Races Imaginarium


“The formation goes back to before the world was formed, as a means to hold grand gatherings.”

Skjald Ulrich



Dark Ages

Somewhere in between the first mana leaking into the Void and forming our world, several races began to interact in a civilised and formalised manner. Tales and documents tell us it began around the time of the first Indigenous, who sprang forth as a result of the N-Erectus breeding with the Archaic.

Skjald Vinotis


First Age

Since the beginning, their grand meetings held every decade have evolved into quite a workshop and dispute-solving event. In fact, they were instrumental when the two Thursars offered a place above us all. The meetings had always been orderly, but when the Vampire kin was pledging for a seat, some argued that their origin races were already present.

Vampires replied that if so, many races would never have seats. This comment, although totally reasonable, split the meeting and resulted in an escalation of the growing vampire conflict. Some delegations didn’t even manage to leave the gathering before tumult and fights erupted. It was the sole event that triggered what became the 1st Cataclysm.

Skjald Sejrik



Their council has one member from each participating race and is led by an elected staff member called ‘Imaginarii Prime’. Every race has one vote at the Concencus Table, regardless of population size. Some say this is to prevent certain ‘expanding races’ from doing something rash and unpleasant. They previously allowed issues to be solved by duels but have separated this ‘element’ into a championship entertainment contest.

Currently, their ‘Imaginarii Prime’ is Arinn Uthar Lee, a Kobold of considerable age, thought to be stepping down soon. We have heard that several races consider supporting the human Woodmaster as the next ‘Imaginarii Prime’.

Skjald El Mary



As an organisation, they equal the other great eight, but their agenda, quests, and rewards do not interfere with a character’s rank in any of these.

Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-05-30 by IoM-Christian