Ljost Alfar



From slim to muscular.


Females: 205-215

Males: 210-220


Females: 80-95

Males: 85-110


Females; 4000

Males: 4000


Golden with reddish tint


Black, brown, golden and white 






“Legends tell of Ljost Alfar spinning into existence, with aura colour shining brighter, thicker, and warmer than anyone. Yet they lived aloft and preferred the astral; not even the Great Invasion made them fully interact.”

Skjald Sejrik



Spun and shaped by the divine Vornir, the Ljost Alfar worship their creators and believe in the interconnectivity of all things. They see their lives as interwoven with the astral, and their fates are inextricably bound to the Drakk Alfar. The Ljost Alfar culture is founded on the belief that through the harmonious blend of music, poetry, and art, they can fully connect with the astral mana flow and uncover the reasons behind their linked destinies with the Drakk Alfar.

The Ljost Alfar are a magnificent and mysterious race, with auras that outshine all other beings. Renowned for their stunning ethereal beauty and unsurpassed workmanship, they are a race of creators and intellectuals. They devote their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, art, and craftsmanship. Their creations are masterpieces that rival those of the gods, reflecting their appreciation for beauty, harmony, and the highest quality of craftsmanship. Their communities, often situated in the most breathtaking locations, are marvels of architecture and design.

Their lifespan grants them a distinct perspective on time. They see themselves as guardians of knowledge and beauty, charged with preserving and enhancing the world for eternity. This perspective makes them peaceful and contemplative, rarely rushing into action. Their society is governed by councils of elders and master artisans, who lead through wisdom and skill rather than force or political manoeuvring.

Skjald Vinotis


Dark Ages

The Ljost Alfar were born at the dawn of the dark ages, spun into existence, and formed and fated by the Vornir. The Drakk Alfar, existing in the void outside the astral, were drawn to the brightness of the formation. And it is said that some Drakk Alfar helped the Vornir to such an extent that the alfar fates are now tied together. This is also why the Drakk Alfar of Em Ru Arran knows so much about hand weaving.

Skjald El Mary


As the Ljost Alfar aged and multiplied, they shaped into a race of the most skilled craftsmen, thinkers, poets, and more we have ever witnessed. They were originally spread across the void and astral, as they did not suffer from the astral dissolving as other mortal races do.

Slowly, their numbers grew, and they began to linger at several places, one of which was a great volcanic island floating in the void. Some of these settlements became paradises of pleasure, happiness, thinking, music, poetry, dancing, and much more. Their items and objects became legends as they understood mana, mana threads, truenaming, crafting, and enhancing to a standard rivalling the divine races.

Skjald Sigurd


After hundreds of decades on the now-tamed volcanic island, it turned into a bridge between the void and the astral. They named it Ljostari and on the naming day, the greatest Drakk Alfar druid that ever existed, Uar Knosso Perimax. A master who had managed to prevent mana leaking from the astral to crystalize, and instead turned it into a living bush. Came to their naming ceronomy and gave them a sapling glowing like a Ljost Alfar halo, from his Eternal Bush.

This sapling was placed in a temple of its own, and the Ljostari Alfar created the company ‘Leaves of Life’, to tend it. But, like all other Ljost Alfar, they cared little for the tedious things of our world. Thus, after a while, they asked some humans of the Vular race if they would become garden tenderers—an offer the Vular eagerly accepted.

Tended with care, the sapling grew into a shining bush with a potent, sticky magic balm. As it’s balm turned out to bestow immortality on those touching it, the bush was isolated and became a sacred relic out of mortal reach. Although disbanded, the Vular Gardeners reformed into a worshipping cult. Such was their devotion, that the Ljost Alfar allowed the Vular Gardeners archpriest could enter the temple atrium.

The error of involving mortals in this was a cataclysmic catastrophe brewing, and the continued allowance of Vulars near such potent power, was as all would later come to realise, fatal.. But the tumult of the Wickeryadi Vampire incident, outgrew the mumblings of the scorned cult.

Skjald Sejrik


First Age

Formed to solve the unbalance of things, and with stunning beauty of its own, our world offered much. But, the Ljost Alfar lived away from others of our world; even though they mastered all its secrets, they cared little for manipulating it, even though some possessed the power to do so. Merely happy with existing, they seldom interfered in the troubles or quarrels of the other races.

They just lived at Ljostari, now a great floating island of the world, and several other places of greatness. Still with memories and stories about life in the void, the whim of the divines hit them hard. When the divines march against their vampire half-kin, ending the first age.

Skjald Vinotis


Second Age

Ljostari became fully part of our world in the 1st Cataclysm, while a few other Ljost Alfar places around the void dissolved or were sucked into the astral. The surviving groups spread across what became the Realm, Outlands, Darin, and south of the Rim. They spent the entire second age rebuilding and reshaping their realms.

Skjald Sejrik


Third Age

Then came the Bullheaded God and its worshippers and foes in the form of the Wanderers. Quickly, the bullheaded god began to hunt the vampires, and soon it vanished—assumingly slain!

It was its followers—the reappearing Vular—who would make a lasting impact on Ljost Alfar and everything else. Indeed, the wanderers, and especially the Vulars, clawed into the Ljost Alfar societies as if they held a grudge. Eventually, they released the Vular War, and, surprising enough, matched and bested the Ljost Alfar.

Skjald Ulrich


Fourth Age

Ljostari sank, and Mt. Ljostia turned into Mt. Vula, a full-scale tunnel between void and astral. An equal amount of Ljost Alfar, Vular, and several other races died in the war and disaster. It was a great loss for us all, and Ljost Alfar now only resides in a few places on each island, if at all.

Just imagine all the lore, items, and artefacts. Oh! and foods and drinks that are lost. Man, I’m dry from the thought. Let’s order some foamy ale.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


It was a hard blow to the Ljost Alfar, not only losing to the Godly supported Vular, but also seeing their cradle sink and erupt. Their origins were mostly gone; the rest turned into a tunnel of rampaging energies, on which stood their former capital, now a ghostly town.

All the surviving Ljost Alfar spread to the four major and eight runner-up communities. Some even took refuge at the smaller settlements or at the Astral. Several large chunks of their history are gone; they spent the next millennia recreating most of it. Thus, it was not until the 1st Alliance before they were seen walking the roads again. This time though, seemingly a tad more grim and determined.

But when they rested, they shared a grin, smile, gesture, or song. Oh, then it was like flower-strewn meadows, fresh honey, berries, wine, and roasted meat. Hold it there; let’s have a plate, shall we?

Skjald Yell’a’beard


It must have been because of that High King's vision; why else would they come forth again, even supporting that 'oak'. Well, it could also have been due to Kanziganthir's knowledge or Pilgrim's skills. Both matched that king in their own ways.

But why they didn’t act at once against the Great Invasion, we cannot figure out. We are certain they could have turned the tide earlier, but maybe it was their ‘balance’ thing preventing them from joining. Not until the Battle of Weeping Plains did they emerge and plough through foes of the Realm.

Skjald Vinotis



They are spread throughout the world in self-governed communities. The four most legendary are: Staria Dune Maze, Pinola Peak, Ljoendale, and Gutnabûrg.

The eight runner-ups are: Kamvadal, Djup Djapa, High Holl, Nazragaz, Kilmaq Klepi, Xana Zuaq, Tromadal, and Pikklehaz Heights.

Each with its own unique architecture, skilled artisans, capable leaders, strong military forces, and the most interesting libraries.

And finally, several dozen smaller, more isolated settlements throughout the entire world.

Skjald Ulrich



They were spread throughout the astral and void in self-governed communities centred around some major families; they still have that structure, but each with their own King and Queen having the final say in any matters even slightly connected to them.

Here I highlight the four couples that lead their major realms, the eight runners-up, and several more outstanding Ljost Alfars. Note that all male names finish in -is, whereas all female names end in -as.

Staria Dune Maze: Varitangis Preshorn and Sariandias Liaydark, Pinola Peak: Ilphasis Liarical and Viessoas Quithana, Ljoendale: Ninthaloris Bifaren and Estalias Miasys, and Gutnabûrg: Eriladarois Elstina and Tinesias Fenro.

Kamvadal: Llewelais Reyfir and Alagossas Zindi, Djup Djapa: Ualiareis Mornelis and Artineas Sylhorn, High Holl: Rathalois Vennorin and Seldannas Norcan, Nazragaz: Biafyndaruis Farthana and Sionimas Zumyra, Kilmaq Klepi: Uevaretheis Oripetor and Elisenas Wysaxina, Xana Zuaq: Kendelois Chaekian and Ciradylas Ulaphine, Tromadal: Alaionuis Thegella and Dessielleas Eilvyre, and Pikklehaz Heights: Lathlaerillis Wynfaren and Lamirylas Zylxina.

The Lifeleaves-body Darfingis Torrona and Shalaevaras Qirieth are the ‘Leaves of Life’ company’s current leaders.

The Library-body are Nindrolmis Glynrona and Fayethimas Ulasandoral, the ‘Kollakullalla Library overseers.

The Path-body are Ievismis Daesatra and Haerakas Sylbanise, the magic paths alteration overseers.

The Balance-body are Zaosdis Ravahice and Tephyseas Vanamal, who are the cratfing overseers.

The Enhancer-body are Tolithsis Ensalor and Kethryllias Qiyarus, the enhancing overseers.

The Astravel-body are Wistaritis Genloar and Syvistas Quitumal, the astravel site overseers.

The Highking-body were Iolastis Keldove and Tarasynoras Orilee, who lived a while at Grimsborg.

Agiaskis Aeontris is a young male warrior displaying great combat skills at the Battle of Weeping Plains.

Darunias Helekian is a young female ranger who displayed outstanding leadership talent during the Cleansing Crusade.

You might have noticed that I mentioned most Ljost Alfar couples as ‘a body’. It’s simply because doing things as a pair is part of their culture.

Skjald El Mary



Like their Drakk Alfar cousins, they wither away when they are around 4000 years old. Making them among the longest living of mortals.

Skjald Valgrif


Last Updated on 2024-10-08 by IoM-Christian