen by human inhabitants of Noriag, as they prefer to keep to the remote and inaccessible reaches of the Spine of Noriag’s mountain ranges. Yarogryl are expert hunters, preying on the abundant mountain wildlife that resides in their habitat. They are also skilled scavengers, capable of finding sustenance even in the harshest conditions.
  • Myth and Mystery: The Yarogryl have become the subjects of myths and legends among the people of Noriag. Tales of their existence have been passed down through generations, often spoken of in hushed tones around campfires. Some stories depict the Yarogryl as wise and ancient beings with a deep connection to the natural world, while others cast them as mysterious and potentially dangerous entities.
  • Encounters and Sightings: While the Yarogryl are rarely seen, there have been sporadic accounts of encounters and sightings by intrepid explorers and adventurers who have ventured into the remote reaches of the Spine of Noriag. These accounts describe brief glimpses of the creatures from a distance, often leaving behind mysterious footprints or signs of their presence.

Enchanting Valley of Aratia: As you move towards the center of the border, you encounter the Enchanting Valley of Aratia, a place of breathtaking beauty and tranquility. This valley is a stark contrast to the towering mountains that surround it. Lush meadows, clear streams, and vibrant wildflowers create a picturesque scene that seems almost magical. It’s said that the valley’s serene ambiance has an enchanting effect on those who visit, leaving them feeling rejuvenated and at peace.

Southern Mountain Passes: Moving further south along the border, the landscape transitions to a series of smaller mountains and hills. These areas are characterized by their undulating terrain, rocky outcrops, and dense forests. A network of winding trails and ancient pathways wind through the hills, connecting communities and providing routes for travelers. Despite their smaller stature compared to the Spine, these southern mountains still hold a unique charm and provide ample opportunities for exploration.

Cultural Exchange: The borderland between Spiy and Noriag is not just a physical boundary; it’s also a place of cultural exchange. Along the border, you’ll find small settlements and trading posts where people from both countries interact and share their traditions. This interaction has led to a fusion of cultural elements, resulting in a rich tapestry of customs, languages, and cuisines.

Natural Wonders and Mysteries: The southwestern border is rich with natural wonders and mysteries waiting to be discovered. Hidden waterfalls, ancient caves, and sacred sites are scattered throughout the landscape, each holding its own significance and allure. Some of these places are believed to have spiritual connections, and travelers often visit to seek inspiration, reflection, or even enlightenment.

Overall, the southwestern borderland of Spiy is a region of contrasts and surprises. From the towering might of the Spine of Noriag to the enchanting tranquility of the Aratia Valley, this border offers a range of experiences that capture the essence of both Spiy and Noriag while inviting explorers to immerse themselves in its natural splendor.

Skjald Sejrik



Mountains of note: Grimfang Peaks, Whisperwind Range, Crystalveil Mountains:

Grasslands of note: Verdentia Plains, Goldenstep Meadow, Silvershade Glade

Rugged Terrain of note: Ironclad Highlands, Stormrider Cliffs, Echoing Canyons

Woods of note: Whispering Grove, Mystwood Thicket, Ebonshade Woods

Lakes of note: Serenity Lake, Misthaven Reservoir, Azuremere Lake

Skjald Valgrif




Capital :

Tartu, known as the Heart of the Land, stands as the bustling capital of Spiy. Nestled at the crossroads of diverse landscapes, this vibrant city thrives as a center of culture, trade, and knowledge. Its architecture reflects a harmonious blend of ancient traditions and modern innovations. Tartu’s grand citadel, adorned with intricate carvings, serves as a symbol of strength and unity. The city’s lively bazaars, ornate libraries, and bustling docks are a testament to its position as the beating heart of Spiy.

Skjald Kazumix


Cities of note: LuminarisEldermereAerilonDuneholdRivertideAurorahavenStormwatch of SpiyCradlebrook

Skjald El Mary


Towns of note: GoldenleafSilverholmMisthavenStonewallEmberstrandVerdantreach

Skjald Ulrich



Inns of note: Moonlit Haven InnSapphire Star InnWhispering Pines Inn, Golden Horn InnMystic Moonglow Inn, Dragon's Breath Inn, Silk Road Oasis InnEbon Thorn Inn

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Taverns of note: Dancing Ember Tavern,  Gilded Goblet Tavern,  Rogue's Respite TavernLaughing Mug TavernAstral Brew TavernRustic Horn TavernHarmony Hearth TavernCrimson Rose Tavern

Skjald Valgrif


Rest Spots of note:
Tranquil Glen Rest StopSunset Viewpoint Rest StopEnchanted Clearing Rest StopMystic Springs Rest StopStarry Skies Rest StopSerenity Cove Rest StopWhispering Winds Rest StopEternal Flame Rest Stop

Skjald El Mary



Bridges of note: Emerald Arch BridgeMistveil Crossing:, Golden Gate BridgeMoonshadow BridgeWhispering Breeze BridgeDragon's Spine BridgeAurora CrossingSilverstrand Bridge

Skjald Sigurd



Ruins of note: Ebonheart CitadelWhispering HallsFrostfall KeepSpectral AbbeyShadowed BastionRuins of LuminaForgotten Lighthouse

Skjald Vinotis


Shrines of note: Serenity ShrineWindswept SanctuaryMoonlit GroveEternal Flame ShrineWhispering Falls Shrine, Silent Watch Shrine, Mystic Garden Shrine, Starlit Altar

Skjald Sejrik


Astral Site/Gates

There are no known Astral Site/Gates in Spiy. The mystical nature of the land and its remote locations may contribute to the absence of such known sites in the country. The absence of Astral Site/Gates in Spiy may be due to a variety of factors. Here are a few speculative possibilities of the Explorers’ League consider:

Hidden and Protected Sites: The Astral Site/Gates in Spiy could be well-hidden or protected by powerful magical wards, making them difficult to detect or access. The Drakk Alfar or other guardian races might play a role in concealing these sites to maintain their secrecy.

Geographical and Magical Factors: Spiy’s unique geographical and magical characteristics could affect the appearance or stability of Astral Site/Gates. Certain natural phenomena, ley lines, or magical disturbances might have interfered with the establishment or function of Astral Site/Gates in the region.

Cultural Isolation: Spiy might have a cultural or historical reason for keeping Astral Site/Gates hidden or limiting their use. The inhabitants of Spiy might deliberately keep these sites
undisclosed to outsiders.

Temporal Disturbances: Spiy could be experiencing temporal fluctuations or anomalies that affect the functioning of Astral Site/Gates, making them temporarily inaccessible or unstable.

Skjald Sigurd



Past Government: (Before 1-1277):
Before the events of the 1st Alliance and the subsequent conflicts, Spiy was divided into various city-states and regional lordships. Each city-state had its own ruler or governing council, often
composed of local nobles and influential figures. These city-states had a degree of autonomy, leading to a fragmented political landscape.

The lack of a centralized authority often resulted in rivalries, conflicts, and diplomatic maneuvering among the city-states. Despite their differences, they maintained a delicate balance of power that allowed Spiy to function without a single dominant authority.

Current Government: (1277-Present):
In the aftermath of The Great Invasion and the Cleansing Crusade, Spiy has undergone significant changes in its government. Recognizing the need for unity and stability, the city-states came together to form a centralized governing body known as the Spiyan Council. This Council consists of representatives from each city-state, including nobles, scholars, and respected community leaders.

The council is responsible for making important decisions that affect the entire country, such as trade agreements, resource allocation, and defense strategies. It also serves as a platform for resolving disputes and fostering cooperation among the city-states. A rotating inner circle of leaders presides over the council, ensuring a fair distribution of power and preventing any single city-state from dominating the others.

While the Spiyan Council provides a unified voice on matters of national importance, individual city-states still retain a degree of autonomy in managing their local affairs. This delicate balance between central governance and regional autonomy has contributed to a period of relative stability in Spiy, as the country rebuilds and moves forward from the recent conflicts.

Skjald Valgrif



These are the current rulers of Spiy, collaborating to Spiy toward a future of stability and progress: High Chancellor Elara TrisarLord Aelar ThornfieldLady Sylara ValenheartLord Kaelin StormstriderChief Tharnok IronclawElder Mirra BrightleafHead Artisan Orik StonehammerMatriarch Selene Nightshade

Skjald Yell’a’Beard



Current Nobility of Spiy: The nobility of Spiy plays a significant role in the country’s governance, culture, and society. They contribute to the nation’s leadership, economy, and regional development. While the nobility once held more hereditary titles and privileges, the Spiyan Federation has shifted toward a meritocratic system, where individuals can earn noble status based on their contributions to the nation.

Notable Noble Families: House TrisarHouse ThornfieldHouse ValenheartHouse StormstriderHouse NightshadeHouse BrightleafHouse Stonehammer

Although not Human Nobility, some Other Races families are so similar to Human Nobility that they are described here: House Ironclaw:

These noble families, along with others, form the backbone of Spiy’s leadership and contribute to the nation’s progress, growth, and stability. While their roles have evolved over time, their dedication to Spiy’s well-being remains unwavering.

Skjald Ulrich




These public guilds play vital roles in Spiy’s society, contributing to various aspects of its culture, economy, and well-being. They provide opportunities for individuals with shared interests to collaborate, learn, and make a positive impact on the nation: Guild of Arcane Scholars:Merchants' ConsortiumArtisans' FellowshipExplorers' LeagueHealers' CircleTaletellers' GuildSmiths' Brotherhood

Skjald Vinotis



These public organisations contribute to Spiy’s societal fabric by addressing diverse issues, fostering a sense of community, and advocating for positive change. They provide platforms for citizens to come together, share their passions, and work towards a better future for the country: Order of the Eternal Flame, Guild of Herbalists and Apothecaries, Society for Historical Preservation, Adventurers' Guild of Spiy, Spiy Artists' Collective

Skjald Sigurd



These shady organisations operate in the shadows, hidden from the watchful eyes of the authorities. They engage in illicit activities, manipulate events to their advantage, and pose a threat to the stability and well-being of Spiy and its inhabitants.: Silent Hand Syndicate, Veiled Court, Crimson Thorns, Darkmoon Cult, Shrouded Guild of Shadows, Nightshade Syndicate, Whispering Circle, Obsidian Cabal

Skjald Valgrif



Buying services or goods from thieving organisations in Spiy would require a certain level of secrecy and discretion, given the illicit nature of their activities. Here’s a general idea of how one might  go about procuring services or goods from these organisations:

Word of Mouth: The first step would be to discreetly inquire among trustworthy contacts or individuals who may have knowledge of the underground network. Whispered conversations, secret meetings, or coded messages could be used to communicate your interest.

Establish a Contact: Once you’ve identified a potential contact within the thieving organisation, you might need to establish a rapport or gain their trust. This could involve showing that you’re familiar with their operations or demonstrating your reliability.

Secret Meeting: Arrange a covert meeting with your contact, preferably in a secluded or neutral location. This could be in a shadowy alley, a hidden room, or a secluded tavern known to be frequented by members of the organisation.

Negotiation: During the meeting, negotiate the terms of the goods or services you’re seeking. This could involve discussing the price, the nature of the goods or services, and any specific requirements you may have. Keep in mind that thieving organisations are likely to demand high prices and may have strict conditions.

Payment: Payment for the goods or services would need to be made discreetly and securely. This could involve using untraceable currency, valuable items, or even favors that the organisation could call upon in the future.

Delivery or Execution: Depending on the nature of the transaction, the organisation may provide the goods or carry out the requested service. This could involve theft, espionage, sabotage, or other clandestine activities.

Secrecy: Both parties would need to maintain utmost secrecy throughout the entire process to avoid drawing unwanted attention from authorities or rival factions. Loose lips can lead to dire consequences.

It’s important to note that engaging with thieving organisations comes with significant risks. You’re dealing with individuals who operate outside the law, and any misstep could have serious repercussions. Additionally, these transactions may lead to entanglement in criminal activities, potential conflicts with other groups, and moral dilemmas.

These thieving organisations are known for their cunning, resourcefulness, and audacious heists. They navigate the criminal underworld of Spiy, seeking to amass riches and power through their illicit activities: Whispering Shadows Guild, Ebon Hands Brotherhood, Cunning Rats Cartel, Shadowcat Thieves, Mist Veil Syndicate, Coinpurse Conclave, Serpent's Scales, Wraithshadow Guild

Skjald El Mary



The Legendary The Pilgrim is Spiy’s most renowned individual Hero.

Skjald El Mary



These notable individuals represent a diverse range of skills, backgrounds, and contributions, each playing a significant role in shaping Spiy’s present and future: Lady Elyndra TrisarLord Cedric ValenheartArchmage Selene StormstriderThane Kaldor IronclawHigh Priestess Elara BrightleafLord Aric StonehammerLady Seraphina NightshadeCaptain Aeliana Thornfield

Skjald Sejrik



Spiy’s Militia:

Spiy maintains a well-organized militia to ensure the safety and security of its citizens, especially in times of need. The militia is composed of dedicated volunteers who are trained in combat and emergency response. While not a professional army, the militia plays a crucial role in defending the country’s borders and maintaining law and order within its borders. Here are some key features of Spiy’s militia:

Volunteer-Based: The militia consists of volunteers from various walks of life who are willing to serve their country in times of crisis. They come from different backgrounds, including farmers,
craftsmen, laborers, and more.

Training and Equipment: Militia members undergo basic combat training, including weapon proficiency, tactical maneuvers, and first aid. While their training may not be as extensive as that of a professional army, they are well-prepared for local defense.

Local Defense: The primary role of the militia is to provide local defense and maintain order within Spiy’s towns and villages. They respond to threats from bandits, monsters, and other dangers that may arise.

Border Security: The militia also helps safeguard Spiy’s borders, especially in more remote or vulnerable areas. They work alongside other security forces to deter and repel any potential invasions or incursions.

Emergency Response: In addition to their defensive role, the militia assists with disaster relief efforts during natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and wildfires. They provide aid, rescue, and support to affected communities.

Partnership with Professional Forces: While the militia is not a professional army, they often collaborate with Spiy’s professional military forces in times of greater threat. This partnership allows for a more coordinated and effective defense strategy.

Local Leaders: Each militia unit is led by local leaders who are respected members of their communities. These leaders are responsible for organizing and leading the militia’s activities in their respective regions.

Community Involvement: The militia encourages community involvement and cooperation. Regular drills, training exercises, and meetings foster a sense of camaraderie and unity among its members.

Spiy’s militia serves as a crucial line of defense and a symbol of the citizens’ dedication to their country’s safety and well-being. While not a standing army, the militia plays an essential role in maintaining Spiy’s security and upholding its values.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Spiy’s Army:

Spiy maintains a standing army to protect its borders, maintain national security, and uphold its interests both within and outside its territory. Composed of trained soldiers, officers, and specialized units, Spiy’s army is a formidable force that plays a pivotal role in the country’s defense. Here are the key features of Spiy’s army:

Professional Soldiers: Spiy’s army consists of professional soldiers who undergo rigorous training in various aspects of warfare. From infantry to cavalry, archers to mages, the army comprises a diverse range of specialists.

Hierarchy and Command Structure: The army has a well-defined hierarchy and command structure. Experienced officers lead different units, and there are clear lines of authority and communication to ensure efficient coordination during operations.

Divisions and Units: The army is organized into different divisions and units, each with specific roles and responsibilities. These include infantry units, cavalry regiments, archer brigades, siege engines teams, and specialized mage squads.

Border Defense: A significant portion of the army is dedicated to guarding Spiy’s borders, including mountain passes, river crossings, and strategic points. They monitor and protect against potential threats, such as invasions or smuggling.

Training and Drills: Soldiers undergo continuous training and drills to maintain their combat skills, physical fitness, and tactical knowledge. This ensures they are always prepared to respond to various challenges.

Fortifications and Strongholds: The army oversees the construction and maintenance of forts, watchtowers, and strongholds along the borders and key regions. These structures serve as defensive positions and provide strategic advantages.

Deployment for Crisis: The army can be rapidly deployed to address emergencies, whether they are civil unrest, or external threats. They work closely with other branches of Spiy’s security forces to provide comprehensive response.

Alliance Partnerships: Spiy’s army may engage in joint military exercises and alliances with neighboring countries, enhancing regional security and cooperation.

Respect for Law and Order: The army also plays a role in maintaining law and order within Spiy’s territories, assisting local authorities when necessary.

Spiy’s army is a crucial instrument of national defense and stability, ensuring the safety and sovereignty of the country. Their professionalism, training, and dedication make them a respected force both within Spiy and beyond its borders.

Skjald El Mary


Spiy’s Infantry:

Spiy’s infantry forms the backbone of its army, providing the essential ground force needed for a variety of military operations and engagements. Comprising a diverse range of soldiers, from well-armored footmen to agile skirmishers, Spiy’s infantry is trained to excel in different combat scenarios. Here are the key features of Spiy’s infantry units:

Roles and Specializations: Spiy’s infantry units are trained for various roles, including frontline combat, defensive positions, and support roles. They are versatile and adaptable to different battlefield conditions.

Heavy Infantry: The heavy infantry is known for their formidable strength and resilience. They are equipped with sturdy armor, shields, and melee weapons, making them effective in holding the line, charging into battle, and withstanding enemy assaults.

Light Infantry: Light infantry units are skilled in maneuverability and speed. They are often armed with ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, or throwing weapons, allowing them to engage enemies from a distance or engage in hit-and-run tactics.

Skirmishers: Skirmishers excel at hit-and-run tactics, ambushing enemies, and disrupting enemy formations. They use ranged weapons and are trained to operate effectively in diverse terrain, such as forests, hills, and urban areas.

Pikemen: Pikemen are armed with long pikes or spears, forming defensive formations to repel cavalry charges and deter enemy infantry. They are particularly effective in open-field battles and provide a sturdy anchor for the army’s frontlines.

Siege Infantry: Some infantry units specialize in siege warfare, operating siege weapons like catapults, battering rams, and siege towers. They play a critical role in breaching enemy defenses during sieges.

Training and Discipline: Spiy’s infantry undergo rigorous training that emphasizes combat skills, teamwork, discipline, and physical endurance. They practice formations, weapon drills, and tactics to ensure their effectiveness in battle.

Coordination with Other Units: Infantry units work in coordination with cavalry, archers, mages, and other specialized units to create a balanced and synergistic force on the battlefield.

Protection of Civilians: In times of peace, infantry units may also be involved in maintaining law and order within Spiy’s towns and cities, ensuring the safety of civilians.

Pride and Honor: Spiy’s infantry takes pride in their service to the country, often valuing honor, loyalty, and camaraderie among their fellow soldiers.

Spiy’s infantry plays a critical role in the country’s defense, whether it’s in border protection, responding to external threats, or supporting other branches of the military. Their dedication and versatility make them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Skjald Vinotis


Spiy’s Cavalry:

Spiy’s cavalry is a formidable and versatile force within the country’s military. Comprising skilled riders and well-trained warhorses, Spiy’s cavalry units excel in various roles on the battlefield.

Here are the key features of Spiy’s cavalry:

Roles and Specializations: Spiy’s cavalry units are trained for a range of roles, including fast-paced charges, flanking maneuvers, reconnaissance, and hit-and-run tactics. Their mobility and speed make them a valuable asset in both offensive and defensive operations.

Heavy Cavalry: Heavy cavalry units are heavily armored and equipped with lances, swords, or other melee weapons. They are renowned for their shock tactics, charging into enemy formations with great force to break through enemy lines or deliver a devastating blow.

Light Cavalry: Light cavalry units prioritize speed and agility, making them effective scouts, skirmishers, and harassers. They often carry ranged weapons like bows or javelins and are adept at hit-and-run attacks.

Cavalry Archers: Some cavalry units specialize in ranged combat, using bows or crossbows while mounted. They can rain down arrows on enemy forces while maintaining mobility, providing support to other units on the battlefield.

Cavalry Mages: In some cases, cavalry units may include mages who use their magical abilities while mounted. These mages can cast spells from a distance, offering both offensive and defensive magical support to the cavalry and the overall army.

Charging Tactics: Spiy’s cavalry is known for its expert use of charging tactics, which can have a decisive impact on the outcome of battles. Well-timed charges can break enemy formations, disrupt their lines, and create opportunities for the infantry to advance.

Reconnaissance and Intelligence: Cavalry units play a vital role in gathering intelligence on enemy movements, scouting enemy positions, and providing valuable information to commanders. Their speed allows them to cover large distances quickly.

Training and Skill: Cavalry riders undergo rigorous training to develop riding skills, combat techniques, and coordination with their horses. The bond between rider and horse is crucial for effective cavalry operations.

Cooperation with Infantry: Spiy’s cavalry often works in coordination with infantry and other units to create a combined arms approach on the battlefield. They can exploit openings created by infantry or protect flanks during engagements.

Prestige and Honor: Cavalry units are often held in high esteem within Spiy’s military and society, with their role symbolizing bravery, leadership, and strategic prowess.

Spiy’s cavalry serves as a powerful force that can swiftly maneuver across the battlefield, exploit weaknesses in the enemy’s defenses, and provide strategic advantages in various types of engagements. Their agility, speed, and combat expertise make them an indispensable component of Spiy’s military capabilities.

Skjald Sejrik


Spiy’s War Machines:

Spiy’s military employs a variety of war machines that contribute to its strength on the battlefield. These formidable mechanical devices are designed to provide tactical advantages, break enemy formations, and deliver devastating blows. Here are some of the war machines utilized by Spiy’s armed forces:

Ballistae: Ballistae are powerful projectile-firing machines that launch large bolts or stones at high velocity. They are effective against both infantry and enemy war machines, capable of inflicting
significant damage from a distance.

Trebuchets: Trebuchets are siege engines used to hurl heavy projectiles, such as stones, boulders, or even burning projectiles, over long distances. They excel at breaking through enemy fortifications and creating breaches in walls.

Catapults: Catapults are versatile siege engines that can launch a variety of projectiles, including stones, barrels of oil, or even diseased animal carcasses. They are used to disrupt enemy formations, create chaos, and spread terror.

Mangonels: Mangonels are torsion-powered devices that can launch large stones or other heavy projectiles. They are particularly effective against enemy fortifications and defensive structures.

Siege Towers: Siege towers are mobile structures used to breach enemy walls during sieges. They provide cover for soldiers to approach the walls and engage in close combat with defenders.

Battering Rams: Battering rams are large, heavy objects used to breach gates and walls. They are typically operated by a team of soldiers who use the ram to break through enemy defenses.

War Chariots: War chariots are fast-moving vehicles equipped with weapons like scythes or blades, designed to mow down enemy infantry. They are used to create shock and disruption in enemy ranks.

Cannons: In more advanced and technologically developed regions of Spiy, cannons may be utilized as potent artillery pieces. These large-caliber firearms can fire heavy projectiles with explosive or shrapnel effects.

Fire Projectors: Fire projectors are devices that spray a flammable liquid over a distance, which can then be ignited to create a wall of fire. They are effective for area denial and disrupting enemy advances.

Engineering and Logistics Machines: Spiy’s war machines also include equipment for engineering tasks such as building fortifications, bridges, and defensive structures. These machines aid in creating defensive lines and improving tactical positions.

Spiy’s war machines play a crucial role in both offensive and defensive operations, providing the country’s military with the ability to break enemy defenses, create chaos on the battlefield, and maintain the upper hand in conflicts. Their deployment requires skilled operators and careful coordination to ensure maximum effectiveness in battle.

Skjald Valgrif


Spiy’s Navy:

Spiy, being a coastal country with a significant maritime presence, maintains a well-equipped navy to safeguard its shores, protect maritime trade routes, and project its influence across the seas. The navy consists of a variety of vessels designed for different roles, including defense, exploration, and trade. Here is an overview of Spiy’s navy:

Warships: Spiy’s navy boasts a fleet of warships, including powerful galleys and war galleons, armed with cannons, ballistae, and other weaponry. These warships serve as the backbone of Spiy’s naval forces, capable of engaging enemy vessels, defending coastal waters, and projecting power beyond its borders.

Patrol Boats: Patrol boats are swift and maneuverable vessels used for coastal defense, surveillance, and interception of unauthorized vessels. They play a crucial role in monitoring Spiy’s maritime borders and preventing smuggling and piracy.

Supply and Transport Ships: Spiy’s navy includes a fleet of supply and transport ships that ensure the smooth movement of troops, equipment, and supplies between coastal regions and overseas territories. These vessels are essential for supporting naval operations and maintaining Spiy’s maritime influence.

Exploration Vessels: Spiy’s navy deploys exploration vessels equipped with advanced navigation equipment to map uncharted waters, and gather valuable information about distant lands.

Trade Fleets: Spiy’s navy provides protection for trade fleets that transport valuable goods, resources, and exotic products between Spiy and its trading partners. These fleets contribute to Spiy’s economic prosperity and diplomatic relationships.

Coastal Defense Fortifications: Along Spiy’s coastlines, naval bases and coastal defense fortifications are established to house ships, conduct repairs, and serve as strategic hubs for naval operations.

Anti-Piracy Operations: Spiy’s navy plays a significant role in combating piracy and protecting merchant vessels from pirate attacks along trade routes. Anti-piracy patrols and naval presence in piracy-prone areas help maintain safe maritime commerce.

Spiy’s navy is led by experienced naval officers and supported by skilled sailors, navigators, and mariners. It plays a crucial role in protecting Spiy’s interests, ensuring maritime security, and maintaining a strong presence in regional waters. The navy’s capabilities contribute to Spiy’s standing as a maritime power and enhance its ability to engage in diplomacy and trade with other nations.

Skjald Ulrich




Raw Materials in Spiy:

  • Timber: Spiy is rich in forests that provide high-quality timber used for construction, shipbuilding, and various crafts. The forests yield a variety of wood types suitable for different purposes, making timber a valuable and versatile resource.
  • Minerals: Spiy’s rugged terrain contains deposits of valuable minerals, including Iron, Copper, and Coal. These minerals are essential for metallurgy, tool-making, and the production of weapons and armor.
  • Stone: Abundant quarries in Spiy produce various types of stone, including Limestone, Granite, and Marble. These stones are used for construction, sculpture, and architectural embellishments.
  • Fisheries: Spiy’s extensive coastline supports thriving fisheries that provide a steady supply of seafood, including Fish, Shellfish, and Seaweed. Fishing is a crucial source of sustenance and trade.
  • Agricultural Products: Spiy’s fertile lands yield a variety of agricultural products, including Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs. These resources support both local consumption and trade with other regions.
  • Wildlife: The diverse ecosystems in Spiy are home to a range of animals that provide resources such as Furs, Hides, Feathers, and Bones. These materials are used for clothing, decorations, and craftsmanship.
  • Clay and Pottery Materials: Spiy’s riverbanks and valleys contain rich deposits of clay used for pottery and ceramics. Skilled artisans create functional and decorative pottery items for both local use and export.
  • Gems and Precious Stones: Spiy’s mountainous terrain may contain deposits of gems and precious stones, including Amethyst, Quartz, and Garnets. These stones are used for Jewelry, ornamentation, and trade.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Refined Resources in Spiy:

  • Lumber and Wood Products: Timber from Spiy’s forests is processed into lumber, planks, and various wood products used in construction, furniture-making, and crafting.
  • Metal Ingots: The minerals extracted from Spiy’s mines are refined into metal ingots, such as iron and copper, which serve as the foundation for weapon, armor, and tool production.
  • Stone Blocks: Quarried stone is shaped and polished to create decorative and functional stone blocks used in architecture, sculpture, and construction.
  • Processed Seafood: Spiy’s fisheries provide a range of processed seafood products, including dried fish, salted fish, and preserved shellfish, which are suitable for storage and trade.
  • Milled Grains and Flour: Agricultural products like grains are processed into milled flour, a staple ingredient for baking and cooking in Spiy.
  • Leather and Hides: The hides obtained from Spiy’s wildlife are tanned and processed into leather, which is used for clothing, footwear, and various leather goods.
  • Ceramics and Pottery: Clay is transformed into refined ceramics and pottery items, such as pots, vases, plates, and decorative pieces, showcasing Spiy’s artistic craftsmanship.
  • Jewelry and Ornaments: Precious stones and gems are expertly cut, polished, and set into jewelry pieces, amulets, and other ornamental items prized for their beauty and value.

Skjald Sejrik



Basic Items Manufactured in Spiy:

  • Spinning Wheel: A common tool used by skilled artisans to spin fibers into thread or yarn, essential for creating textiles and fabrics.
  • Wooden Plow: Farmers in Spiy rely on wooden plows to till the soil and prepare fields for planting crops.
  • Iron Pot: Sturdy iron pots are widely used for cooking and boiling water over open fires or hearths.
  • Clay Drinking Vessel: Crafted from locally sourced clay, these vessels are used for serving beverages and soups.
  • Flint and Steel: Vital for creating sparks to start fires, flint and steel sets are essential tools in Spiy’s households.
  • Burlap Sack: Used for transporting and storing grains, produce, and other goods, burlap sacks are a staple for trade and storage.
  • Wooden Loom: Artisans use wooden looms to weave textiles and fabrics, producing a variety of materials for clothing and linens.
  • Metal Lock: Intricate metal locks are crafted by skilled locksmiths and used to secure chests, doors, and valuable possessions.

Skjald Vinotis


Complicated Objects Manufactured in Spiy:

  • Stained Glass Window: Skilled glassmakers create stunning stained glass windows for religious and architectural purposes, adding vibrant colours to buildings.
  • Musical Instrument: Spiyan Lute: The Spiyan lute is a complex musical instrument known for its rich sound and intricate carvings, used in traditional music.
  • Alchemy Set: In alchemical laboratories, complex sets of tools and equipment are manufactured for practitioners to conduct experiments and concoct potions.
  • Fine Jewelry: Spiy’s expert jewelers create elaborate jewelry pieces, incorporating precious gems and intricate metalwork.
  • Multi-Layered Tapestry: Skilled weavers produce multi-layered tapestries that depict intricate scenes and stories, showcasing Spiy’s artistic and storytelling talents.

Skjald Valgrif



The old  Silver Soludis

The Silver Soludis was the primary currency in Spiy from the year 600 until 1167. It was a 2-gram silver coin that held significant value and was widely used for trade and transactions throughout the country. Initially, the Soludis was made purely of silver, making it a highly sought-after and reliable form of currency.

However, over time, the value of the Soludis started to decline due to a practice known as blending. With each re-minting of the coin, a small percentage (2.5%) of less valuable metals were added to the silver. This practice was approved by the authorities as a way to cover the expenses of the moneyers responsible for minting the coins.

As a result of this blending process, the purity of the Silver Soludis gradually decreased, and its value diminished over the years. This had a significant impact on the economy and trade within Spiy, leading to inflation and a loss of trust in the currency. Merchants and traders began to demand higher quantities of Soludis for their goods, further exacerbating the currency’s devaluation.

Despite its declining value, the Silver Soludis remained in circulation for several centuries, serving as a symbol of Spiy’s economic history. The practice of blending eventually ceased in 1167, when a new currency system was introduced to stabilize the economy and restore confidence in Spiy’s monetary system.

Today, the Silver Soludis is often seen as a relic of the past, a reminder of the challenges and fluctuations that the country’s economy underwent during that period. Some ancient Silver Soludis coins can still be found in collections, museums, and historical sites, serving as tangible links to Spiy’s economic past. Or by haggling with a local who either inherited or discovered it.

Skjald El Mary


Liber Floris, Solidus, and Denar ‘LSD’

Lauric Svartholtr devised these coins and first used the The Truesilver Solidus to pay allies for services or goods, then Solvar Svartholtr, as High King, introduced the others, eventually covering all trade in The Realm with the trio.

Gold – Liber Floris
The introduction of the Gold - Liber Floris in 1250 by the High King Solvar Svartholtr, along with the engravings of Combat Herbs on the backside, raises intriguing questions and has fueled various theories:

  • Symbolism and Hidden Meanings: The engravings of Combat Herbs on the Gold – Liber Floris are seen as symbolic representations of strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges. Some suggest that these engravings contain hidden meanings or messages known only to a select few.
  • Alchemical or Magical Significance: The Combat Herbs hold alchemical or magical significance. Some speculate that the engravings are related to ancient herbal remedies, potions, or spells with protective or enhancing properties.
  • Connection to a Secret Society: The engravings are linked to a secretive organisation or society with its own agenda. This powerful and hidden group are manipulating events behind the scenes, and the Combat Herbs are a symbol of this influence.
  • Historical or Cultural References: The Combat Herbs reference historical events, legends, or cultural practices that hold special significance to certain individuals or groups.
  • Cryptic Communication: The engravings serve as a form of cryptic communication, used by Solvar Svartholtr to convey messages to those in the know. These messages pertain a wide range of topics, from political to hidden knowledge.

It’s important to note that conspiracy theories often emerge when there are gaps in information or when certain aspects of a situation seem unusual or unexplained. Thus, it can be challenging to determine the true nature of the Gold – Liber Floris and its engravings.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Silver – Solidus
The creation of Solidus in 1167 by Lauric Svartholtr serves as an interesting solution to the disagreements over the decreasing value of the Soludis due to excessive blending with less valuable metals. The introduction of a new coin with a fixed silver content helped stabilize the currency and restore confidence in its value. Additionally, disseminating a Realm token through the Solidus adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

  • The concept of a Realm token associated with the Solidus could have several implications:
  • Symbol of Unity: The issuance of a Realm token alongside the Silver – Solidus could symbolize a unity among various factions or regions within a larger realm. It could serve as a way to promote a sense of common identity and shared purpose.
  • Institutional Support: The presence of a Realm token on the coin could indicate support or endorsement from a central authority, such as a ruling monarchy or governing body. This could help legitimize the new currency and strengthen its acceptance.
  • Political Statement: The inclusion of a Realm token might also carry a political message, suggesting alignment with a particular ideology, cause, or movement. The coin could be used to convey a sense of loyalty or allegiance to a certain group or leader.
  • Trade and Commerce: The Realm token could potentially facilitate trade and commerce across different regions by serving as a recognized symbol of value. Merchants and traders might appreciate the consistency and standardization it offers.

Historical Legacy: Over time, the Realm token acquired historical significance, becoming a symbol of the era. It was associated with certain events, achievements, and milestones in the Realm’s history.

It’s important to consider the broader context and implications of introducing a Realm token through the Silver – Solidus. The combination of stabilizing the currency and promoting a unifying symbol could have far-reaching effects on the economic, social, and political dynamics of the country. As with any historical development, the motivations and intentions of the individuals involved would likely play a significant role in shaping the outcome.

Skjald El Mary


Copper – Denar

The introduction of the Copper - Denar in 1250 by the High King Solvar Svartholtr seems to be a strategic move aimed at addressing the issue of people chopping up the  Solidus, a behavior that was carried over from the previous currency, Soludis. By creating a lower-denomination coin that is directly tied to the value of the Solidus, the intention is to discourage the practice of breaking down higher-value coins into smaller pieces.

Key aspects and implications of the Denar:

  • Fractional Currency: The Denar serves as a fractional currency unit, representing a smaller fraction of the value of the Silver Solidus. This provides a convenient medium of exchange for transactions of lower value.
  • Practical Solution: The introduction of the Denar offered a practical solution to the issue of chopping up the higher-value coins. By providing a legitimate and officially sanctioned alternative, the authorities hoped to curb the practice and maintain the integrity of the currency.
  • Value Preservation: The Denar helps preserve the value of the Silver Solidus by discouraging its division. This can contribute to a more stable and consistent monetary system, benefiting both merchants and the general population.
  • Cultural Change: While the intention is to discourage chopping up coins, it may take time to change deeply ingrained behaviors. People might still engage in the practice for a variety of reasons, including convenience or lack of awareness of the new Denar.
  • Economic Impact: The introduction of the Denar did impact the broader economy, affecting pricing, trade, and day-to-day transactions. Merchants and traders had to adjust their practices to accommodate the new currency unit.
  • Public Perception: The public’s acceptance of the Denar was good as effective communication and education about the new coin’s role in discouraging chopping behavior was conducted.

Overall, the Denar represents a deliberate effort to address a specific issue in the currency system and promote more responsible handling of coins.

Skjald Sigurd



The use of uncoined bullions for trade has occurred in this country. Uncoined bullions, also known as raw or unrefined precious metals, have been used directly in trade transactions in certain situations and periods. While not the primary or official form of currency, uncoined bullions have been employed as a medium of exchange in specific contexts. Here’s an overview of how and when uncoined bullions have been used for trade:

Historical Context:
In times of economic instability, scarcity of official coinage, or during periods of transition between different currency systems, uncoined bullions have been used as a practical alternative for facilitating trade. These raw metals, such as gold, silver, or other valuable metals, hold inherent value due to their scarcity and usefulness in various industries.

Trade and Barter:
Uncoined bullions were often used in trade and barter transactions, especially in regions where official minted coins were in short supply or not widely accepted. Merchants and traders would weigh the uncoined bullions to determine their value and then conduct transactions based on the weight and purity of the metals.

Local Markets and Artisanal Work:
In some cases, uncoined bullions were used in local markets for transactions involving artisanal products, crafts, and services. The direct exchange of raw materials, such as unrefined gold or silver, for goods and services allowed for more flexible and immediate trade within a community.

Trust and Verification:
The use of uncoined bullions required a level of trust between trading parties, as the value of the raw metal had to be assessed based on weight and purity. Verification methods, such as testing the metal’s authenticity and purity, were important to ensure fair trade.

Legal and Official Coinage:
It’s important to note that while uncoined bullions might have been used for trade, they were not the official currency of the realm. Legal tender coins minted by the government or authorized authorities remained the primary form of currency for larger transactions, taxes, and official trade.

Overall, the use of uncoined bullions for trade was likely more prevalent during periods of economic uncertainty or when official coinage was limited. As the country’s currency system became more organized and stable, the use of official coinage would have become the norm for most transactions, while uncoined bullions might have retained a role in local markets and specific trade scenarios.

Skjald El Mary



In this country, fiduciary currencies based on fabric, bronze, copper, tin, and iron have played significant roles in the economic history and development. These forms of currency, while not
representing a direct equivalent value in precious metals, have served as practical mediums of exchange in various periods and contexts. Here’s an overview of how each of these fiduciary currencies has been used:

  • Fabric Currency: Fabric currency involves the use of textiles, cloth, or fabric as a form of money. In this country, fabric currency has been utilized for trade, especially in regions where textiles were a valuable and widely produced commodity. Different types of cloth might have been assigned different values, allowing for transactions based on the quality, rarity, or type of fabric.
  • Bronze Currency: Bronze coins or tokens were introduced as a form of fiduciary currency in this country. These coins were often minted with specific denominations and intricate designs, symbolizing their official status as currency. While the intrinsic value of the bronze might not have matched its face value, these coins were widely accepted in daily transactions.
  • Copper Currency: Similar to bronze, copper coins were another form of fiduciary currency used in this country. These coins were often minted with government authority and carried specific denominations. Copper coins provided a practical medium of exchange for smaller transactions, making them widely accepted in local markets.
  • Tin Currency: Tin tokens or coins might have been used as a form of fiduciary currency in this country, particularly in regions where tin was a valuable resource. These tokens could represent certain denominations and could be exchanged for goods and services.
  • Iron Currency: Iron currency, in the form of iron bars or tokens, has also been used as a fiduciary medium of exchange. Iron’s widespread availability and utility in various industries made it a viable option for facilitating trade. While the iron’s intrinsic value might not have equaled its face value, these tokens were accepted in commerce.

It’s important to note that fiduciary currencies like fabric, bronze, copper, tin, and iron were often issued by the government or authorized institutions to ensure their legitimacy and acceptance.
These currencies provided a convenient means of conducting everyday transactions and were essential for the functioning of local economies. While they might not have held the same intrinsic value as precious metals, their role as fiduciary currencies contributed to the country’s economic stability and growth.

Skjald Ulrich



In this country, the conversion of precious metals like platinum, gold, and silver into bars or ingots typically involves a well-established process that ensures quality, standardization, and uniformity. Here’s an overview of how this conversion process works:

1. Mining and Extraction:
The first step in the process is the extraction of precious metals from mines or natural deposits. Miners and prospectors locate and extract raw materials containing platinum, gold, and silver. This may involve traditional methods such as panning, sluicing, or modern techniques like open-pit mining and underground mining.

2. Refining:
Once the raw materials are obtained, they undergo a refining process to remove impurities and separate the precious metals from other minerals. Refining techniques may include chemical processes, or smelting, depending on the type of material being processed.

3. Melting and Alloying:
After refining, the pure precious metals are melted down in a controlled environment to achieve a consistent and uniform composition. If desired, alloying may be performed to create specific alloys of gold, silver, or platinum with other metals, such as copper or palladium, to enhance their properties or adjust their characteristics.

4. Casting into Molds:
The molten precious metal is then poured into molds to create bars or ingots of various sizes and shapes. These molds are designed to ensure uniformity and standardization in the final products.

5. Cooling and Solidification:
Once poured into molds, the molten metal begins to cool and solidify. This process allows the metal to take on the shape of the mold and results in the formation of solid bars or ingots.

6. Quality Control and Certification:
After solidification, the bars or ingots undergo quality control checks to ensure they meet established standards for purity, weight, and dimensions. Precious metals that pass these checks are then certified and stamped with marks indicating their authenticity and specifications.

7. Packaging and Distribution:
The certified bars or ingots are packaged securely and prepared for distribution. They may be stored in vaults, banks, or sold to traders, investors, or industrial users. These bars and ingots can be used for various purposes.

Throughout the conversion process, stringent quality control measures are in place to maintain the integrity of the precious metals. This ensures that bars and ingots produced in this country are of high quality and meet the expectations of customers and stakeholders. The process also contributes to the country’s economy by providing a valuable resource for trade, commerce, and investment.

Skjald Valgrif



Here are descriptions of eight raw gemstones found in this country, along with hints at their trading worth as both gemstones and gems:

Verdant Peridot

Description: Vivid green peridots are commonly found in the rocky terrain of this country. These gemstones are associated with nature and healing properties.
Trading Worth: Highly valued for their vibrant colour, peridots are traded as both gemstones and gems. A high-quality peridot can fetch a significant price in the market.

Crimson Carnelian

Description: The warm hues of carnelian are abundant in this country’s mines. They are often used in intricate jewelry and ornaments.
Trading Worth: Carnelian gemstones are sought after for their rich colour. Their trading worth as both gemstones and gems is moderate, making them popular for various adornments.

Azure Aquamarine
  • Description: Aquamarine stones, with their soothing blue shades reminiscent of clear waters, are discovered near coastal regions. They are a symbol of tranquility and protection.
  • Trading Worth: Aquamarines are considered valuable gemstones due to their colour and clarity. Their trading worth as both gemstones and gems is substantial, especially for larger and more vivid specimens.
Golden Topaz:
  • Description: Topaz crystals in warm golden hues are mined from the rocky landscapes. These gemstones are often associated with wisdom and strength.
  • Trading Worth: Golden topaz gemstones have a moderate to high trading worth due to their colour and hardness. Larger and well-cut topaz gems are particularly prized.
Amber Sunstone
  • Description: Amber sunstones, with their warm and glowing shades, are frequently discovered in riverbeds and valleys. These gemstones are believed to bring positivity and creativity.
  • Trading Worth: Amber sunstones have a moderate trading worth as both gemstones and gems. Their unique appearance and metaphysical associations make them sought after by collectors.
Lustrous Moonstone
  • Description: Moonstones with their iridescent sheen are found in remote areas with mystical significance. They are often associated with feminine energy and intuition.
  • Trading Worth: Moonstones are prized for their captivating play of colours. Their trading worth as both gemstones and gems can vary widely based on quality and size.

Onyx Obsidian:

  • Description: Onyx obsidian, a dark and glossy gemstone, is sourced from volcanic regions. It is known for its grounding and protective properties.
  • Trading Worth: Onyx obsidian gemstones have a moderate trading worth. Their deep colour and mystical symbolism contribute to their demand in both gemstone and gem markets.
Crystal Quartz
  • Description: Crystal quartz, abundant in various forms, is widely present in this country. It is considered a versatile and powerful healing gemstone.
  • Trading Worth: Crystal quartz has a moderate trading worth, often used in jewelry and metaphysical practices. Its accessibility and versatility contribute to its value in both forms.

Please note that the trading worth of gemstones and gems can vary based on factors such as quality, size, cut, colour, and market demand.

Skjald Vinotis



The Whispering Circle might be privy to the locations of certain Astral Site/Gates. They could have knowledge of hidden pathways, forgotten rituals, or arcane methods of finding these.

Skjald Ulrich

Last Updated on 2024-07-15 by IoM-Christian