The Realm


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“Crossing the ridge, Solvarr 'Black Oak' Svartholtr overlooked a vast plain below. In the damp mists, it was as if a great capital lingered in the centre, and hundreds of caravans travelled forth and back.”

Skjald Sejrik



Fourth Age

The Realm is the largest union of Isles, Countries, Hordes, and Tribes that ever existed. Officially founded in 1250 SA, with a great ceremony where Black Oak looked out at the assembled masses and pronounced his royal quote, “Obliged, Bound, The Realm.

The path from a vision to cheering the creation of The Realm was long and, at times, also became bloody, as some either disliked other nobles or foresaw a danger to their income. Thus, they plotted, whispered, poisoned, ambushed, and rebelled against the supporters of the idea. But in the end, The Realm became a reality, and the opponents unified under The Torch lost their cause, property, and lives.

Skjald Ulrich


Here’s an overview of what we know about the creation of The Realm.

In 1167, Lauric Svartholtr, a charismatic and visionary Human king of Ye Olde Zephyrs, became the driving force behind a meeting at Chuani Castle, in Umanoix, the capital of Nabkixo. At the meeting, he advocated for unity and justice amongst all countries and races in what he envisioned as The Realm. Thus, he laid the groundwork for future alliances and cooperation among nations and nobles.

Among those present was also Solvarr ‘Black Oak’ Svartholtr, the second eldest son of Lauric Svartholtr. Solvarr was a seasoned warrior, known for his strength and tactical prowess, and he later became a key figure in the alliances formed within The Realm.

Latinoor Chevastor was originally the lifeguard of a diplomatic envoy from the Isle of Findon. Latinoor ended up representing his people’s interests at the meeting, as the envoy was thrown off his horse as they crossed a bridge. Latinoor has told me that during the meeting, he remembered the sight and sound of the falling noble, who had insisted on staying mounted. The thoughts calmed Latinoors temper, and he turned out to be a skilled negotiator, fostering diplomatic relations between the other races and the human kingdoms.

Thaurion 'Stonehammer' Norgorrothil, a respected Dwarves lord and master craftsman, came from their 8th House in Dwäru Plateau, at Mt. Marlü, between Ladris, Lesmus, and Trov. Thaurion attended the meeting to advocate for fair trade agreements and cooperation between the dwarven tribes and the human kingdoms.

Eirik 'Longstride' Farukhal, a ranger and hero of the Mawmen, brought his knowledge of Darin's wilderness and his people’s survival skills to the discussion.

Elara 'Windrunner' Vinzuhlur, a noblewoman of Kobold descent from Vangbal, represented her people’s interests in the meeting. She advocated for fair trade among all races within the realm.

King Darion 'Stormcrest' Dalamant is the ruler of Urakita, a powerful human kingdom in east-central Midgard. King Darion, a seasoned diplomat and strategist, lent his support to the idea of unification, recognising the benefits of a united front against external threats.

Lord Brynden 'Ironheart' Bunagari, a grizzled veteran and lord of the northern territories in Bebram, brought a no-nonsense approach to the meeting. He emphasised the need for military strength and preparedness in the face of potential conflicts.

Lyra 'Sunblade' Tzunablat, a Ljost Alfar envoy from a distant settlement in the borderlands of Taulien and Tornix, represented her people’s interests in the meeting as an ambassador. She brought ancient knowledge to the discussions, urging caution and foresight in decision-making.

Prince Ralgar 'Fireheart' Morgumund, a fiery-tempered young prince of Rimzir descent, was eager to prove himself to the cause of the battle and earn his place among the heroes of The Realm. He brought youthful enthusiasm and determination to the meeting.

At the meeting, Kanziganthir was also present, and it was said that here the first conclusions regarding the Law of The Realm were written down.

Skjald El Mary


A few years later, in 1170, the core group of people behind the idea and some new supporters met again, this time at The Deep Inn in Fogwald. The attendee list clearly shows that the backers had expanded heavily into the inclusion of mana manipulators, as Magic had become an integral part of the cause.

Lady Morgana 'Shadedheart' Troft, a mysterious and enigmatic mana manipulator rumoured to be of ancient lineage, attended the meeting to offer her magical expertise and guidance. Her presence added an air of mystique and intrigue to the gathering, but we know now she was half Drakk Alfar and half Moss'Ari.

Lord Garrick 'Ironfist' Nielssan, a renowned warrior and champion of the northern territories of Jodruja, brought his formidable strength and martial prowess to the discussion. He advocated for military alliances and strategic defences to protect against external threats.

Sir Aldric 'Brightblade' le Colvut,, a noble Jomzaar knight of noble lineage, embodied the virtues of honour, courage, and chivalry. He pledged his sword and loyalty to the cause of unification, vowing to uphold justice and righteousness within the realm.

The Seeress of the Silverwood, a mystical figure shrouded in legend and prophecy, was said to possess the gift of foresight and divination. She offered cryptic insights and warnings about the future of the realm, urging caution and vigilance in the face of looming dangers. Some suspect it was Wrekazi in disguise.

Lord Kaelen 'Stormcaller' Malleon was a master mana manipulator of elemental magic and weather manipulation and commanded the powers of wind, rain, and lightning. He warned of the elemental forces that threaten to disrupt the balance of nature within the realm, urging cooperation and stewardship of the natural world.

Queen Isolde 'Whisperwind' Rextalo, the ruler of an Izir kingdom deep within the forests of Darin, represented the interests of her elusive and enigmatic people. She spoke of the ancient alliances between other races and the mortal realms, emphasising the importance of respecting the old ways and traditions.

Sir Gareth 'Monsterbane' Mahoney, a legendary monster slayer and hero of myth and legend, regaled the gathering with tales of epic battles against fearsome beasts and monstrous foes. He was a symbol of bravery and valour, inspiring hope and courage in the hearts of fellow warriors.

The Elder Sage of the Moonlit Grove, a wise and venerable sage said to dwell within the ancient groves of a moonlit forest in Markeoy, offered counsel and wisdom to those present. His words were as whispered as a breeze, carrying the echoes of ages past and the secrets of the natural world.

Lady Seraphina 'Astrallight' Sveatilottai, a celestial being of ethereal beauty and grace, is said to be half Ljost and half Drakk Alfar, a guardian of astral wisdom and a harbinger of peace. She implored the gathered lords and legends to set aside their differences and unite in the face of chaos, for only together could they hope to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

Lord Aric 'Shadowbane' Westyx, a brooding and mysterious figure cloaked in shadows, was a master of Arcane Magic and Void Weaving. Despite his ominous reputation, he offered his support to the cause of unification, claiming that even the most evil of souls can be redeemed in the light of unity and fellowship.

Skjald Sigurd


It can’t be…

That there were no meetings between 1170 and 1208… Either there was a reason for such secrecy… or there are events being withheld from us Skjalds…

Which is unlikely… but not impossible… as we travel…

The rest stops at every road and path of all islands.

Skjald Kazumix


But in 1208, almost 40 years since the last grand meeting, another one was held at Gramshirs Villa, in the City of Tartu, the capital of Spiy. There, the Darin delegation sadly decided to depart from the idea of the realm.

In this great meeting, the following attended: Lord Gramshir Gharthul, the host of the meeting and owner of Gramshirs Villa, was an extremely wealthy and influential noble known for his hospitality and diplomatic acumen. He opened his doors to the gathered leaders and envoys, providing a neutral ground for discussions on unification. Some later claimed that his business was the reason the Darin delegation left, but that was not aired at the meeting.

Queen Isira 'Stoneheart' Makmhûl, the ruler of the kingdom of Dhakarim in Darin, was a formidable leader known for her unwavering commitment to her people’s independence and sovereignty. She represented the interests of the Darim people at the meeting, advocating for autonomy and self-governance within the realm.

Lord Thaladir 'Brightwing' Thülsâ, a wise and venerable elder of the Izir people, served as the voice of reason and diplomacy among his kin. He sought peaceful coexistence and cooperation with the human kingdoms, emphasising the shared history and cultural ties between the Izir and the inhabitants of the realm since their shared time at Void gardens in The Void.

Chief Rorik 'Thunderclaw' Rhâldûl, a proud and fierce warrior of the Mawmen tribes, embodied the strength and resilience of his people. He demanded respect and recognition for the Mawmen’s contributions to Ljostari and refused to bow to the authority of any outside ruler.

Latinoor Chevastor: Returning from the meeting in 1170, Latinoor again represented both the interests of Clovincaz. and the Alfar people at the gathering. He advocated for diplomacy and cooperation, urging the leaders of the plan to set aside their differences and work towards a common goal of peace and prosperity.

The Darin delegation, comprised of representatives from the kingdoms of Darim, Izir, and Mawmen, initially attended the meeting with cautious optimism. However, as discussions progressed, they became increasingly concerned about the potential loss of autonomy and cultural identity under a unified government. Despite efforts to address their concerns, they ultimately decided to withdraw from the meeting and return to their respective kingdoms, fearing the consequences of surrendering their sovereignty to outside powers. In fact, we lost their support due to mere trade-earning issues.

Lady Elara ‘Windrunner’ Vinzuhlur, of Vangbal, again represented the interests of the Kobold people. Lady Elara offered her support to the Darin delegation, sympathising with their desire to maintain their independence and cultural heritage. She warned of the dangers of unchecked ambition and power, urging solidarity among the free peoples of the realm.

Lord Bergon 'Lods Eye' Karelin a shadowy figure that lingered in the background of the meeting and was rumoured to possess dark secrets and hidden agendas. His presence unnerved the other attendees, hinting at the presence of sinister forces at play within the realm.

Skjald Valgrif


Again, almost 40 years passed without great meetings attended by us or known to us. But, as tension had grown, legends and lords had been forced to either back or oppose the realm. So at least we know that the 1st Alliance assembled an army and began to tour the islands in 1234. On this crusade, they made every noble or leader support their cause by bending their knee, claiming neutrality, or denouncing the vision. We assume it was the option to denounce and keep one’s head that strengthened The Torch.

But in 1246, the opposing interests resulted in a swift but very brutal civil war, ending with a victory for the 1st Alliance at Drumin Dragonhelm's Deep. It was there, as it is strategically located at a crucial junction, making it a valuable asset for controlling access to key regions and resources within Midgard. The Alliance and the Torch both recognised the strategic significance of the ‘Deep’ and sought to gain control of it to strengthen their positions. There were also legends speaking of powerful relics and artefacts hidden within the depths of Drumin Dragonhelm’s Deep, coveted by both the Alliance and The Torch for their mystical properties or historical significance.

Some say that the conflict at Drumin Dragonhelm’s Deep was instigated by betrayal or treachery within the ranks of the 1st Alliance. A member of the Alliance secretly conspired with The Torch to betray their comrades and seize control of the castle, leading to an unexpected confrontation there.

In 1249, the 1st Alliance stood victorious, the Torch oblittered, and their leaders were either dead, fleeing, or submitting to the might of the Alliance.

In 1250, Solvarr ‘Black Oak’ Svartholtr was crowned High King of the realm. Leading a giant coalition of forces, he launched a daring campaign to overthrow all opponents and create peace and justice for the realm.

In 1266, Solvarr’s successor, Methil 'Paladin' Maniour, was crowned High King of the realm, promising a new era of forgiveness and reconciliation. However, Methil’s reign was short-lived, as he was ousted in a scandalous coup orchestrated by ambitious lords and factions seeking to seize power for themselves.

In the chaos that followed, Kjertil 'Nail' Ninch ascended to the throne as the 3rd High King of the realm, his rule marked by corruption, intrigue, and betrayal. Staining the work of all who had fought for the realm, and under Kjertil’s despotic rule, the realm descended into chaos and lawlessness as rival factions and warlords fought for control of the fractured kingdoms and territories.

In 1277, the realm was plunged into darkness as The Great Invasion swept across the land, laying waste to Villages, cities, and kingdoms alike. The invaders, led by a mysterious warlord known only as the The Head Invader, sought to conquer the realm and bend its people to their will through fear and intimidation. Desperate to defend their homeland, the people once again called to Solvarr ‘Black Oak’ Svartholtr, who answered the call to arms, rallying a coalition of kings, lords, and heroes to stand against the encroaching darkness.

The allied forces clashed with the invaders in a series of epic battles, each more desperate and brutal than the last, as they fought to protect their homes and loved ones from the horrors of war. Eventually, despite their best efforts, they were overwhelmed by the sheer number and ferocity of the invaders, forcing them to retreat and regroup for one final stand.

In 1283, at the Battle of Weeping Plains, the fate of the realm hung in the balance as the allied forces clashed with the Invader Head and their legions. The battle raged for days, with each side unleashing their most powerful warriors and magic in a desperate bid for victory. In the end, just as Solvarr ‘Black Oak’ Svartholtr led a daring charge against the Invader Heads command camp, the battlefield edges rang with the sound of carnyx horns, great drums, bagpipes, and warcries of many Hordes, tribes, Clans, groups, and Heroes. This sudden reinforcement of previously neutral forces shattered the invader’s ranks and sent them fleeing into the wilderness. The victory at the battle of the Weeping Plains marked the end of the great invasion and the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity for the realm.

As they stood victorious, some stood before the High King, kneeled, and uttered an oath that triggered a unified roar of unity, known as the Cleansing Oath. When the  Cleansing Crusade was over, in 1283, Solvarr, now very weary and battle-worn, resigned as High King and rode off, leaving the seat vacant until the 9th Fair of the Realm in 86′.

Thus, in 1283, everyone began to rebuild and recover from the devastation of war. Tales of heroism and sacrifice echoed across the land, inspiring future generations to honour the memory of those who had fallen in defence of their homeland. Some have also set out to restore the realm, so as the history of the realm continues to unfold, shaped by the deeds and decisions of those who dare to dream of a brighter future for themselves and their descendants, legends grow in The Scorched Dawn, as does my thirst…

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



The Realm consists of nine large landmasses called the Greater Isles, or merely the Isles in daily speech among the common folk, generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria. Midgard are of a size that qualifies for the label of Continent. They are, from largest to smallest in size: Midgard, Markeoy, West Fjella, Dalip, East Fjella, Findon, Utari, Naldar, and Mealis. All Islands have a wide variation in Climates, landscape, Flora, Fauna, and Racial. Cultures. Things vary greatly from Isle to Isle and even from Country to country.

Skjald Vinotis


A country is a part of an island, identified as a distinct national entity in political geography, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or different people with distinct political or cultural characteristics. Regardless of the physical geography, the Council of Colours, the institution of the High King, and the Hordes accepted this legal definition as borders between self-governing countries.

Skjald Sejrik


Far too many petty lords are grasping for power beyond their capabilities these days… and the High King is unable to restore order, despite what he thinks… everyone does as he sees fit, and some don’t even care about bloodline status anymore…
Darin seems lost to the powerful old lords and their warring Horde… and as I have heard, they have begun forcing the Holy Star Order out of Darin… not always peacefully mind you…
East Fjella seems to have been swarmed by those hailing the old Vularian empire… I foresee quite some conflict there when Zizu gets back on his feet… He won’t freely let go of what he created… Mealis is sadly struck by plague and about to erupt in the utter chaos I’ve heard… I could go on, but it saddens my tongue and heart…

Skjald Kazumix


Had it been me wearing that High King’s crown, I can assure you that peace would already have been instilled everywhere. And far more of the shady lords and eager hotheads would have been dealt with long ago. Especially those who, prior to the invasion, allowed the darn Kinoblin to sail around and gather information, and those who housed Drakk Alfar at their courts and counsels would also have had some explanations to do before paying dues.

Take Markeoy, for example; it’s now totally under Triad Traders control, apart from areas controlled by the Holy Star Order. The poor peasants are hostage between those wanting fief to be paid, and there’s plenty, I assure you. It might end with people preferring the T'Aurs of Mumuarki in Bay of Braburg to govern them. Or look at Naldar, since their feudal system collapsed. That nest of pirates swarming the coasts all the way up and down the realm so freely that it’s said impetuous people from West Fjella have begun the same raiding behaviour.

Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about that except maybe share some location information with the bold in exchange for a hot stew and some ale.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard



Countries here and countries there…  and then even some in-between… the old order is shattered, and what’s left are ripples of the very fabric… and I foresee fights amongst people over sites of interest…

Take the Academy of Ea, for example, and see who’s already building camps on their shores… Lords of Gaslug, Tusla, and even Esly have begun fort construction… and hiring in hungry men eager for food and maybe some rare or good loot in the near future… and I bet you that Esly and Oglan will soon blow up due to the exquisite and rare Red Marble they share…

Skjald Kazumix


Prior to the Great Invasion, the Outlands were but rumours amongst boasting sailors, and all the Isles had been under the wings of the High King in a united realm for longer than most could remember. Some people, like Lionel, claimed that the Kinoblin originated from the Outlands, but most who were aware of other Races merely thought of them as Kobold or similar man-shunning races. But with the Great Invasion, we must admit that the wings of the High King have been clipped and order has been thrown into chaos.

Skjald Valgrif



Many among the Nobility found it a great idea and are now trying to reestablish The Realm.

Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-07-07 by IoM-Christian