



From slim to muscular.


Females: 160-170

Males: 165-185


Females: 50-75

Males: 70-90


Females; 160-165

Males: 155-160


Golden to dark reddish.


Dark, mostly black.








Dark Ages

Birth of Clovincaz

Split into several Clans


First Age

0 – 7 F.A.

0 – 50 F.A. Findon settles

3967 F.A. 1st Cataclysm

3967 F.A. South and East Findon sunk


Second Age

1-10 S.A. World settles

4342 S.A. The Rimzir Dragonboat


Third Age

T.A. Wanderers encountered

4286 T.A. Mt.Vula Erupt / Ljostari sinks

4286 T.A. Central Findon sinks


Fourth Age

1 Deep Blue Tsunami

1 – 5 Birth of Arisen

1167 – 1149 1st alliance

1250  – 1277 The Realm

1277 – 1282 The Great Invasion

1282 – 1283 Cleansing Crusade


“Old and modern at the same time, I think Clovincaz are the ones who spans the most.”

Skjald Valgrif



The Clovincaz appear in the complicated mythology of Races—a people whose urban energy threads through the rich tapestry of Villages, Towns, and Cities. Their lifestyles reflect the thriving marketplaces, educational interests, and old knowledge that runs through their blood. Within their milieu, the Clovincaz represent urban elegance, scholastic skill, and a tradition resurrected from the depths of history.

Because of their parentage, they are slightly smaller and thinner than Human Wanderers, and they have a shorter lifetime than their half-race Izir and Moss'Ari cousins.

Settlements, towns, and cities spring up throughout the terrain, each one a monument to the Clovincaz’s capacity to flourish in the middle of civilization’s maelstrom. Farmlands spread, meticulously manicured to provide food for their inhabitants. Marketplaces are thriving centres of trade and exchange, where the heartbeats of trade can be heard in every transaction. Scholarly activities flourish in towns and cities, producing a tapestry of wisdom and information that has been fostered over time.

The Clovincaz’s principal residences may be found on the Isle of Findon, the northernmost section of Midgard Isle, and the northernmost regions of Markeoy Isle. These landscapes echoes of their history, a history that has witnessed the rise and collapse of a great empire not once, but twice. As their empires crumbled, the ruins of their once-majestic cities, temples, and shrines were engulfed by the lush embrace of jungles and woods. The region carries their heritage, with majestic structures standing as sentinels of time.

Organisation takes the shape of towns, Hamlets, and villages within their society, mirroring the intricate interaction of community and individuals. Scholars, admired for their quest of knowledge, build bridges between the past and the present, shedding light on old wisdom passed down through centuries. Their capacity to thrive in the urban setting, as well as their mastery of scholastic endeavours, reveals a timeless balance.

The Clovincaz, as excellent Farmers and Hunters, navigate their environment with an experience acquired over decades of cohabitation. Their bond with the earth is strong, a dance that combines nourishment and survival. When the call to fight comes, their proficiency as Warriors reflects their dedication to defending their way of life.

The Clovincaz’s place in the wide tapestry of Races remains neutral, a beacon of equilibrium despite the shifting tides of power. Their dealings with the High Kings and the representatives of The Realm are defined by a feeling of autonomy, demonstrating their power and self-reliance. Some of them opt to study Nimzaxian, High-Arlinian, and Vularian to bridge Language gaps, reflecting their versatility and eagerness to build ties outside their borders.

The Clovincaz walk forth—a symphony of urban brilliance, scholastic skill, and resilience—in a world where echoes of the past harmony with the rhythms of the present, where busy communities and scholarly endeavours coexist. The very streets seem to resound with their presence with each step they take, a monument to their profound connection with the land, the wisdom of the centuries, and the bright threads that weave their culture into the realm’s past.

Skjald El Mary



Dark Ages

21372 Years before the formation of our World, a band of Drakk Alfar discovered a vibrant Earthnode and resided there for a time. Soon later, a band of Heidel arrived and was similarly thrilled by the Earthnodes energies. Both bands stayed for a while, witnessing the results of their marriage take shape in the form of the Clovincaz, the fifth oldest of the Indigenous Tribes. This has has been confirmed by two Drakk Alfar who were present at their birth, as well as a handful of Thursar and Ljost Alfar who knew the very first Clovincaz.

They lingered at the Earthnode for a long time, enjoying the companionship of others who came by, Thursar, Ljost Alfar, and Boriac. Later, Kobold, Fautyr, Moss'Ari, Mawmen, and others came to visit and became popular trading partners. However, as time went, the Drakk Alfar witnessed ageing, withering, and death among their loving children and grandchildren’s grandchildren. The Drakk Alfar went on because the mortals’ continuing losses were distressing. As a result, the Archaic and Clovincaz were left alone, but the Clovincaz had inherited much too much from the Drakk Alfars. They grew apart from their Archaic origins as they sought to investigate, refine, construct, innovate, and visit the Astral.

18412 Was the year that the first exploring band decided not to return, but to continue on and establish their own camp elsewhere. This marked the beginning of a long and sluggish departure, and in 16943, the last Band of mixed origin, led by the 63-year-old Ghâtaxi Loqmâq, went out to discover all other Clovincaz and document their history. As a result, their birthplace became an Archaic-only camp, and it ended up southwest of Midgard when the World was established.

16880 Ghâtaxi Loqmâq, was born, and lived 748 years, outliving most of his Tribe, and when he died in 16132, he had mastered Magic Paths from all 8 Colours, learned Hand Weaving and Void Weaving, and regularly visited the Vornir. His book collection, ‘Blood of Clovincaz,’ has excellent explanations of their race and origins. His apprentices carried on his work with the massive collection over the following 15 millennia. Unfortunately, it is now fractured, and many tomes are feared to be lost.

Clovincaz established several colonies across The Void, in thick woods, steep mountain slopes, hard reached roughlands, river deltas, and marshy meadows, which grew into enormous towns and temples. According to legend, their realm was wider than one could walk in a lifetime. Some joked that if Boriac hadn’t had access to Astravel, they would never have visited the remote Clovincaz camps.

Skjald Vinotis


Azure Emperor Xazûtl Azültiox’s Empire

11111 The first Clovincaz empire arose as a consequence of their early mastery of Magic Paths, strong ties to mana linkages, and a thorough comprehension of the Astral dimension. Xazûtl Azültiox, a Clovincaz whose ancestors had been Clovincaz ladies and Drakk Alfar men since the first Clovincaz, their leader. They erected magnificent cities and temples in the middle of lush landscapes, with mana linkages snaking through their constructions to provide power and connectivity.

Cultural Prosperity: The Clovincaz achieved major cultural achievements during the height of their power. They were well-known for their profound magical knowledge, rich artwork, and a thriving intellectual culture, which drew visits from many races, including Thursar of the Divine Races and N-Erectus.

They built successful trading networks with neighbouring races like as the Drakk Alfar, Ljost Alfar, and even the Fautyr. Their diplomatic abilities were highly acclaimed, and their communities became cross-cultural trading centres.

10652 The Fall of the Empire:

Internal disputes: As the empire increased in size and people, internal disputes began to emerge. Disagreements within Clovincaz civilization arose as a result of disagreements over leadership, resource allocation, and the employment of strong magical routes.

External dangers: External dangers such as competing civilizations and natural calamities contribute to the empire’s stress. Maintaining their huge area and defending their people grew increasingly difficult.

A crisis involving the Earthnodes and Mana connections was a critical event in the demise of the first empire. These critical Astral links began to deteriorate and dissipate, producing disturbances in the flow of magic, communication, and Astravel. This crisis shocked Clovincaz society to its core.

Civil Unrest and insurrection: As the crisis worsened, several sections of the empire saw civil unrest and insurrection. A once-unified population was now fragmented, and certain factions wanted to defy the central authority.

Final Catastrophe: The collapse culminated in a catastrophic event in which many Earthnodes became Gods, resulting in a magical tragedy. Former Earthnode worshippers became puppets for power-hungry Gods and engaged in catastrophic warfare. This catastrophe devastated the once-mighty empire, destroying it.

Consequences of the collapse:

Clovincaz communities were spread over the Void in the aftermath of the empire’s collapse, and many once-great cities and temples were left in ashes. The Clovincaz were forced to adjust to a more dispersed existence after losing their centralised power.

Cultural artefacts Lost: The collapse resulted in the loss of significant cultural artefacts and information held in now-ruined towns and libraries. This loss had a long-lasting influence on Clovincaz civilization, and efforts to recover these artefacts became a major enterprise in subsequent times. The tome collection, ‘Blood of Clovincaz,’ in particular, has subsequently been a focus of restoration.

Clovincaz civilization has been fractured into tiny city-states and towns, each with its own leaders and interests. The once-unified empire gave way to a jumble of autonomous organisations, some of which flourished while others failed.

Legacy and Lessons: The first Clovincaz empire’s demise left a deep legacy. It served as a warning about the perils of internal struggle and the delicate balance of power in a large and complex civilization. The lessons learnt during this terrible time would define Clovincaz history and government for centuries.

Skjald Sigurd


Scarlet Emperor Zaxtax Hoxima’s Empire

9999 After the collapse of their previous empire, the Clovincaz went through a time of rebuilding and introspection. They learnt from their failures and emphasised unity, diplomacy, and collaboration among their city-states and communities.

Clovincaz academics uncovered and polished old magic techniques throughout this time period, drawing on the wisdom of their forefathers and teachings from the Other Races. They created new spells and magical rituals that reinforced their civilization and allowed them to more precisely harness the power of the Astral.

Expansion and invention: Armed with fresh knowledge and unity, the Clovincaz entered a time of expansion and invention. They restored and rebuilt portions of the original empire’s towns and temples, while also establishing new colonies in previously undiscovered Void territory.

Diplomacy with Neighbours: The Clovincaz had close diplomatic connections with their mortal neighbours, including the Thursar, Drakk Alfar, Ljost Alfar, and others. Their towns flourished into busy centres of commerce and cultural interchange as their reputation as excellent diplomats and traders expanded.

The End of the Second Empire:

Environmental Changes: As the second Clovincaz empire grew, they ran upon environmental issues in the Void. Unpredictable Astral storms and interruptions in mana lines disrupted their towns, making agriculture and resource management more difficult.

The Divine races, and particularly the Wickeryadi, began to impose their authority over the Void more aggressively, putting pressure on the Clovincaz. Conflicts over resources, territory, and cultural differences strained interactions with outsiders.

Despite these difficulties, the Clovincaz continued to produce breakthrough technology and magical discoveries. This, however, had an unexpected consequence: the production of powerful magical artefacts that, when mishandled, presented a severe danger to the empire’s stability.

Artefact Conflict: Disputes occurred among Clovincaz leaders and groups over custody and usage of these powerful artefacts. Others craved personal power, while some thought they should be used for the greater good. These tensions erupted into violent clashes.

Catastrophic Artefact occurrence: The second empire’s demise culminated in a catastrophic occurrence involving one of these powerful artefacts. The abuse of this artefact resulted in a cataclysmic catastrophe that wrecked a large area of the empire and created widespread disorder as additional Earthnodes and Mana connections became Gods as a result of the manufactured energy shock.

Consequences of the collapse:

Disintegration of Unity: The collapse of the second empire broke the Clovincaz’s efforts to attain unity. City-states and communities became separated once more, with distrust and rivalries resurfacing.

Loss of Technological achievements: The catastrophic artefact event resulted in the loss of numerous technological achievements and magical knowledge established during the empire’s pinnacle. This defeat was a setback for Clovincaz’s growth.

Restricted Relations with Divine Races: As a result of the dispute over the artefacts, relations between the Clovincaz and the divine races deteriorated even more. Diplomacy and trade weakened, and tensions remained between the two factions.

The Clovincaz were left with a strong feeling of caution over the use of great magic and the possible implications of unrestrained ambition following the fall of the second empire. This period’s lessons influenced their culture and administration.

As the Clovincaz dealt with the fallout from the second empire, they found themselves in a condition of disintegration and reflection once more. Their history has been characterised by repeated cycles of rise and collapse, with each age bringing new problems and lessons to be learnt.

Skjald Sejrik


The Four

Liranae Windweaver was a visionary Clovincaz scholar who spent her life studying the Astral dimension. She set out on adventurous astral journeys, tracking astral currents and discovering secret portals to faraway realms. Her breakthrough occurred when she uncovered a network of mana connections that allowed her to enter the Astral with unrivalled accuracy.
Liranae discovered a distinct sort of Mana Manipulation via her research, which she dubbed “Astral Threadweaving.” This skill enabled her to perform spells by weaving Astral mana threads into elaborate designs. In the Dark Ages, her expertise created the foundation for the Clovincaz’s superior magic.

Thoran Earthshaper: Thoran was a practical Clovincaz explorer with a strong connection to nature. While exploring the Astral, he came across old doorways that lead to unknown countries rich in undiscovered natural riches.
Thoran’s mastery in Mana Manipulation stemmed from his ability to channel the powers of the Astrals Mana Sea. He learned the skill of “Elemental Convergence,” which allowed him to utilise the raw force of the Astral’s energies to alter and shape the physical world, earning him the respect of Clovincaz artisans and builders.

Sylara Pathshifter was a brilliant astral traveller with an incredible sense for locating secret paths. Her brave journeys across the Astral revealed not only portals to other realms, but also information concerning Leak use. She established touch with the “Leak Guardians,” friendly Astral creatures who shared their wisdom with her.
Sylara’s ability to manipulate Mana was inextricably linked to her Guardians. She invented “Astral Sigilcraft,” a type of spellcasting that used the power of Leaks and their patterns to weave elaborate sigils in the Astral, allowing her to cast spells with hitherto unseen force and precision.

Kaldar Voidcaller: Kaldar was a mysterious Clovincaz mystic who delved deep into the Astral’s darkest colours. He uncovered hidden doorways to the enigmatic Void and established communication with ancient Void beings like Wickeryadi. These deadly experiences provided him with unique knowledge into the nature of magic. Kaldar’s singular mastery of Mana Manipulation was dubbed “Voidbinding.” He could use the chaotic forces of the Void to perform spells that distorted reality itself. His expertise was veiled in mystery, and others saw his methods as perilously near to prohibited magic.

These four extraordinary Clovincaz people, each with their own unique abilities and discoveries, played critical roles in unlocking the Astral’s potential, discovering doors to other worlds, and improving the art of Mana Manipulation.

Skjald Ulrich


The alphabet of the Empire

During the early Dark Ages, Vaelor Runebinder was a visionary Clovincaz scholar and scribe. Vaelor, who was born into a family of Artisans and Painters, had an intense curiosity for the Astral and a strong desire to preserve knowledge. His preoccupation with the intricate patterns of mana linkages, as well as the necessity for a standardised method of writing to preserve Clovincaz history and discoveries, defined his early years.

Vaelor’s journey to build the Clovincaz alphabet system began with him embarking on a series of astral flights to seek inspiration from the Astral dimension itself. During his trips, he came across ancient manuscripts authored by otherworldly creatures and learned the technique of symbol making. He constructed a unique set of symbols and letters inspired by the patterns he discovered in the Astral during years of painstaking research.

Symbolism and Magic: Vaelor’s writing system was more than simply a useful tool; it was inextricably linked to Clovincaz culture and their relationship to magic. Each figure he created had a symbolic meaning, symbolising different elements, parts of nature, or celestial events. Many Clovincaz thought that writing in these symbols would increase the power of their words when cast.

Clovincaz Lettering System Evolution:

Early Use: Scholars, scribes, and Mana Manipulators who recognised the efficacy of Vaelor’s alphabet method in documenting Astral knowledge quickly adopted it. It was mostly used to keep track of spells, astral sightings, and magical experiments.

Standardisation: As the lettering system proved useful, it became standardised across Clovincaz society. Vaelor’s characters provided the foundation for written communication in scholarly writings as well as ordinary life. There were schools dedicated to teaching the script, guaranteeing that future generations could read and write in this one-of-a-kind system.

The Clovincaz adopted the alphabet system into their creative expressions throughout time. It embellished tapestries, sculptures, and even architecture, imbuing everything with a magical quality. Vaelor’s script calligraphy became a renowned art form, celebrated for its beauty and perfection.

Symbol Expansion: New symbols were introduced to the script over the ages to fit the changing language and expanding knowledge. These enhancements represented technological, scientific, and cultural advances. Vaelor’s original characters were retained, but fresh symbols were modified to reflect growing notions.

The Clovincaz lettering system has become a source of cultural pride and identity. It was viewed as a symbol of their Astral connection and magical prowess. As different Clovincaz groups contributed their own idiosyncrasies to the system, several dialects and regional variants of the script arose.

The Clovincaz lettering system, created by Vaelor Runebinder, not only offered a practical means of communication but also became a cornerstone of Clovincaz culture, interweaving magic, art, and knowledge. Its progress over time paralleled the Clovincaz society’s growth and flexibility as they continued to explore and prosper in their ever-changing landscape.

Skjald Kazumix


Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s Tomes

Let’s look at some of the stories and locations associated with Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tome collection, which contains Truenames of important Clovincaz entities and events. These books are extremely valuable to Clovincaz and the Divine Races who are looking to bridge knowledge gaps.

The famous Temple of Astral Resonance may be found deep within Moss’Ari land. Ghâtaxi Loqmâq is supposed to have spent several years among the Moss’Ari on his mission to chronicle the Truenames of old Clovincaz spirits and guardians. The temple is concealed among a vast bioluminescent forest where Astral energy runs like a river. Scholars and seekers of many races travel to Clovincaz to examine the tomes and tap into the huge reservoir of knowledge.

Nestled in the midst of Nortelmar, a massive Boriac library city, where the waves of the Astral Sea ebb and flow. Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s collection is heavily focused on the Truenames of the divine Boriac entities and their dealings with the Clovincaz. These ancient halls serve as a beacon of education and diplomacy, where a select few Clovincaz academics meet with the Boriac to share information and keep peace. The library is a work of art, with crystalline features that refract light in fascinating ways.

The Cloak of Ljost Mysteries lies within the Ljost Alfar stronghold known as Luminarae, high atop the peaks of the White Spire Mountains. Ghâtaxi Loqmâq went to Luminarae to research the Truenames of the Ljost Alfar, whose profound link to the Astral piqued his interest. The shelves of the library are packed with books detailing Truenames of Ljost Alfar and their involvement in determining the fate of the Clovincaz. The citadel is an architectural wonder in and of itself, with dazzling crystals covering its walls.

Thulgard is situated atop a Void rift in the centre of Clovincaz, hidden behind an elaborate network of underground tunnels. Ghâtaxi Loqmâq investigated the mysterious Truenames of the Void in the Archive of Void Whispers. It holds tomes containing Thursar’s secrets about the Void’s effect on Clovincaz society and the implications of their interactions. The library is famous for its stunning architecture, which includes luminous crystals that illuminate the underground tunnels.

Skyrilith is a Drakk Alfar city located on a suspended floating island in the Astral Sea. Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s research into their Truenames led him to the Sanctum of the Astral Serpent, a magnificent temple-like library dedicated to preserving the Drakk Alfar’s learning. Tomes outlining the heavenly rites and links between the Clovincaz and the Astral Serpent, a divine being venerated by both species and said to be the Earthnode of their birth, may be found here.

Thunderspire’s Echo is an Elemental Forge located atop Mt. Xiza. It is home to two Divine Thursar who have obtained some of Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tomes, and the Thunderspire’s Echo tomes contain Truenames of elemental phenomena, bridging the gap between the Divine Thursar’s mastery and the Clovincaz’s understanding of the Void.

A few tomes from Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s collection were put in the safekeeping of the 4th House, commanded by Dwarves King Amovir Môllêromi, and have since dwelt in the vast palace on Findon Isle. These tomes include Truenames of major events and heroes in Clovincaz history, emphasising the races’ links.

A few tomes made their way to a Fautyr tribe on Markeoy Isle’s Country of Skium. The Fautyr tribe treasures these tomes, known as Sea Songs of Wisdom, which disclose the Truenames of aquatic species and Astral links. They have become crucial to Fautyr shamanistic practises, helping them better comprehend the sea and the Astral.

Several Lore of the Earthbound tomes are distributed across seven Kobold camps in Surdy, Saamur, and Ghond, on the continent of Darin. These tomes contain the Truenames of elemental spirits and spells employed by Kobold shamans, which they shared with the Clovincaz during peaceful contacts. They are regarded as a link between races and a source of knowledge for Kobold magic practitioners.

The T'Aurs of Mumuarki in Markeoy Isle’s Bay of Braburg have a tiny collection of Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tomes, which they name “The Wisdom of Clovincaz.” Truenames of Clovincaz historical personalities and cultural insights may be found in these tomes. They provide witness to the T’Aurs’ admiration for Clovincaz culture and desire for peaceful coexistence.

The Chronicles of Eternal Shadows are books owned by two Vampire aristocrats who live on the faraway Isles of Utari and Dalip. These books include the Truenames of ancient Clovincaz people and their links to the Astral. They are valued by Vampires as sources of power and intrigue.

Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tomes may be found at the famed Borji Capital Jade Library. The tomes are sought after by Borji scholars and collectors for their insights into Clovincaz culture and language. Its rumoured collectors own more tomes, driving a competitive drive for knowledge.

Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tomes are also in the possession of the Findograa Nomads. They value the tomes as priceless artefacts because they contain Truenames of Clovincaz creatures and nature, which help them maintain their special position with the Gods.

It’s unclear how they got them and what they plan to do with them. However, Izir on the continent of Darin owns a couple of Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s books.These books tell the stories of Clovincaz’s exploration, trading, and encounters with the Astral. They are regarded as excellent sources of information about their northern neighbours.

Some of Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tomes are in the possession of the few Mawmen who went to Ljostari and managed to escape its sinking. These tomes contain the Truenames of ancient Clovincaz sites, which serve as a link to their long-lost homeland. They are treasured heirlooms among the Mawmen diaspora.

Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tomes have been obtained by a few Markian tribes. Truenames of Clovincaz trade routes and encounters with the Markian Tribes are contained in these tomes. They are valuable as evidence of ancient partnerships and shared knowledge.

The dispersion of Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tomes throughout different races and areas demonstrates the Clovincaz’s global reach and the lasting worth of their culture, wisdom, and Truenames.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


The Astral Gate War (Mid-Ages)

Cause: The Astral Gate War was ignited by a conflict over ownership of a strong astral Doorway that led to a magically rich realm. A party of Clovincaz explorers found the portal and tried to harness its enchantment for the sake of their people. Other Clovincaz clans and neighbouring races, however, such as the Drakk Alfar and the Fautyr, desired the gateway’s potential.

Conflict: Several Clovincaz city-states were at odds, each competing for control of the portal. As the struggle progressed, alliances formed and disbanded, with some factions attempting to profit from the gateway’s magic while others sought to safeguard it from misuse. The Fautyr cooperated with some Clovincaz factions against others who desired to control the gateway because they were opposed to human settlements near their domains.

Consequences: The Astral Gate War had far-reaching implications for the Clovincaz. While Clovincaz kept possession of the portal, the struggle had strained ties with the Drakk Alfar and generated internal fractures that would take years to repair. It also prompted a rethinking of the Clovincaz’s strategy to harnessing powerful magical resources, as well as the necessity for diplomacy with neighbouring races.

Skjald Kazumix


The Voidfall Rebellion (Late Dark Ages)

Cause: The Voidfall Rebellion was headed by a group of Clovincaz who were antagonistic to the central government of the time. The ruling council, made up of great mages and nobles, aspired to gain possession of Voidfall Crystals, rare and potent artefacts that enabled extraordinary Mana Manipulation. A increasing sense of inequity, as well as the notion that these crystals should be available to all Clovincaz, drove the insurrection.

Conflict: The insurrection gained traction fast, gaining backing from disgruntled city-states and communities. The leaders of the insurrection were adept at guerilla warfare and magic, making them dangerous opponents. The fight erupted into a series of skirmishes and sieges, with both sides relying on the power of Voidfall Crystals to gain domination.

Consequences: The Voidfall Rebellion had far-reaching consequences on Clovincaz society. The ruling council was deposed. It also triggered a period of reconstruction among the Clovincaz as they attempted to mend the scars of internal struggle.

These two battles, which occurred at distinct points in Clovincaz history, highlight the complexities of their civilization and the difficulties they encountered in preserving unity in the face of the pursuit of magical power and wealth.

Skjald El Mary


The Three Handweaving masters

Aeliana Starweaver: Aeliana Starweaver was born in a tiny Clovincaz Hamlet to a humble family. She had an intrinsic connection to the Astral from a young age, often looking at the night sky for hours. Her interest with the patterns and energy of the Astral was obvious to everyone who knew her.

Aeliana’s path to become a great weaver began when a renowned Astral scholar visiting her town recognised her talent. She perfected her talents in controlling Astral currents and creating patterns in the sea of energy under his instruction. She went on solo astral excursions, exploring the depths of the Astral realm and learning new techniques for shaping its energies.

Masterpiece: The “Leaks Elegy,” a beautiful Astral tapestry depicting the dance of Leaks and stars, was Aeliana’s most known creation. When shown, it was claimed to provide a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere. Her work was an inspiration to many aspiring weavers and became a symbol of Clovincaz creative quality.

Eldric Stormweaver: Eldric Stormweaver was born in a coastal Clovincaz City noted for its violent weather. He grew up watching storms and the interaction of lightning in the Astral. His curiosity with the elements compelled him to investigate the relationship between the natural world and the Astral.

Eldric’s path to mastery began when he met an old Clovincaz sage who had investigated the Astral’s link to elemental energies. Eldric created a unique style of Handweaving known as “Elemental Wefting” under the instruction of the sage. This method enabled him to harness storm energy and weave it into powerful spells.

Masterpiece: The “Tempest Sonata,” an Astral tapestry that reproduced the intensity and beauty of a raging storm, was Eldric’s best work. It could conjure lightning and rain at his command when triggered. His expertise of elemental Handweaving was critical in defending his coastal city from outside assaults.

Silvara Dreamweaver: Silvara Dreamweaver was born with extraordinary dreams that whisked her away to the Astral dimension. Her nightmares were filled with glimpses of lost wisdom and magic. She was known to sleepwalk, making invisible patterns in the air with her hands as she wandered through the night.

Silvara’s road to mastery was primarily an internal one. She figured out how to bridge the gap between her dreamworld and the waking world, allowing her to transfer Astral knowledge into the physical world. Her distinct method to Handweaving, dubbed “Dreamthreading,” enabled her to create spells inspired by her dreams.

Masterpiece: Silvara’s most renowned invention was the “Dreamer’s Lullaby,” a charm that produced deep and comfortable slumber without nightmares or interruptions. Her mastery of Dreamthreading gave her a reputation as a guru and healer, and many in need of calm rest sought her expertise.

Each of these three Clovincaz Handweaving masters followed their own road to mastery, gaining inspiration from their origins, teachers, and personal ties to the Astral. Their inventions in handweaving methods, as well as their renowned masterpieces, made substantial contributions to Clovincaz’s mystical traditions and creative quality.

Thalorin Shadowseer: Thalorin Shadowseer was born in the murky depths of a Clovincaz city situated beneath the Void’s craggy rocks. He had an odd affinity with the Void from an early age, often finding refuge in the darkness of the city’s dungeons and tunnels. His unsettling silence and calm demeanour distinguishes him from his contemporaries.

Thalorin’s quest to becoming a Voidweaver master was defined by loneliness and reflection. He plunged deep into the Void’s dark depths, attempting to unravel its mysteries and harness its power. Early on, he met an intriguing Void elder who saw his potential and volunteered to teach him the mysterious skill of Voidweaving.

Mastering the Void: Thalorin learnt to harness the Void’s essence under the tutelage of his tutor, weaving it into physical forms and twisting it to his desire. His training was rigorous, with extended hours of meditation in pitch-black rooms where he refined his senses and attuned himself to the tiny vibrations of the Void.

Masterpiece: The “Shadow Veil,” a Voidweaving spell that allowed Thalorin to construct an impenetrable cloud of darkness, was his crowning achievement. He could conceal his existence, move stealthily, and even alter others’ perceptions within this murky region. The Shadow Veil was a brilliant combination of stealth and illusion that proved useful in both defensive and clandestine operations.

Legacy: Thalorin Shadowseer’s skill in Voidweaving earned him a place among Clovincaz’s most esteemed and feared people. His teachings were passed down to a chosen few, who formed a hidden order of Voidweavers who guarded the city’s deepest secrets and kept it secure from outside dangers. Thalorin’s legacy lived on as a monument to the Clovincaz’s capacity to control even the most enigmatic and elusive features of their universe.

Skjald Sejrik


First Age

The genesis of the Earth and the subsequent advent of the Sun and Moon caused tremendous perplexity and wonder among the Clovincaz. Here’s how they felt and reacted to this miraculous transformation:

The Utterdark

The Creation of the World and the subsequent Utterdark caused early chaos: The Clovincaz witnessed a tumultuous shift in their surroundings as the celestial races folded the universe. The comfortable Void in which they had flourished abruptly morphed into an all-encompassing blackness, plunging the entire World into the “Utterdark.” They were confused by the removal of the Astral leaks, linkages, and mana currents.

Fear and Uncertainty: Fear and perplexity overtook the Clovincaz, who had become accustomed to traversing the Void. The world seemed to have gone, and they felt alone in an unending void. Many felt they had been abandoned by the divine races or had become disoriented.

Attempts to Restore Order: In the middle of the upheaval, Clovincaz leaders and intellectuals strove to rebuild some sort of order. They organised excursions to investigate the Utterdark’s bounds, hoping to understand the new reality and restore ties with the Astral.

Skjald Ulrich


The Emergence of the Sun and Moon:

Awe and Wonder: Following an indefinite length of darkness, the Clovincaz observed the unexpected appearance of a dazzling light on the horizon. The divine races’ creations, the Sun and Moon, began their glorious voyage through the sky. Their brilliant presence warmed and illuminated the earth.

Reuniting with Magic: The restoration of light was a watershed moment for the Clovincaz. The mana currents and Astral linkages gradually reawakened when the Sun’s rays reached the planet. It seemed as though the world itself was being recharged with mystical energy. Clovincaz mages and academics felt their magical talents return, and the darkness that had engulfed their realm began to lift.

The rise of the Sun and Moon had a significant influence on Clovincaz culture and spirituality. The heavenly bodies were viewed as divine gifts, embodying order, equilibrium, and regeneration. New ceremonies and festivals were created to honour the Sun and Moon, and they became an important part of Clovincaz culture.

Clovincaz physicists and astronomers seized the chance to investigate the freshly produced celestial entities. They created sophisticated methods for tracking the Sun’s and Moon’s motions, gaining a better grasp of their roles in the world’s balance.

The Clovincaz expressed their astonishment and surprise via art, literature, and music inspired by the Sun and Moon. Many well-known Clovincaz painters created masterpieces depicting heavenly bodies, frequently merging them into tapestries and sculptures.

The transition from the Utterdark to the world illuminated by the Sun and Moon was a watershed point in Clovincaz history. It was a period of immense uncertainty, followed by a reawakening of their culture and a greater respect for the heavenly forces that moulded their environment. In their civilization, the Sun and Moon were enduring symbols of optimism and regeneration, and the Clovincaz revered their presence for years to come.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


The Third Clovincaz Empire: The Radiant Dominion

The Rise: The Radiant Dominion was the Clovincaz’s third and possibly most massive kingdom in the early First Age. It sprang from the Clovincaz’s developing grasp of Astral magic and their thriving society. The empire’s stronghold was located in the lush forests of Markeoy Isle, which stretched across the Bay of Braburg and included major areas of Findon Isle and nearby archipelagos.

Characteristics: Astral Prowess: The Clovincaz of the Radiant Dominion had developed incredible Astral skills. They employed mana linkages and Astral energy for practical purposes as well as to weave spells that seemed to defy gravity.

Cultural Renaissance: The Clovincaz had a cultural renaissance during this period, which was defined by rich artwork, elaborate literature, and complex societal institutions. Scholars and artists were held in high regard, and knowledge flourished.

Trade and Diplomacy: The Radiant Dominion has established strong trading ties with neighbouring races like as the T’Aurs and certain Divine Thursar. They maintained peaceful ties with people of different races, encouraging collaboration and mutual understanding.

The Fall: The Radiant Dominion’s collapse was the result of various factors:

Overstretching: The empire’s fast growth resulted in overstretching, extending its resources thin as they struggled to retain authority over distant provinces. This depleted their Mana Manipulators and crippled their core areas.

Imbalance in the Environment: The widespread usage of Astral magic and mana linkages began to upset the natural equilibrium of the Astral and corporeal worlds. In other areas, uncontrolled Astral leaks, shimmering energy strands, and unstable rifts caused havoc.

External Threats: The Dominion’s development drew the attention of unfriendly neighbouring species, notably certain Divine Thursar and the enigmatic Vampires from faraway isles. External dangers resulted in invasions and clashes.

Consequences:The collapse of the Radiant Dominion resulted in a profound cultural degradation among the Clovincaz. As they fled to defend their main regions, many important pieces of art, literature, and science were lost or scattered.

Loss of Astral Knowledge: Astral knowledge and a grasp of mana manipulation were lost as a result of the collapse. The Clovincaz battled to regain control over Astral magic, which had been a distinguishing feature of their society.

Territorial Reduction: The Dominion’s territory reduced drastically, with Markeoy Isle and sections of Findon Isle becoming its new home. To preserve their existence, the Clovincaz concentrated on securing their core territories.

Political reforms: With the growth of regional leaders and a trend towards more independent city-states, the collapse triggered political reforms. The empire’s central authority was fractured, and the Clovincaz once again embraced a more decentralised style to government.

The fall of the Radiant Dominion in the First Age was a watershed moment in Clovincaz history, prompting a rethinking of their expansionist goals and a fresh emphasis on conserving their cultural legacy and Astral knowledge.

Skjald Valgrif



Ultimo First Age, when certain Drakk Alfar and Ljost Alfar unexpectedly turned Vampires, thus standing outside of things, owing to a Wickeryadi-created plan. Due to their enormous power and unusual position, these Vampires became a hunted group. Some of them made their way to and dwelt among the Clovincaz, including the one who was finally slain by The Bullheaded God in the year 4342 Second Age, bringing an end to its more than 12000 year life. There, the Vampires produced a small number of second generation Vampires by draining renowned Clovincaz rulers, such as Lacap ‘the Great’ Baanaj in 226, (Lacap was slain at the age of 9635 years, in 2519 Third Age, by a significant amount of Ortagui).

Skjald Kazumix


1st Cataclysm

In what is known as the 1st Cataclysm, the Divines and many other races attempted to exterminate the Vampires, but the Vampires and their allies survived the ensuing mayhem that almost destroyed the World. The poles sank significantly, the equatorial belt expanded significantly, Earthnodes moved, the Earth tilted, and the Sun and Moon orbits altered.

Skjald El Mary


Second Age

As the world healed from the 1st Cataclysm, Vampires integrated in, Clovincaz fought the Ortagui in Midgard, Markian at Markeoy, Moss’Ari in their wilderness and frontiers, and occasionally the Other Races. They began to rebuild their empires from the ground up.

Skjald Sejrik


The Sunshade Cities

The Clovincaz on Findon Isle had to adjust to the hot desert environment and the arrival of the Vampire Lords from the north. Here’s how they did it:

The Rise of Sunshade Cities: The Clovincaz recognised the need to get out of the hot desert heat. They set out on a massive architectural project, building huge towns beneath gigantic, magical sunshades. Astral magic and Mana Manipulation were used to make these sunshades, which diffuse sunlight while allowing needed warmth and light to pass through.

Cultural Development: The Sunshade Cities developed into centres of knowledge and culture. Scholars, Poets, and artists from Clovincaz gathered beneath the protecting canopy to preserve their legacy and customs. These cities rose to prominence as a result of its vivid festivals, arts, and Astral studies.

Vampire diplomacy: Clovincaz discreetly participated in discussions with the Vampire Lords. They attempted to forge a precarious truce that would allow both races to survive inside their own kingdoms. This diplomatic endeavour resulted in a shaky ceasefire that kept open violence at bay.

Clovincaz Secrecy: Fearing the responses of neighbouring races, the Clovincaz kept the specifics of their dealings with the Vampires well concealed. They concentrated on retaining their own power and autonomy.

Skjald Vinotis


The Oasis of Tranquility

Due to the catastrophic changes in climate caused by the 1st Cataclysm, the once-lush northern areas of Findon Isle were converted into a scorching desert. With their special powers and durability, vampires were uniquely adapted to live in these harsh environments.

The Rise of the Vampire Lords: The Vampires formed a kingdom in the desert, governed by a council of old Vampire Lords. They first disguised themselves from other races’ inquisitive eyes by using their knowledge of Magic to create mirages and illusions, making their secret cities appear to be simply heat-induced hallucinations.

Rumours of the arrival of strong beings in the desert began to circulate among the Clovincaz and other neighbouring races. Whispers about vampiric beings capable of manipulating the environment and controlling minds added to the mystery and horror.

Skjald Sigurd


Ortagui’s Conflict

The Clovincaz confronted the problems of a growing Ortagui presence and the incursion of the Vampires in northern Midgard.

The Struggle for Territory: The Clovincaz were at odds with the increasing Ortagui tribes for territory. Competition for precious resources and territory sparked these clashes. The Clovincaz warriors fiercely protected their domain.

The Clovincaz formed agreements with other races like as the Moss’Ari, the mysterious Drakk Alfar, and even Kobolds, recognising the necessity for friends. They worked together to combat the mounting threat posed by the Ortagui and the hiding Vampires.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Clovincaz Blood-Slaves

The Vampires pressed hard on the Clovincaz Tribes in the northeastern section of Midgard, aiming to expand their domain. The nocturnal Siege of Clovincaz fortifications: Using their tremendous speed and power, the Vampires launched nocturnal attacks on major Clovincaz fortifications, catching their opponents off guard. They drained Clovincaz Chieftains and soldiers, converting them into Vampire Lords thralls.

Surviving Clovincaz warriors described attacks by mysterious, enigmatic beings that sucked the vitality from their fellows. Clovincaz and other races were terrified when rumours of “bloodthirsty spirits” entered their ears.

The Blood-Enslaved Clovincaz Clans: In their desire for dominion, the Vampire Lords recognised an opportunity in the Clovincaz Clans of northern Midgard. They influenced leaders and enslaved tribes using their mind-control skills, creating a network of devoted and captive followers.

Vampire Hint: Once famed for their ferocious independence, the Clovincaz began acting oddly, accepting the dictates of the “silent masters” who had gained control of their tribes. Scouts from Ortagui and Markian diplomats described strange meetings with Clovincaz, who appeared to have lost their will.

Skjald Ulrich


Clovincaz-Markian Exchange

The Clovincaz found themselves immersed in the rich and lively Markian culture on Markeoy Isle, continually pushing their bounds. They attempted to coexist and prosper in this hectic atmosphere.

Clovincaz artists and academics participated in cultural interchange and fusion with the Markians. This connection resulted in the blending of creative genres, music, and literature. The Clovincaz accepted Markian culture while maintaining their own distinct traditions.

This interaction created a cultural revival among both the Clovincaz and the Markians. Markeoy Isle’s streets experienced a convergence of creative expression and innovation, leading in large festivals and festivities.

Skjald Sigurd


Subversion of Clovincaz Court

The Vampires used a more delicate approach on the temperate Isle of Markeoy, aiming to infiltrate and control Clovincaz civilization.

Vampires of aristocratic families infiltrated the Clovinzaz royal courts, utilising their hypnotic abilities, charm, or direct draining to earn the trust of Clovincaz leaders. From the shadows, they whispered secrets and influenced the monarchs.

Vampire Hint: Bards and storytellers began telling tales of mysterious individuals wielding evil power over their masters. These stories foreshadowed a rising gloom within the realm, planting seeds of fear.

These Second Age events show how the Clovincaz adapted to and managed the obstacles given by their changing environment. They embraced innovation, diplomacy, and cultural interchange to preserve their uniqueness and establish a place for themselves in their region’s complex tapestry.

4342 The Dragonheaded Longboats and the Wanderers followed.

Skjald Vinotis


Third Age

None of the Clovincaz ever seen the Bull-headed God, and they didn’t care because they already had a plethora of Gods. The Wanderers, however, came in large numbers. Foreigners established various settlements, beginning with supply camps and progressing to fortified resting camps, forts, castles, towns, villages, and cities. And their surrounding agricultural fields diminished the treasured woodlands, sometimes to such an extent that Clovincaz, Moss’Ari, Fautyr, and even Thursar were irritated.

Fighting for space, the resurgence of empires, the discovery of new technology and Magic Paths, as well as a continuing internal battle between living and Vampire Clovincaz, kept their Race boiling.

3648 The sky to the south suddenly darkened, and a thousand different colours flashed and sparkled. Hundreds of kilometres north, colourful lashes were dispatched. Mt. Vula erupted, followed by Ljostari sinking, sending a tsunami over our World in the form of the 24 metre towering ‘Deep Blue Tsunami,’ flushing the coasts and upriver.

Skjald Sejrik


Fourth Age

1 The ‘Deep Blue Tsunami’ hit with incredible intensity. Markeoy and Findon lost the majority of their smaller southern isles, while Midgard lost enormous landmasses between Thayri and Goldar, as well as the majority of the isles spanning from Goldar to Markeoy. Much ground sank in northern Zapri as well. And as rescuers were working among the wreckage and debris, a horror struck among the Clovincaz.

The waters of the ‘Deep Blue Tsunami’ appear to have been polluted by the Astral and Void. It had the effect of bringing Spirits back to corpses and burial remains, resulting in the creation of an Arisen Race. These undead-like creatures were initially perplexed and simply strolled about dumbfounded. However, as time passed, they grew aware of their abilities and established their own colonies. Some even attempted to recover past territories and titles. Causing conflicts and population stampedes, where they were burned or triumphed.

Skjald El Mary


An Unexpected Presence

The Arisen’s arrival, caused by the polluted waters of the ‘Deep Blue Tsunami,’ sent shockwaves across Clovincaz civilization. These newly discovered beings, once dead remnants reanimated by Astral and Void energies, posed a hitherto unseen challenge to the Clovincaz way of existence.

Bewilderment and Coexistence: At first, the Arisen strolled among the living Clovincaz, perplexed and perplexed by their newfound existence. They wandered the remains of their former houses, frequently dazed, grappling with memories of their previous life and attempting to make sense of their new status.

Arisen Settlements: Over time, groups of Arisen began to coalesce and build their own villages. Separate from Clovincaz cities and villages, these communities became safe havens for the Arisen to find refuge and support among their own people. They told each other stories of their previous life and assisted each other in navigating the challenges of their new existence.

Reclaiming Territories and Conflicts: Some Arisen travelled outside their settlements, moved by memories and a desire to restore their old territories and titles. This frequently resulted in clashes with the living Clovincaz, as territorial, resource, and power struggles occurred. These conflicts occasionally turned violent, resulting in mass stampedes and devastation.

The Clovincaz Reaction: The Clovincaz were caught off guard. While some were sympathetic to the Arisen and believed in peaceful coexistence, others were concerned about the possible hazards posed by the reanimated dead. Leaders and councils were split on how to handle the problem.

Attempts at Understanding: A tiny group of Clovincaz intellectuals and leaders attempted to better comprehend the Arisen. They started conversations and tried to settle disagreements between the living and the reanimated. These attempts sought common ground and peaceful cohabitation, but progress was gradual and faced with opposition from both sides.

A New Dynamic: The emergence of the Arisen, in the end, instilled a new dynamic into Clovincaz civilization. It called into question their understandings of life, death, and the distinctions between the Astral, Void, and mortal worlds. While disputes and tensions remained, certain Clovincaz towns and Arisen settlements were able to cohabit, resulting in unusual partnerships and joint ventures.

The Arisen became a live reminder of their world’s unpredictability and the delicate interplay between the Astral and the Void. They made an indelible impression on Clovincaz history, influencing the direction of their civilization for all time.

Skjald Valgrif


Markeoy Isle: Ebonshade Enclave

Ebonshade Enclave is an Arisen village concealed from the prying eyes of the living Clovincaz, nestled deep inside the ancient forests of Markeoy Isle. It is close to the ruins of a Markian metropolis that was destroyed by the ‘Deep Blue Tsunami.’

Ebonshade Enclave is known for its haunting, otherworldly beauty. The village is enveloped in a constant mist that emits a delicate, ghostly light. Buildings erected from the ruins of wrecked Markian buildings stand among the tall woods like phantom relics. Lanterns in iridescent blue and green light up the paths, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

Ebonshade Enclave’s Arisen dwell in harmony with the magical woodland. They have a strong connection to nature and have formed a special link with the spirits of the land. The settlement is headed by a council of knowledgeable Arisen who make choices for the community based on their recollections of previous lifetimes.

Ebonshade Enclave is a haven for contemplation and spiritual study. The Arisen frequently congregate at the Heartwood Circle, a holy circle where they speak with spirits and seek direction from the Astral and Void. The hamlet is also noted for its beautiful gardens, which are cared for by Arisen, who has a passion for botany and the renewal of life.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Findon Isle: Veilstead Refuge

Veilstead Refuge is located far from the Clovincaz towns, among the craggy crags and secret caverns of Findon Isle’s barren southern deserts.

The parched wastelands that surround Veilstead Refuge are a dramatic contrast. The town is hidden behind gigantic sandstone formations, and the entrance is guarded by an exquisitely carved stone gate decorated with rebirth and transformation motifs. Visitors enter a large underground metropolis lighted by gently shimmering gemstones imbedded in the cavern walls.

The Arisen of Veilstead Refuge have adapted to their underground life. They are a tenacious and close-knit community led by a council known as the “Elders of the Abyss.”

Veilstead Refuge is famous for its large tombs, where the Arisen pay homage to the Astral and Void and honour their previous incarnations. They also nurture unusual desert plants in underground gardens, nourishing life in their subterranean habitat with their command of Astral and Void energies.

Skjald Ulrich


Midgard Isle: Ethereal Citadel

The Ethereal Citadel is built on the cliffs overlooking the turbulent waters of Midgard Isle, on the site of a Clovincaz citadel that was destroyed by the ‘Deep Blue Tsunami.’

The citadel looks to be built of shimmering, transparent crystal. It appears to merge in with the roaring waves of the ocean below. The architecture is an ethereal union of Clovincaz and Arisen design, a physical manifestation of their cohabitation.

The Ethereal Citadel’s Arisen are seafaring spirits that have accepted their connection to Astral and Void-infused waterways. Their leaders, known as the “Tidal Council,” supervise the citadel’s operations and maintain a healthy relationship with the Clovincaz who come on occasion.

The Ethereal Citadel acts as a beacon for Arisen explorers seeking to harness the Astral and Void forces within the sea. It is also a research centre for the ‘Deep Blue Tsunami’ and its unique energies. The Arisen have meetings on the crystalline coasts, where complicated rituals are performed to honour the endless cycle of life and death.

Skjald Valgrif


Clovincaz’s Liches

Clovincaz Mana Manipulators discovered that Hand Weaving, Void Weaving, and Arcane Rituals from Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tome collection could be utilised with pools or drips of the contaminated waters from the ‘Deep Blue Tsunami’ in the first half of the first millennium. To transform from a mortal Mana Manipulator into an Arisen Lich-Priest. This is prohibited lore, as the rites were never intended to be utilised with the polluted waters of the ‘Deep Blue Tsunami.

379 It was the year Vaelin 'the Transcendent' Tupac performed a rite on Markeoy Isle in the Ebonshade Enclave. Vaelin was a talented Mana Manipulator who had studied the Astral and Void energies for decades. He was from Markeoy Isle’s northern Clovincaz village, which was famed for its mystics and spiritual leaders.

Vaelin performed the “Convergence of Twilight,” a complicated ritual that combined Hand Weaving, Void Weaving, and an Arcane Ritual from Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s tome collection with droplets of the contaminated waters. This ritual demanded complete concentration as Vaelin attempted to transcend his mortal body and join with the Astral and Void.

Vaelin emerged from the rite as an Arisen Lich-Priest, his physical form permanently transformed. He rose to become a harsh leader among the Arisen of Ebonshade Enclave, using them in his quest for Astral and Void mastery.

421 It was the year Selene 'the Illuminated' Chasca became Lich. Selene was a historian and scholar who was well-versed in Clovincaz history and legend. In Findon, she comes from a distinguished family of professors. Selene’s change at Findon Isle’s Veilstead Refuge included a rite called “Transcendence of Memory.”

This spell blended her knowledge of Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s Arcane Rituals with Void Weaving. She plunged herself in the polluted waters, hoping to transcend human life and access old memories. Selene emerged from the ceremony with a strong link to the past. And the ability to sense the thought patterns of nearby beings.

Among the Arisen of Veilstead Refuge, she became a historian, preserving their memories, and sharing their collective wisdom with the community.

487 Darian 'the Resonant' Pacari performed a Liche ritual that year. Darian was a talented musician and artist with a strong connection to the Astral. He was born on Midgard Isle’s Ethereal Citadel, noted for its seafaring Arisen. As a result, he is one of the few mortals born amidst the Arisen.

Darian went through the “Harmony of Waves” ritual, which was a combination of Hand Weaving, Void Weaving, and an Arcane Ritual. While standing in the polluted waters, he performed a haunting tune on his old lyre, harmonising his soul with the Astral and Void.

Darian’s transformation turned him into a one-of-a-kind Arisen Lich-Priest, capable of channelling Astral and Void energies via his music. He rose through the ranks of the Arisen as a respected poet, creating tales of their eternal life, using his enchanted music to slowly gain control over them.

514 As Lyria 'the Dreamweaver' Epunamun performed a ceremony, another Lich was born. Lyria was a visionary and dreamer from a little Clovincaz hamlet near the centre of Midgard Isle. Her dreams frequently alluded to secret realities in the Astral.

Lyria was transformed through a process known as the “Eclipse of Dreams.” She plunged herself in the poisoned waters using Hand Weaving and an Arcane Ritual from Ghâtaxi Loqmâq’s library. Her dreams were connected with the Astral and Void, leading her to a new life.

Lyria arose as an Arisen Lich-Priest with the unique power to access and influence live people’s dreams. She went on to become a spiritual guide, luring people into her flock, by interpreting their dreams and exploring their secrets through the Astral.

566 Toren 'the Elemental Sage' Huallpa, took up the mantle of ultimate power. Toren was an elemental wizard noted for his ability to channel the raw force of the elements. He was born among the Clovincaz tribe of northern Zapri’s harsh plains.

Toren also performed the “Fusion of Elements” ceremony in Veilstead Refuge on Findon Isle. He stood in the polluted waters, combining Hand Weaving, Void Weaving, and an Arcane Ritual, calling on the elemental energies of fire, water, earth, and air to unite with his being.

Toren emerged as an Arisen Lich-Priest with elemental control. He became a defender of Veilstead Refuge, utilising his elemental mastery to defend it against external dangers and help it survive in the hard desert climate. Yet he succumbed to the ‘Liches Curse, and craved for more knowledge and power as years passed. But with Selene the Illuminated, a Liche since 421, in charge of the place, he knew he had to be careful. So he clouded his thoughts in elemental shields, and planned how he could become master of Liches. And a plan finally emerged in 777, for which he needed the 37686 year old reanimated carcass or Spirit of Ghâtaxi Loqmâq, author of the original ‘Blood of Clovincaz tomes. As the idea had fested, he left smiling on the thoughts on the quest to find Ghâtaxi’s tomb, and didn’t notice Selene watching him as he mounted his steed and rode out.

Skjald Sigurd


1st Alliance

When the idea of a High King ruling all the monarchs and leading The Realm of All Countries was proposed with the goal of bringing peace to all races sparked a complicated and multidimensional reaction among the Clovincaz. Several variables affected their attitude, given their history, culture, and relationships with diverse races:

1. Historical Perspective: Clovincaz has a long history of engagement with, and sometimes conflict with, other races. They had been through partnerships as well as conflicts. Leaders and intellectuals in Clovincaz drew on this history to assess the possible benefits and hazards of a High King.

2. Racial Divisions: Clovincaz has not always enjoyed harmonious ties with all races, including the Fautyr, Ortagui, and others. Concerns were raised regarding how these races would be managed and if they would be treated equitably under unified government.

3. Autonomy and Sovereignty: Clovincaz treasured their autonomy and self-government. The concept of a High King was greeted with opposition from individuals who were hesitant of giving control to a central authority, particularly because it threatened their customary way of life.

4. Peace Potential: On the other side, Clovincaz, who had observed the devastation caused by conflicts and wars, was more inclined to endorse the notion of a High King since it promoted long-term peace and stability.

5. Diplomacy and negotiation: Clovincaz was a competent diplomat and negotiator. They sought to engage in dialogues to ensure that any proposed form of governance took their specific needs, concerns, and cultural values into consideration.

6. Leadership Selection: Clovincaz wondered how the High King would be chosen. They argued for a fair and inclusive procedure that gave representatives of many races, including Clovincaz, a say in the selection.

7. Rights and Autonomy Guarantees: Clovincaz sought guarantees that, under the leadership of a High King, they would preserve certain rights, autonomy over their own affairs, and cultural heritage preservation.

8. Unity and Collaboration: Some Clovincaz unreservedly welcomed the possibility for greater race unity and collaboration, recognising the potential benefits of communal endeavours, commerce, and shared knowledge.

In conclusion, the Clovincaz’s reaction was a mix of cautious optimism and anxiety. Their reaction was determined by the proposal’s specifics, their degree of faith in the Wanderers, and their evaluation of how such a system would affect their way of life and interactions with other races. Dialogue, discussion, and diplomacy were critical in establishing their final position on the concept of a High King. They also joined in.

Skjald Vinotis


The Realm

During the 1st Alliance, a comprehensive procedure was established: the High King would be elected every fourth year from among candidates proposed by all 64 leaders of the 9 Isles. And court decisions would have to follow a big “Law of The Realm.” If no prior verdict had specified a law, the previous years’ verdicts would be reviewed at the Grand Election Fair, and findings would be put into the ‘Law of The Realm. This Law would subsequently be delivered to all of The Realm’s rulers.

Given this framework, the Clovincaz found several parts intriguing while keeping essential factors in mind:

Clovincaz’s Strong Points: Clovincaz praised the democratic element of the election process, in which leaders from their own communities and other races had a role in choosing the High King. Influence in Lawmaking: The chance to participate in legislative conversations and choices allowed Clovincaz to express their concerns, interests, and distinct cultural views, ensuring that their demands were taken into account. Transparency and Accountability: Distributing the ‘Law of the Realm’ to all rulers would promote transparency and accountability by ensuring that the laws were accessible to all and rulers were aware of their duties.

Clovincaz Considerations & Concerns: Autonomy Preservation: Clovincaz remained concerned about the potential impact of unified government on their autonomy. They desired guarantees that their unique way of life and self-government would be respected. Cultural Heritage Protection: Clovincaz culture and customs are essential to their identity. They sought assurances that the High King’s rules and governance would neither degrade or jeopardise their cultural legacy. Representation: Ensuring that Clovincaz leaders had a fair chance to participate in the selection of High King candidates and decision-making was critical to Clovincaz approval of this system. Adaptation to Change: The Clovincaz has a lengthy history and substantial government changes that required time for adaptation. Clovincaz leaders and elders held meetings to better comprehend the ramifications and respond as required.

The Clovincaz was generally supportive, but they were still involved in talks and diplomacy to ensure that their interests were safeguarded under this new structure. They also attempt to build a united Clovincaz position in conversations with other races in order to address their distinct problems in The Realm as a whole.

As Kanziganthir finished reciting the ceromony, he seized the High King’s future crown, and the ‘Sunstone of the Blue Ocean’ was placed in it. Doubts about the soon-to-be Realm began to fade. As a result, when Kanziganthir stood aside and the High King took his place, hundreds of lords, ladies, heroes, grandmasters, princes, dukes, kings, and even emperors began bending the knee. The moment seized every Clovincaz present, alive or Arisen – they bent in homeage as well, uniting all races of The Realm.

Skjald Sejrik


The Great Invasion

1277 The Clovincaz reacted with amazement, indignation, and a strong desire to protect their homes and people in the face of ‘The Great Invasion‘ by seven strange and unknown races who brought chaos, looting, pillaging, and carnage to all areas of the Clovincaz and The Realm.

The Clovincaz quickly mobilised their defences, summoning elite warriors, magicians, and protectors to orchestrate a concerted reaction against the invaders.Clovincaz clans and tribes’ leaders and chieftains appealed for unity and galvanised their people to join together against a shared peril. Clans that had previously fought put aside their differences to meet the invaders.

Clovincaz warriors, noted for their agility and understanding of their terrain, used guerrilla warfare techniques to harass and undermine the invaders, making control of the territories difficult.Cities and strongholds became defensive fortresses. To protect citizens and repel attackers, barriers, traps, and fortified positions were deployed. After maintaining contacts with many species, they dispatched envoys to seek assistance from their allies among the Other species and other Human neighbours in resisting the invaders. But he quickly realised that not only Clovincaz, but the whole Realm, was being invaded.

When the invaders overran specific regions, Clovincaz villages chose to flee and reorganise, maintaining their knowledge, culture, and togetherness in order to continue fighting.Clovincaz wizards and shamans employed psychological warfare, producing illusions or performing mystic rites to terrify or confound the invaders. They prioritised the preservation of sacred places, temples, and relics since they are essential to their cultural identity and spiritual practises.Clovincaz soldiers prepared counterattacks and methods to push the invaders back and recapture their territories as the invaders ravaged and pillaged.

To summarise, the Clovincaz reaction to ‘The Great Invasion’ was marked by a fierce commitment to maintain their territories, culture, and way of life. They used a combination of military tactics, diplomacy, and solidarity to repel the invaders and eventually restore peace and security to their domains.

Skjald El MAry


Cleansing Crusade

1282 When they ultimately defeated the Invaders, some proposed a Cleansing Crusade throughout the whole Realm.Following the victory of the Alliance of The Realm, of which Clovincaz was a part, the notion of a Cleansing Crusade over the whole Realm sparked great debate and consideration among Clovincaz leaders and their villages.

Some Clovincaz leaders prioritised the maintenance of unity among The Realm’s many races and clans.However, in the immediate aftermath of triumph, considerable efforts were necessary to rehabilitate and reconstruct Clovincaz towns, communities, and infrastructure that had been damaged by the invasion. A key focus was ensuring the safety and well-being of their own people.

Because the Clovincaz are accomplished diplomats, they understood the significance of preserving diplomatic connections and alliances with other races, including some who may have been among the invaders. Clovincaz authorities prioritised developing security and defence measures to avoid future incursions while protecting the safety of their territory and people. This entailed reinforcing borders and working with allies to coordinate defence plans.Clovincaz commanders guaranteed that individuals who committed crimes during the invasion faced justice and accountability. Trials and judicial processes were formed and carried out as enemies were apprehended or vanquished.

Skjald Kazumix


Firth Age

1 Scorched Dawn. We’re already witnessing classic Clovincaz mentality, as they race to find and safeguard old and powerful artefacts concealed in their towns or deep within their forests. These artefacts are thought to contain the key to discovering hidden magic or wisdom. Their enigmatic elders are rekindling ancient rivalries and Tribal feuds.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


They are spread throughout the following Isles and Countries

Midgard: Goldar, Shoak, Thayri

Findon: Andalus, Skelop, Trevan, Ugren

They live throughout the Island of Findon, and in dispersed tribes on Markeoy and Midgard. Either as Urbanmen in large towns or as Jungle, Swamp or Walder tribes remote from Wanderer Races such as the Realmar.

Markeoy: Skium

Skjald Kazumix



Their Nobility is still as far from the common people as any other Human subrace. They show allegiance to no one but their tribe’s King or senior members, a relic from when they were a unified Empire.

At their most powerful, the different tribes wore distinctive clothes and headdresses that indicated their ethnic identity and social status. Under the Emperor’s authority, it was unlawful to wear the clothes of an ethnic group other than one’s own, and violating the ban was punishable by death. Although the death penalty was abolished after the autumn, many people still proudly wear their traditional garb. A practise that has risen in popularity since the Great Invasion.

Skjald Ulrich



They have the power to allow their spirits to wander the Astral while in meditation, allowing them to have ‘visions’ that may come true.

Skjald Valgrif


Last Updated on 2024-05-28 by IoM-Christian